
Lu Xiaoman and Weng Ruiwu have lived together for 30 years, why don't they marry him? Lu Xiaoman gave the answer in his later years

author:History of rivers and mountains
Lu Xiaoman and Weng Ruiwu have lived together for 30 years, why don't they marry him? Lu Xiaoman gave the answer in his later years

Among the many women in the Republic of China, Lu Xiaoman is a special existence. Hu Shi said, "Lu Xiaoman is a must-see scenery in Beijing." If you look at it from today's point of view, Lu Xiaoman is the top socialite of the Republic of China, or the "number one courtesan". In Lu Xiaoman's life, there are three key men, Wang Geng, Xu Zhimo and Weng Ruiwu.

Wang Geng and Xu Zhimo are Lu Xiaoman's two husbands, and Weng Ruiwu is her best friend's boyfriend. For a long time, the world only knew Xu Zhimo and Lu Xiaoman, and Weng Ruiwu was always ignored. Lu Xiaoman and Weng Ruiwu met after she and Xu Zhimo got married and moved to Shanghai to live, which was in 1928.

Lu Xiaoman and Weng Ruiwu have lived together for 30 years, why don't they marry him? Lu Xiaoman gave the answer in his later years

Weng Ruiwu is a well-known young man in Shanghai, and his father, who served as the governor of Guizhou, left him a family fortune. Weng Ruiwu is quite proficient in calligraphy and painting, he is bold and righteous, he also smokes opium, and he is a famous son-in-law in the ten-mile foreign field. Lu Xiaoman and Weng Ruiwu's acquaintance originated from a performance.

Due to excessive acting, Lu Xiaoman, who was originally in poor health, fell ill. At this time, Weng Ruiwu proposed to massage Lu Xiaoman, because he was a student of the famous massage doctor Wang Songshan. Weng Duanwu's massage techniques are in place, and Lu Xiaoman can no longer do without Weng Ruiwu. Weng Ruiwu also persuaded Lu Xiaoman to smoke a few mouthfuls of opium, which would alleviate the pain in his body.

Lu Xiaoman and Weng Ruiwu have lived together for 30 years, why don't they marry him? Lu Xiaoman gave the answer in his later years

As we all know, smoking opium is addictive, and Lu Xiaoman was not spared, and the two smoked opium together every day. In the end, Weng Ruiwu simply came to Lu Xiaoman's house every day, while Xu Zhimo squandered it for Lu Xiaoman in order to make money, and frequently traveled back and forth to Beiping, Nanjing and Shanghai.

On November 19, 1931, Xu Zhimo was in a plane crash. When Xu Zhimo died, Lu Xiaoman was only 28 years old, but Weng Ruiwu took the initiative to take care of Lu Xiaoman, and the two lived together for 30 years. Xu Zhimo's death made Lu Xiaoman extremely sad, and his opium smoking became even more crazy.

Lu Xiaoman and Weng Ruiwu have lived together for 30 years, why don't they marry him? Lu Xiaoman gave the answer in his later years

Someone persuaded Lu Xiaoman to quit opium and remarry, after all, she was still very young. Lu Xiaoman refused, she was used to this kind of life. During Weng Ruiwu's accompaniment to Lu Xiaoman, the relationship between the two was not husband and wife but better than husband and wife, and he was consistent with Lu Xiaoman. In 1961, Weng Ruiwu was seriously ill, and two days before his death, he entrusted two friends, "In the future, please take care of Xiaoman, and I will be grateful under Jiuquan." ”

Obviously, Weng Ruiwu really loves Lu Xiaoman, and he was still thinking about Lu Xiaoman before he died. After Weng Ruiwu died, Lu Xiaoman's friend Wang Yiling asked her why the two had lived together for 30 years, why didn't they get married? Lu Xiaoman's answer was this, "Weng healed more frequently, and he comforted her as a friend, and lived in her house for a long time. But I automatically asked him for three chapters of the law, not to allow Weng to abandon his wife, and I don't want to marry Weng in the name of righteousness, I would rather maintain this unclear relationship forever. ”

Lu Xiaoman and Weng Ruiwu have lived together for 30 years, why don't they marry him? Lu Xiaoman gave the answer in his later years

Just imagine, if Lu Xiaoman hadn't met Wang Geng or Lu Xiaoman, but had met Weng Ruiwu at the best age, her life would have been different. Some people also say that Lu Xiaoman will not marry Weng Ruiwu even if she has lived with Weng Ruiwu for 30 years because she has never forgotten Xu Zhimo. This makes a little sense, because when Lu Xiaoman was dying in 1965, he hoped to be buried with Xu Zhimo after death, but the Xu family refused.

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