
In the chaotic times at the end of the Sui Dynasty, how did Li Yuan make up his mind to oppose the Sui? It is only because this man persuasive

author:History of Wenxu

In the last years of the Sui Dynasty, because of the tyrannical expropriation of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, the people were struggling to make a living, and the peasants in various places revolted. At that time, Li Yuan, as the Duke of Tang in the Sui Dynasty, was also ready to move, and he had the idea of raising troops to fight for the world, but he had always been timid and did not make up his mind completely. Later, under the persuasion of one person, Li Yuan finally rose up against the Sui.

In the chaotic times at the end of the Sui Dynasty, how did Li Yuan make up his mind to oppose the Sui? It is only because this man persuasive

Li Yuan was the general of the Zhu State of the Sui Dynasty, and his mother was the sister-in-law of Emperor Wen of Sui, so he won the trust of Emperor Wen of Sui and was named the Duke of Tang Guogong, and was a real relative of the Sui Dynasty.

After Emperor Yang of Sui succeeded to the throne, Li Yuan was suspicious, stayed away from the central government, and was transferred to Taiyuan to serve as the Taiyuan guard. At first, he had no anti-Sui thoughts, but as time passed, uprisings continued throughout the country, and the rule of the Sui Dynasty was shaky, Li Yuan had the ambition to seize the world. At that time, Li Shimin, who was Li Yuan's second son, thought that this was a good time to start an incident.

Although Li Yuan has anti-Sui thoughts, his character is quite indecisive and has never made up his mind completely. Li Shimin saw that he was anxious in his heart, he didn't want his family to become the funeral objects of the Great Sui Dynasty, so he found Liu Wenjing and asked him for countermeasures, how to help Li Yuan make up his mind completely.

In the chaotic times at the end of the Sui Dynasty, how did Li Yuan make up his mind to oppose the Sui? It is only because this man persuasive

At that time, Liu Wenjing was imprisoned by Li Yuan because of his close relationship with Wagangzhai, but he was very strategic and deeply valued by Li Shimin. Therefore, Li Shimin personally went to the prison to ask Liu Wenjing for advice.

Liu Wenjing also agreed very much with the matter of raising troops, and he also roughly guessed what Li Yuan was worried about. Therefore, Li Shimin was given three suggestions:

First, if you want to rebel, you can't make a big splash, you must do it in secret, and in the end it will come naturally;

Second, the rebellion needs soldiers and horses, although Li Yuan has an army in his hands, but the number is not enough, he should take advantage of this time to recruit more soldiers and horses, so that he can conquer Chang'an in one fell swoop;

Third, it is necessary to win the hearts and minds of the people. Nowadays, although there are thieves everywhere, these people can't become a climate at all, and they should be screened from these people and absorb the talents inside, so that the future of the country can be the Li family.

In the chaotic times at the end of the Sui Dynasty, how did Li Yuan make up his mind to oppose the Sui? It is only because this man persuasive

As for how to persuade Li Yuan, Liu Wenjing also gave her own opinion, that is, to ask Li Yuan's most trusted person, that is, Pei Lian, to come out.

Although Li Shimin is Li Yuan's second son, he helps him give advice on weekdays, but Li Yuan knows that this son is full of ambition and is quite inconsistent with his steady style, so Li Yuan will not listen to Li Shimin in the major matter of opposing Sui. But if Pei Lin comes out, it will be different.

How much is Pei Lin trusted by Li Yuan? Pei Lin and Li Yuan were officials in the same dynasty, both of them were transferred to Taiyuan to serve, and the relationship was very good, and they often stayed up all night drinking and playing chess together, so Pei Lin knew Li Yuan very well.

In the chaotic times at the end of the Sui Dynasty, how did Li Yuan make up his mind to oppose the Sui? It is only because this man persuasive

After Pei Lin learned of Li Shimin's idea, he also recognized it very much, he always wanted to go further in the official position, as long as Li Yuan was put on the throne, he would be able to have a dragon merit, and his status would definitely be very high. Therefore, he designed to force Li Yuan to oppose Sui.

Pei Lin invited Li Yuan to drink as usual, and when Li Yuan was drunk and hazy, Pei Lin invited two beauties to accompany Li Yuan. At this time, Li Yuan was already drunk and unconscious, where did he care what the identities of the two women were, when the incident happened, he found out that these two women were the concubines of Emperor Yang of Sui in Jinyang Palace, which made Li Yuan frightened into a cold sweat. In the end, under Pei Lian's persuasion, he decided to raise troops against Sui.