
The previous generation is incapable, in exchange for the next generation to be displaced, what happened to those children who were shunted in the high school entrance examination

author:The exclamation point of history

The diversion of the high school entrance examination is one thing that makes many parents itch.

In many places, less than half of junior high school graduates go to public high schools, and only three or four out of ten students go to public high schools.

The rest either spend a lot of money to go to a private high school, or go to a middle job, or go to the society, squat in the house or start their social life from odd jobs.

Today I will tell you three stories to see what seventeen or eighteen-year-olds who are not in high school are doing.

The previous generation is incapable, in exchange for the next generation to be displaced, what happened to those children who were shunted in the high school entrance examination

(1), I worked as an intern in a bubble tea shop, 300 yuan a month.

My child was not admitted to a public high school, so he went to study as a kindergarten teacher, but after two years of study, the child found that he did not like this profession and felt that he had no future as a kindergarten teacher in the future.

The child did not choose to take the college entrance examination, but chose a single move, and she made her own decisions about the single move, preparing to continue to study in a junior college later.

Now the child has found a job outside, and he says that it will be an internship.

First, the job I found was a little more wage, and I wanted to work hard to replace the mobile phone that her parents eliminated for her.

Second, you can better experience life. Know what the outside world is really like.

The child has been working in that bubble tea shop for a week, I couldn't help but secretly go to see her, 17-year-old child, still small, I secretly hid behind the pillar of the mall, through the window to see her greeting customers for a while, and shaking the milk tea cup for a while, looking busy.

There is a good saying, children are children in front of their parents, and they are themselves when they leave their parents.

At that moment, I was both heartbroken and a little relieved.

It hurts to know that children need to face life on their own so early.

Thankfully, seeing what she looks like today, I know and am sure that she will be able to support herself in the future, even if she leaves her parents.

The previous generation is incapable, in exchange for the next generation to be displaced, what happened to those children who were shunted in the high school entrance examination

(2), after graduating from junior high school, I went to the place where I set up a stall and found a part-time job baking gluten.

My child has known since elementary school that he is not a student to read, and when I reach junior high school, I can't hold my head at every parent-teacher conference, and at the bottom of the list, my child is always on the list that needs to be improved.

The total score of the high school entrance examination was 200 points, and this score could not even go to a serious secondary vocational school, and both of us worked in the factory, and we had no ability to continue to send him to a private school, because there was a small one at home who was in junior high school.

After the high school entrance examination, the child came to the place where our husband and wife worked, played in the rental house for two days, and then went to the night market to find a job to do and help people bake gluten, and the boss gave him 50 yuan a night.

One night without working overtime, I sneaked in to see him.

The child was thin, dressed in loose clothes, and his hands were constantly turning gluten on the oven, looking like a child laborer.

His boss was chubby, standing beside him and watching him work, and the two were in stark contrast.

I felt very uncomfortable at the time, this was the first time a child had come out to work.

After watching him for about ten minutes, the child noticed me. Excitedly shouted to me to go over and sit. His boss was also very welcoming when he saw me and invited me to eat grilled gluten.

The boss said that the child is very smart and learns quickly, and the stall on this side will be handed over to him in the future, and he will be given a commission in the future. Seeing this, the discomfort in my heart also dissipated.

Children always have to go out into society, and the process of honing is also a process of finding their own value.

The previous generation is incapable, in exchange for the next generation to be displaced, what happened to those children who were shunted in the high school entrance examination

(3) Now the hospital internship, not only is there no salary, but also the internship fee has to be paid to the hospital.

My uncle's daughter was admitted to a high school and didn't go to it, because even if she was in the top ten in her grade, she might not be able to get into the undergraduate program, and it would be a waste of time to study.

Later, when I was studying in Hengyang, she told me a few days ago that she had also come to Guangzhou, and now she is interning in a hospital with her classmates.

What surprised me a little was that my cousin said that they had no salary for their internship in the hospital, and they had to rent a house by themselves, and they had to take care of their own food expenses, and they had to pay the internship management fee to the hospital.

Interning in a hospital is also about helping doctors do some things, and if there is no salary because they are studying, it is really a bit too much to pay an internship management fee.

Secondary vocational students, in the eyes of most people, are not very good, willing to accept you for internship, is to give you face, are you embarrassed to talk about salary?

I heard that in the future, medical staff will not want secondary vocational students, and my cousin should have been promoted to junior college, so I didn't ask in detail.

The previous generation is incapable, in exchange for the next generation to be displaced, what happened to those children who were shunted in the high school entrance examination


There is a saying that all roads lead to Rome, but in fact, why do people have to go to Rome?

It is gratifying to be admitted to high school and university, but in today's rapidly depreciating academic qualifications, it may just be a painful time to move back a few years.

Children always have to grow up, and they always have to face life alone, which parent can manage their children for a lifetime.

In the end, I found that the vast majority of us are ordinary people all our lives, and having a job and a good life is actually the best destination for most people.

The previous generation is incapable, in exchange for the next generation to be displaced, what happened to those children who were shunted in the high school entrance examination


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