
After Lin Huiyin's death, Liang Sicheng married Lin Zhu, who was 27 years younger, and left 8 words for his wife before he died

author:There is no wind, but I think of V

In the history of modern Chinese architecture, the legendary story of Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin is undoubtedly one of the most moving chapters. However, few people know that after Lin Huiyin's death, Liang Sicheng's love life did not stop because of this.

After Lin Huiyin's death, Liang Sicheng married Lin Zhu, who was 27 years younger, and left 8 words for his wife before he died

Soon after, Liang Sicheng became acquainted with Lin Zhu, who was 27 years younger than him, and started another affectionate life journey. This emotional history is not only full of joy and sorrow, but also at the last moment, Lin Zhu left a last word, which is only 8 words but very profound, and has become the source of emotion and thinking for countless descendants.

After Lin Huiyin's death, Liang Sicheng married Lin Zhu, who was 27 years younger, and left 8 words for his wife before he died

Lin Huiyin died in 1955, and her departure brought a huge blow to Liang Sicheng, and his life fell into a long period of grief and loneliness.

In order to get out of the shadow of losing his wife, Liang Sicheng put all his energy into his work. Together with his assistants, he continued his research work on ancient Chinese architecture.

Just when he thought that the rest of his life would quietly grow old in his memories, Lin so came into his life. Lin Zhu, who was still a young architecture student at the time, deeply admired Liang Sicheng's talent and charisma.

After Lin Huiyin's death, Liang Sicheng married Lin Zhu, who was 27 years younger, and left 8 words for his wife before he died

The relationship between the two began with a teacher-student relationship. Lin Zhu's care for Liang gradually went beyond the scope of academics, and she played an extremely important role in Liang's later life. Although the age gap between them makes the outside world inevitably whisper, Lin Su's sincere feelings and meticulous care for Liang gradually dispelled all doubts.

In 1962, as Liang Sicheng's emotions gradually stabilized, he decided to enter the palace of marriage with Lin Zhu.

After Lin Huiyin's death, Liang Sicheng married Lin Zhu, who was 27 years younger, and left 8 words for his wife before he died

Liang Sicheng's friends are not optimistic about this marriage, they think that Lin Zhu is young and ambitious, and marrying Liang Sicheng may be just for fame and fortune. But Liang Sicheng doesn't care about these gossip, he firmly believes in Lin Zhu's sincerity, and the married life of the two also proves that his choice is correct. Lin Zhu not only played a solid backing in Liang's later life, but also showed rare strength and loyalty when Liang Sicheng was hit by political turmoil.

After Lin Huiyin's death, Liang Sicheng married Lin Zhu, who was 27 years younger, and left 8 words for his wife before he died

After marriage, Lin Zhu took care of Liang Sicheng wholeheartedly, and gave him great support both in life and spiritually. In that turbulent era, Liang Sicheng was inevitably shocked, and was even imprisoned for a time. During these difficult years, Lin Zhu always stood firmly by her husband's side and never gave up.

In the early 1970s, when a wave of revolution swept across the country, Liang Sicheng was shocked by his past background, and was forced to retire and face great psychological pressure. During these difficult years, Lin so was Liang's only consolation.

After Lin Huiyin's death, Liang Sicheng married Lin Zhu, who was 27 years younger, and left 8 words for his wife before he died

In the face of doubts and pressure from the outside world, Lin so showed amazing courage and determination. She rejected the voices that asked her to "draw a line" with Liang Sicheng, and firmly said: "I'd rather die than be with my husband!" In order to save her husband, Lim so ran around and did everything she could to find help, and her efforts eventually paid off.

After Lin Huiyin's death, Liang Sicheng married Lin Zhu, who was 27 years younger, and left 8 words for his wife before he died

She not only gave Liang great support in daily life, but also never gave up when Liang Sicheng was mentally tortured, and even ran around for Liang politically to find a solution.

Until 1972, when Liang Sicheng was seriously ill in bed and was dying, he held Lin Zhu's hand tightly and left that moving last words: "Over the years, I have wronged you so much." ”

After Lin Huiyin's death, Liang Sicheng married Lin Zhu, who was 27 years younger, and left 8 words for his wife before he died

These eight words condense Liang's gratitude and apology for Lin Zhu's years of hard work, and also reflect his deep love and respect for his wife. When Lin Zhu heard this, his tears were like beads with broken threads, and he fainted from crying.

After Liang Sicheng's death, Lin Zhu did not choose to leave the architectural profession, but devoted herself more actively to the academic work left by her husband. She not only collated and published Liang Sicheng's academic manuscripts, but also actively participated in various academic seminars, committed to maintaining Liang's academic influence.

After Lin Huiyin's death, Liang Sicheng married Lin Zhu, who was 27 years younger, and left 8 words for his wife before he died

Lin Su used his actions to prove that true love can cross the age gap. Lin Zhu's actions undoubtedly prove that she is not only dependent on Liang Sicheng in life, but also a spiritual partner, and her love for Liang Sicheng has long surpassed fame and fortune.

At the beginning of the new century, Lin Zhu gradually faded out of public view and began to enjoy his old age. Although her life is peaceful, her deep affection for her husband still touches countless people. The story of Lim so and Liang Sicheng has become a symbol of love, loyalty and perseverance, inspiring generations to understand those emotions that have become stronger in the face of storms.

After Lin Huiyin's death, Liang Sicheng married Lin Zhu, who was 27 years younger, and left 8 words for his wife before he died