
In the 120-minute confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, more than 10 Japanese ships broke through and collided with a Chinese coast guard ship only 1 meter

author:Geography Three-Body Theory

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Written by: Geography Three-Body Theory

Editor: Geography Three-Body Theory

Relations in the South China Sea are becoming increasingly tense, and no one could have imagined that this time the Philippines would be very tough and swear to "lai" on Ren'ai Jiao.

Even if there is a fierce confrontation with us, he still does not leave.

In the 120-minute confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, more than 10 Japanese ships broke through and collided with a Chinese coast guard ship only 1 meter

At that time, a confrontation between China and Japan lasted for more than two hours, and the closest vessel on both sides was only 1 meter at the time of the confrontation.

Why did Japan send troops to the Diaoyu Islands after the confrontation between the Chinese coast guard and the Philippines on June 20?

Is it to help the Philippines share the firepower? Or is there someone behind you?

The Philippines blames China

On June 17, 2024, the China Coast Guard prevented Philippine vessels from resupplying the Sierra Madre after the Philippines flagrantly violated an agreement with China.

In the 120-minute confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, more than 10 Japanese ships broke through and collided with a Chinese coast guard ship only 1 meter

Previously, we had lowered our requirements to allow the Philippines to resupply the warship stranded on Ren'ai Jiao, but the Philippines did not "thank Dade" for this, but repeatedly challenged our bottom line and resupplied the "Sierra Madre" with building materials.

This move means that the Philippines does not intend to withdraw from Ren'ai Jiao and wants to take root in Ren'ai Jiao for a long time, which violates the agreement between China and the Philippines, and at the same time, the Philippines has also touched the red line of the mainland.

In the 120-minute confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, more than 10 Japanese ships broke through and collided with a Chinese coast guard ship only 1 meter

After learning that the Philippines was secretly transporting building materials to the "Sierra Madre," China decided that the Philippines must be severely punished this time, and that it must not be allowed to continue to act recklessly.

Therefore, the Chinese coast guard set up a maritime defense line near Ren'ai Jiao, and the Philippine ship tried many times, but failed to break through the Chinese coast guard line, and the Philippines made a move to ram the Chinese coast guard ship in a hurry.

In the 120-minute confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, more than 10 Japanese ships broke through and collided with a Chinese coast guard ship only 1 meter

In this regard, the crew of the Chinese Coast Guard, holding a "selfie stick", shouted to the Philippine crew in a domineering manner: "Ren'ai Jiao is the scope of China's territorial waters, do not violate China's territorial waters again, please go back immediately." ”

Seeing the posture of the Chinese coast guard "fighting for their lives", the Philippine crew suddenly lost their confidence, obediently accepted the inspection of the Chinese coast guard, handed over all their weapons, and finally withdrew from China's territorial waters.

However, after this incident, the United States, Japan, and South Korea came out one after another to accuse China of being tough and siding with the Philippines.

In the 120-minute confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, more than 10 Japanese ships broke through and collided with a Chinese coast guard ship only 1 meter

The Philippines is trying to "smear" China and rely on external forces to exert pressure on China.

This time, China has also demonstrated to the world its determination and ability to safeguard its territorial sovereignty, not only by imposing sanctions on the Philippines, but also by warning other countries, but Japan is very unaware of this.

Japan raids the Diaoyu Islands

In the 120-minute confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, more than 10 Japanese ships broke through and collided with a Chinese coast guard ship only 1 meter

On June 20, Japan sent more than 10 ships to the Diaoyu Islands, including four fishing boats, including the "Ebisu" and "Tsurumaru", and all the rest were patrol ships trying to approach the Diaoyu Islands.

After the Sino-Japanese War in 1894, the Diaoyu Islands were occupied by Japan.

At that time, Japan claimed hegemony over the Diaoyu Islands and established military bases in an attempt to illegally occupy the Diaoyu Islands in perpetuity.

In the 120-minute confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, more than 10 Japanese ships broke through and collided with a Chinese coast guard ship only 1 meter

But as China's navy grew stronger, it gradually drove Japan out of the Diaoyu Islands, and the Diaoyu Islands returned to our "embrace".

However, Japan has always been unwilling to let the Diaoyu Islands be taken away by China, and they will come to make trouble every once in a while.

In the 120-minute confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, more than 10 Japanese ships broke through and collided with a Chinese coast guard ship only 1 meter

In fact, every farce is more like going through the motions, Japan goes around the Diaoyu Islands a few times, and the Chinese navy appears and leaves, like a "child" playing at home.

However, this time Japan did not go to the Diaoyu Islands on a whim, and the "Tsurumaru" was already a "frequent visitor" of the Diaoyu Islands, so it was obvious that Japan came prepared this time.

According to the China Sea Alert, Japan operated near the Diaoyu Islands from June 20 to 24, a very rare action in the situation on the Diaoyu Islands.

In the 120-minute confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, more than 10 Japanese ships broke through and collided with a Chinese coast guard ship only 1 meter

Japan's approach this time is similar to that of the Philippines, both of which are trying to break through the Chinese coast guard and illegally land on the island.

Of course, Japan has been treated in the same way as the Philippines.

Although Japan dispatched more than 10 ships this time, it has a numerical advantage and can engage in a 120-minute struggle with the Chinese Coast Guard.

However, the tonnage of China's coast guard ships is large, and even though the Japanese ships have an advantage in numbers, they have not taken advantage of the slightest advantage, but have suffered a loss.

According to the previous Japan, it was supposed to return to Japan with the tail between its legs, but this time it was not looking for an opportunity to continue to land on the island.

In the 120-minute confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, more than 10 Japanese ships broke through and collided with a Chinese coast guard ship only 1 meter

The Chinese Coast Guard has formed an impregnable maritime defense line in the waters near the Diaoyu Islands, and it is impossible for Japan to enter the waters of the Diaoyu Islands head-on.

Japan is also aware of this, so it carried out a "serpentine position" at sea in an attempt to confuse the mainland coast guard and made a detour to the island.

However, the mainland coast guard has been dealing with Japan for many years, so how could it be that it did not know Japan's thoughts, and soon Japan's attempt was discovered by the mainland coast guard.

This made Japan embarrassed and angry, and since it was not possible to "outwit", there was only a "forcible attack".

According to media reports, when the Japanese ships rushed over, the mainland coast guard ships did not move, which made Japan lose its confidence.

In the 120-minute confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, more than 10 Japanese ships broke through and collided with a Chinese coast guard ship only 1 meter

The Japanese vessel hit the brakes in time when it was 1 meter away from the mainland coast guard vessel.

Can Japan not "coax" it, because the tonnage and materials of Japanese ships are incomparable with those of the Chinese coast guard ships on the mainland, and if they really want to collide with Japanese ships, they will definitely fall apart.

And the Chinese coast guard ships will be damaged a little bit.

The Chinese coast guard ships did not give an inch, and the Japanese ships had no choice but to leave under the eviction of the Chinese coast guard ships.


Many voices from the outside world have speculated that Japan's attempt to land on the Diaoyu Islands was the mastermind of the United States.

In the 120-minute confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, more than 10 Japanese ships broke through and collided with a Chinese coast guard ship only 1 meter

The U.S. move is to allow Japan to distract China's maritime law enforcement forces and ease pressure on the Philippines, while Japan's intervention can also accelerate the escalation of the South China Sea posture and "discredit" China.

However, Japan, as the "pawn" of the United States, has ignored two problems: First, the United States, as a big brother, has always said that it will always cover Japan, the Philippines, South Korea, and other countries, but when it really encounters problems, the first person to run is the "big brother."

The Philippines originally thought that with the support of the US aircraft carrier this time, it could send supplies to Ren'ai Jiao without fear, but before the Chinese coast guard could take action, the US aircraft carrier itself "slipped" first.

Second, the new regulations of the Chinese coast guard have officially come into effect, and the strength of the Chinese coast guard has long been different from what it used to be, whether it is Japan, the Philippines or the United States, they have to weigh and weigh the trouble in China's waters.

In the 120-minute confrontation at the Diaoyu Islands, more than 10 Japanese ships broke through and collided with a Chinese coast guard ship only 1 meter

Therefore, Japan's trip to the Diaoyu Islands to "make trouble" this time was in vain, and it did not make any waves except for leaving a reputation as a "clown" in the world.

Judging from the two incidents in the Philippines and Japan, the mainland has the ability to protect its territory and to drive away or attack the intruders.

Today's Japan and the Philippines are vivid examples, and if any country makes a big fuss about the territorial issue of the mainland, it is tantamount to "playing with fire and immolating itself." #长文创作激励计划#


China News Network - The Chinese Coast Guard drove away Japanese vessels that illegally entered the territorial waters of China's Diaoyu Islands in accordance with the law

Global Network-Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The responsibility for the "Ren'ai Jiao incident" lies entirely with the Philippine side, and it resolutely opposes the Philippine side's attempt to occupy Ren'ai Jiao

CCTV - Who is behind the Ren'ai Jiao incident?

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