
The old man said: Borrow money while standing, ask for debts on your knees, don't pity anyone, don't borrow, don't help

author:Pregnancy Academy

The old man often said: "Borrow money while standing, ask for debts on your knees, don't pity anyone, don't borrow, don't help, don't sympathize." This ancient word of wisdom reveals the deep reality and brutal truth hidden in human relationships. Although this may sound cold and heartless, it contains a profound philosophy of life.

The old man said: Borrow money while standing, ask for debts on your knees, don't pity anyone, don't borrow, don't help

"Standing to borrow money, kneeling to ask for debt", these eight words depict the delicate relationship between the borrower and the borrower. When people need to borrow money, they are humble and beg others for help; And when it is necessary to repay debts, they often shirk in every possible way, and even turn against each other. This kind of unequal relationship allows people to taste the warmth and coldness of human feelings in the process of borrowing, and experience the complexity and selfishness of human nature.

"Don't borrow, don't help, don't sympathize", on the surface, it seems to promote indifference and selfishness, but in essence it is a kind of wisdom of self-preservation. Helping others is certainly a virtue, but blind compassion and bottomless help often get you into trouble. The old man's words remind us that before helping others, we must first ensure our own safety and interests, and do not easily put ourselves in situations where we may be taken advantage of and harmed.

The old man said: Borrow money while standing, ask for debts on your knees, don't pity anyone, don't borrow, don't help

In modern society, interpersonal relationships are becoming more complex, and trust between people has become fragile. The old man's words are a wake-up call for us to learn to be sensible about help and compassion. We should be kind and compassionate, but we should also know how to protect ourselves and not be easily swayed by others.

However, this does not mean that we should be cold and heartless. On the contrary, we can choose a more rational and intelligent way to help others based on understanding human nature. Help is not the same as unconditional giving, but should be given appropriately within the scope of ability. We must learn to help others without harming our own interests and not allowing ourselves to get into trouble.

The old man said: Borrow money while standing, ask for debts on your knees, don't pity anyone, don't borrow, don't help

In life, it is inevitable that there will be moments when you need help and ask for help. Maintaining a clear and sane heart when giving and receiving help is the greatest responsibility to oneself and others. The wisdom of the old man's words teaches us to know how to protect ourselves, look at interpersonal relationships rationally, and not be easily swayed by feelings.

May we all be able to maintain our sanity and wisdom in complex interpersonal relationships. Face the challenges of life with a clear mind, do not sympathize blindly, and do not be easily taken advantage of. While helping others, protect yourself and be a kind and wise person.