
Strange "wake up" duty schedule

author:Xiangying Humanities

Strange "wake up" duty schedule

Strange "wake up" duty schedule

Today, I saw two "wake-up duty schedules" posted in the name of the trade union of Dejiang No. 1 Middle School and the local township health center in Dejiang County, Tongren, Guizhou Province, which were circulated on the Internet, which were too conspicuous and became strange.

The general wake-up is the filial piety of the family, since ancient times, it is also a good custom of filial piety culture, the wake-up of relatives can not only be understood, but also a cultural inheritance, some places are stronger, some places are enlightened, but the meaning of remembrance has not changed.

In addition to the above-mentioned close relatives, there are two special cases of the wake of the spirit: one is the important person who is related to oneself, such as comrades-in-arms and close friends, etc., who voluntarily take the initiative to express deep nostalgia; The other is that public figures, such as heroes, leaders, etc., act out of respect and admiration, organizational or individual behavior, but they can be included in the voluntary process.

Strange "wake up" duty schedule

And today's public posting of the "wake-up duty schedule" in the name of the two departments on the Internet is really a long-lived thing, I have heard of emergency duty, holiday duty, and the wake-up duty in the name of the organization, it is really the first time I have encountered it. It can be seen that the world is really wonderful, I don't know if I don't look at it, what kind of behavior does this belong to? Is it true or false?

According to local feedback on the Internet, it is believed that this is a local custom. There is nothing wrong with customs, but the problem is that they are too conspicuous compared to many customs in many places. For example, there are all kinds of money in various places, although they are reluctant, but they have to do it for the sake of the common people, and the wake, as a custom, and become an organizational act is too special, and it becomes strange.

Strange "wake up" duty schedule

In the feedback, it is believed that this is out of the trade union's concern for employees, reflecting the care of the organization and the warmth of the organization. If it's true, the motivation is good, but the form and content are out of line. Because organizational behavior is a coercive and binding mode of behavior, it cannot be violated whether the people in the organization want to or not, whether there is a reason or not.

Such an organizational arrangement can also be justified if the deceased person has a specific status as a celebrity or public respect. It is said that the father of a teacher at the school who passed away. It may be that many people on duty do not know each other and have never met, but they are forced to be on duty, which goes against the subjective will of the individual, which makes people feel strange, and it naturally becomes an Internet celebrity incident.

Strange "wake up" duty schedule

In terms of customs, if a place is like this and insists on it, it means that there are some problems in the local modern civilization, and the way of behavior is worthy of serious consideration. In today's open and civilized society, advocating the era of freedom and democracy, making regulations that do not conform to one's wishes, pretending to be customs or showing concern, is a kind of out-of-the-ordinary creation, irrational stubbornness, and distorted human care, which is very different from pragmatism and real care.

From the teleological point of view, what is the purpose of the people who care about the introduction of this absolute work? If it is a local big man with a stake, it is inevitably a compliment, who benefits? It's worth digging into. If you only care about the personal behavior of employees, leaders or some power personnel, who has given so much power and can organize and implement it, and doing things for the people is a good thing that everyone praises and agrees with? Practice gives a real answer.

Strange "wake up" duty schedule

Although we have now entered a new era, we can still see such a strange phenomenon, which is really eye-opening, and it seems that the local government and relevant departments will have to be lively in the near future, and the aftermath will also become a news melon sent to the door for people to taste.