
Lianshui waded into Jiang Ping's ambiguous reply, pulling out ten questions, and there is no room for grassroots counterattacks in reality

author:The exclamation point of history

I pay attention to Jiang Ping because my daughter is the same age as Jiang Ping.

It was also taken in the same year, and the results of the high school entrance examination were about the same. After Jiang Ping's news came out, the most common thing I said to my daughter was: "Look at peers who have the same experience as you!" ”

In my heart, I hope that Jiang Ping can succeed, and I hope that she can become a positive role model for this group of young people.

But from the very beginning of this incident, it was full of doubts, and with the announcement on June 28, "whether Jiang Ping has been illegally detained, and whether his personal freedom is currently restricted", the whole thing has been pushed to a new cusp.

The reply given by the official website of the People's Government of Lianshui County, Jiangsu Province "Lianshui County-Leadership Mailbox" is: "We have received the problems you have reported, and we are currently investigating and handling them, and we will inform you of the handling situation in a timely manner."

I found a very amazing thing, that is, to leave a message to this mailbox, and the reply that appeared was this sentence: "We have received the problem you reflected, and we are currently investigating and handling, and we will inform you of the handling situation in time in the future."

Let's look at the picture below, about asking about the school district room, the reply is exactly the same as the question involving Jiang Ping that flowed out on the Internet, you ask him any question, it is out of this answer, what can it prove?

Lianshui waded into Jiang Ping's ambiguous reply, pulling out ten questions, and there is no room for grassroots counterattacks in reality

So I have the following ten questions about the whole thing:

(1), the official reply involving Jiang Ping, whether it is a serious reply or a mechanical reply, because the information disclosed on the 28th suddenly has a lot of inquiries or complaints involving Jiang Ping, and some questions seem to be a trap no matter how you reply, and now these problems can no longer be found.

(2), at the end of the article "The Day Jiang Ping Disappeared from Secondary School", he wrote: "Jiang Yuhua asked the village cadres, how can I lock up my daughter? The village cadres were also aggrieved, "The child is under too much pressure, and it is right to protect her." "This question and answer is originally very normal, why did it evolve into "Jiang Ping has been illegally detained and restricted in personal freedom?" I can only say that the person who asks has bad intentions, and the person who answers is so-so!

Lianshui waded into Jiang Ping's ambiguous reply, pulling out ten questions, and there is no room for grassroots counterattacks in reality

(3), the preliminary round is an open-book exam, how to cheat. Open-book exams are all about finding the right answers with all the methods around you, including but not limited to, finding reference books, communicating with people, and even being open to AI. No matter what method Jiang Ping's preliminary competition used, the answers were in line with the requirements of the math competition, and the Damo Academy did not care about the process as long as the result was achieved.

(4), at the beginning, it was uploaded on the Internet, and the Damo Academy sent someone to the school to verify whether Jiang Ping had the ability to answer the questions, and the official statement of the Damo Academy was that Jiang Ping was not allowed to answer the questions again. But whether there is some necessary work for Jiang Ping, the Damo Academy did not make it clear.

(5), assuming that there is really a group of people behind the hype of the Jiang Ping incident, is there also a group of people behind the black Jiang Ping? What is the starting point and purpose of these people, is it really just that they can't see others?

Lianshui waded into Jiang Ping's ambiguous reply, pulling out ten questions, and there is no room for grassroots counterattacks in reality

(6), the Lianshui Education and Sports Bureau replied that Jiang Ping's monthly exam score of 83 points was true, and the computer borrowed in the preliminaries was also borrowed. What does this mean? In the article "Secondary School Students", Jiang Ping's classmates confirmed that she was already studying "Advanced Mathematics", "Partial Differential Equations", and "Mathematical Analysis". You find a student in a technical secondary school or general high school who only has the ability to score 83 points, and ask him to read these three books to see if he can read them clearly. Mathematics is a subject that you can't copy the answers if you can't copy them.

(7), where did Jiang Ping go, what is the purpose of government exchanges, does Jiang Ping have a public position, and where does she go to study, do you need to report to anyone. My family is poor, so I can't go out to work during the summer vacation.

(8), so many academic frauds and paper frauds, why do you keep an eye on Jiang Ping. Destroying her will bring you what it will bring you, what it will satisfy you.

Lianshui waded into Jiang Ping's ambiguous reply, pulling out ten questions, and there is no room for grassroots counterattacks in reality

(9), no matter what things will turn out in the end, I believe that the truth will be revealed to the world one day, so many doubts on the Internet, clamoring for Jiang Ping to come out and take two steps to prove it, what do others owe you?

(10), at the beginning, the online high school entrance examination ruined a genius, but now looking back, the underworld forces on the Internet are even more terrifying, enough to destroy everything.

One final point.

If there are questions that you can't answer, or that don't belong to you, don't answer them?

Don't cling to the dogmatism of answering all questions, and some painless answers will be distorted, hyped and harmful by some people with ulterior motives!!