
"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

author:Entertainment Complex


"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: gave up a million annual salary to marry a rural guy, married for 10 years, and her mother-in-law and husband spoiled her

"I don't like those imaginary things, formal things, I prefer your care to me in daily life, such as preparing a pair of slippers for me in the car, I can change them as soon as I get off the show, I feel very happy."

—— Wang Erni

In 2007, Wang Erni, a girl from northern Shaanxi, became famous with the stage of "Avenue of Stars".

Since then, Wang Erni has completely changed her fate and has become a well-known "grassroots singer".

Today, she has become a young national singer and a national first-class actor of the Beijing Opera and Dance Theater, and her career is becoming more and more prosperous.

After becoming famous, Wang Erni did not hesitate to give up her million-dollar annual salary, married a rural guy, and bought a house for her parents in the city.

Now, Wang Erni, who has been married to a rural guy for 10 years, is she living a happy life?

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure
"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

In 1985, Wang Erni was born in Fengjiawan Village, Daheta Township, Yuyang District, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province.

Her parents were ordinary farmers, and her family was extremely poor.

Wang Erni has an older sister, a younger sister and a younger brother, and she is the second oldest in the family, so she is named "Wang Erni".

Their family lived in a cave, and although life was hard, the family lived in harmony.

Wang Erni has been sensible and obedient since she was a child, and often helps her parents with farm work and housework.

In addition to being sensible and well-behaved, Wang Erni also likes to sing very much, and she is extremely talented, with a simple and bright voice.

She likes to sing northern Shaanxi folk songs loudly when she works on the hillside, and she always hums small tunes on weekdays.

At that time, everyone in the village knew that Wang Erni, a little girl, sang well, but they didn't expect that she would become a star in the future.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure
"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

When she was 12 years old, her parents saw that Wang Erni liked singing so much and was very talented, so they gritted their teeth and made a decision.

Her parents sent her to Yulin Baihua Art School and began to specialize in opera, dance and singing.

Since then, Wang Erni has begun to embark on the road of art, and her interest in singing has been realized step by step.

When they left home to go to school, their parents just looked at it from a distance, and they didn't cry or give up.

This made Wang Erni feel very puzzled, thinking that her parents didn't love her?

After arriving at art school, Wang Erni was a boarder and could only go home once in a long time, and she also missed her parents and siblings.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

During her studies at art school, other classmates would have their parents come to visit, but Wang Erni's parents saw her from the future school, and they didn't even call her.

At that time, Wang Erni, who was still young, was very aggrieved and sad, and once felt that her parents didn't care about her.

At that time, Wang Erni could go home on weekends and holidays, and every time she looked forward to the day she went home.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

But after returning home a few times during the holidays, her mother didn't let her go home so often because she felt that the fare was too expensive.

Her mother said to her, "Don't come back on weekends in the future, it will cost 14 yuan to come back, so don't go back, study hard at school."

After listening to her mother's words, Wang Erni felt a little uncomfortable, but she knew that this was not her mother's intention, because the family was indeed very poor.

Since then, in order to save money for her parents, Wang Erni rarely goes home again.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

At that time, when Wang Erni was studying in an art school, the monthly tuition fee was 500 yuan, and the living expenses were 100 yuan, a total of 600 yuan.

It was this tuition fee of 600 yuan a month that stumped her parents, because the family couldn't come up with the money at all, so she never paid the tuition at once.

In order to make money to pay Wang Erni's tuition, his father went to the construction site to move bricks, and it was very hard to get up early and stay dark every day.

Later, when the construction site was out of work, the boss dismissed his father, and then gave him 50 yuan and 6 steamed buns, and asked him to go to Inner Mongolia to find work.

Before preparing to go to Inner Mongolia, her father went to visit Wang Erni at school and gave her 50 yuan and 6 steamed buns.

Before leaving, my father said to Wang Erni: "I don't have any other money, these 6 steamed buns are delicious for you brought by my father, you spend the 50 yuan for the time being, and then send them to you when I find a job and earn money." ”

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

At that moment, Wang Erni's heart was mixed, looking at her father's rough hands and bent body, she felt very uncomfortable.

Since Wang Erni went to art school, her mother's life has also become very hard.

She wakes up early every day to cook for her family and then goes to work in the fields to make life better for her family.

The hardships and hardships of her parents also made Wang Erni suddenly realize that they did not love themselves, but the helplessness caused by poverty.

She wanted to drop out of school to reduce the burden on her family, but her parents rejected her and insisted that she study hard in an art school.

It was from then on that Wang Erni secretly vowed in her heart that she would sing hard to make herself stand out and repay her parents in the future.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure
"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

In 1999, the Ansai County Art Troupe was established and came to Yulin to recruit talents.

Wang Erni learned a lot of talents in Yulin Baihua Art School, and successfully entered the Ansai County Art Troupe and became the first batch of members.

That year, Wang Erni was 14 years old.

After arriving at the Ansai County Art Troupe, Wang Erni began to participate in performances everywhere, and became more independent and excellent.

Not only does she no longer need to ask her family for money, but she also has her own income, which reduces the financial burden on her parents.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

In 2001, 16-year-old Wang Erni finally waited for an opportunity of her own.

At that time, Wang Erni was selected by the Ansai County Art Troupe and asked her to go to Beijing to participate in the first Peasant Singer Competition.

With her outstanding performance, Wang Erni won the first place in one fell swoop, and her life began to usher in good luck.

After winning the first place, Wang Erni suddenly became a celebrity in her hometown and became the pillar of the Ansai County Art Troupe.

At this time, Wang Erni finally saw the hope of singing and strengthened her singing path.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

Wang Erni felt even more fortunate that she also met the love of her life at that time - Li Fei.

Li Fei is also a child from a rural area, and his family conditions are not very wealthy.

At that time, Li Fei went to deliver fruit to a relative's house, but was attracted by Wang Erni's singing on the way, and the two met because of this.

The two are of the same age and have a lot of topics in common, so they have become friends who talk about everything and take care of each other.

At that time, the two were not very old, but after getting along for a long time, they gradually developed feelings and came together as they wished.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

In a blink of an eye, in 2007, Wang Erni wanted to participate in "Avenue of Stars" to let her singing be heard by more people.

However, Wang Erni felt that going to Beijing to participate in "Avenue of Stars" would also require a lot of money during this period, so she began to hesitate.

She didn't want to burden her parents anymore, but her boyfriend Li Fei was very supportive.

One day, Li Fei took out an envelope with 300 yuan in it, which he had saved from his part-time job, and gave it all to Wang Erni.

But these 300 yuan can only be a drop in the bucket, and Wang Erni had to tell her parents about wanting to participate in "Avenue of Stars".

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

After hearing this, her parents were also very supportive of her to participate in the competition, and felt that this was a very rare and good opportunity.

With the support of her parents and boyfriend Li Fei, Wang Erni made up her mind to give it a try and fight for a chance in her life.

In order to support Wang Erni to participate in "Avenue of Stars", her mother also went to a neighbor's house to borrow some money.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

Before Wang Erni left, her mother also sewed a new dress for her, hoping to bring her good luck.

With the expectations of her parents, Wang Erni stepped onto the stage of "Avenue of Stars" as she wished and began to pursue her dream.

At first, Wang Erni, who was dressed plainly and looked rustic, was not favored by the audience, and her boyfriend Li Fei was always by her side to accompany her and encourage her.

But when Wang Erni opened her voice to sing, her pure and high-pitched voice amazed countless audiences in one fell swoop, which was impressive.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

In the end, Wang Erni relied on her own strength to pass all the way and finally broke into the finals.

Although she only won the top five in the country in the end, Wang Erni's singing voice was completely remembered by the national audience, and she became an instant hit.

That year, Wang Erni was 22 years old and completely changed her fate.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure
"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

After becoming famous, Wang Erni began to participate in various programs and evening parties, and also sang the ending song "Shandandan Blossoming Red Yanyan" for the TV series "Dongfang Hong".

In 2010, Wang Erni also launched her first album "Love Northern Shaanxi", sparing no effort to sing the folk songs of northern Shaanxi in her hometown.

At this time, Wang Erni has become a big star, and she no longer has to worry about a poor life.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

After becoming famous, the gap between Wang Erni and her rural boyfriend Li Fei has also become very huge, and the love between the two has also encountered crises and tests.

Facing Wang Erni's fame, Li Fei's heart was both happy and lost, because he felt that he was not worthy of Wang Erni.

Li Fei is a simple and kind person, he doesn't want to drag down Wang Erni's career, so he made a decision after careful consideration.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

One day, Li Fei suddenly proposed to break up with Wang Erni, which made Wang Erni feel very surprised.

When she learned that Li Fei proposed to break up because she didn't want to delay her career, Wang Erni directly chose to refuse.

She sincerely said to Li Fei: "The relationship between the two of us since we were teenagers is incomparable to anyone, and no amount of money can buy it", I know that I am grateful, I can come to this point and your companionship and support are inseparable, and I can't do without you in the future, let's be together well and never be separated for the rest of our lives."

Wang Erni's words also moved Li Fei and completely woke up, and he never mentioned the breakup again.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

In Wang Erni's opinion, she is also a rural child with an ordinary family background, and she doesn't feel that she looks down on Li Fei after becoming famous.

On the contrary, she felt that without Li Fei's companionship and encouragement over the years, she would not have achieved her current achievements.

She didn't want to be ungrateful, and she didn't think that fame and fortune would be more important than feelings.

In order to be with Li Fei in a down-to-earth manner, Wang Erni even gave up the invitation of the company with an annual salary of one million, and she could do anything for love.

In order to eliminate Li Fei's encouragement, Wang Erni directly asked him to be his agent, and the two worked together to build a career.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

Wang Erni's simplicity and love also moved Li Fei very much, and chose a day to propose to her.

Li Fei said to Wang Erni affectionately: "Erni, I never knew what it was like to be lucky before I met you, but now after meeting you, I understand, thank you for your tolerance and understanding of me, I love you, are you willing to marry me?" ”

Wang Erni's eyes moistened with emotion after hearing this, and she agreed to Li Fei's marriage proposal without hesitation.

In September 2014, Wang Erni happily married her first love Li Fei, and the two completely ended their long-distance love run for more than ten years.

That year, Wang Erni was 29 years old.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure
"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

That year, Wang Erni also appeared on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, and her career reached a new level.

After marriage, the two lived a sweet and happy life, and Wang Erni also gave birth to a son for Li Fei.

After having a son, Li Fei doted on Wang Erni even more, changing tricks every day to make her happy and creating all kinds of romance for her.

Li Fei often brings various gifts to Wang Erni after returning home from work, such as necklaces, bracelets and so on.

Although Wang Erni also liked it, she always felt that it was unnecessary to buy these gifts, and complained that Li Fei spent money indiscriminately.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure
"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

Later, Li Fei no longer bought expensive gifts for Wang Erni, but instead bought flowers for her every day.

Wang Erni still doesn't like Li Fei to buy flowers and waste money, and always feels that she doesn't need these virtual forms to live.

"I don't like those imaginary things, formal things, I prefer your care to me in daily life, such as preparing a pair of slippers for me in the car, I can change them as soon as I get off the show, I feel very happy."

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

Wang Erni was born in a rural area, her family is poor, she knows very well how difficult it is to make money, and she still maintains a simple and thrifty quality in her bones.

She said to Li Fei: "I don't like the flowers in the city, I like the wildflowers in the mountains. ”

But for Li Fei, no matter what Wang Erni needs, he will do his best to satisfy her and spoil her.

In addition to her husband Li Fei's love for Wang Erni, her mother-in-law also loves her as her own daughter.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure
"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

After Wang Erni gave birth to her son, her mother-in-law rushed to Beijing from her hometown as soon as possible to help Wang Erni take care of the child.

Once, Wang Erni fell ill with a cold, and her mother-in-law was always by her side to take care of her, cooking all kinds of delicious meals for her every day.

It can be said that Wang Erni did not marry the wrong person, she was held in the palm of her hand by her husband and mother-in-law, and had a happy married life.

After Wang Erni's career became more and more successful, she did not forget to repay her parents.

Even if she becomes famous, Wang Erni will still do farm work for her parents every time she returns to her hometown, and she is still as diligent and capable as a rural girl.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

When she first became famous, she bought her parents a house of more than 130 square meters in the city of Yulin, but her parents were used to living in the countryside and were not used to living in the city.

So, Wang Erni contributed money to help her parents build a new three-story house in their rural hometown, and did her best to improve her parents' living conditions.

When she bought a house for her parents and built a new house, Wang Erni still rented a house in Beijing, but she did not regret buying a house for her parents first.

She said: "I'm still young, and it's too late to talk about it later, but my parents don't have much time, so they should let them live a good life first."

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

She also tried her best to help her sister, brother and sister in their lives, and also took her sister Wang Xiaoni on the road of singing, supporting a big family by herself.

In addition, Wang Erni is also very concerned about her hometown and does not forget her hometown and fellow villagers.

She often takes her sister Wang Xiaoni to comfort the left-behind elderly and children in her hometown, provides help within her ability, and sets up a scholarship fund, which is a person with great love.

She said: "Now that I have the ability, I want more poor children to afford to go to school, I used to live in the countryside, I couldn't afford to go to school, and I had to borrow money for school fees, so I know the pain of poor children."

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

Since becoming famous in 2007, Wang Erni has always maintained a simple and unpretentious mentality, and has not become floating because she has become a celebrity.

She always felt that she was just an ordinary rural girl, and she had to be a down-to-earth person all her life, trying her best to help her family and be grateful to her hometown.

She said: "I am an uneducated rural girl, I have no other skills except singing, my heart is not enough, and I am also very earthy, and I can't be foreign in my life." ”

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

But in our hearts, Wang Erni, who knows how to be grateful and unpretentious, is the person who is truly worthy of everyone's love and admiration.

Perhaps, in Wang Erni's heart, success and fame and fortune are far from being comparable to a happy and ordinary married life, and they cannot replace the sincerity and kindness in her heart.

Because only by not forgetting one's roots can one walk more at ease and long-term in life.

The so-called don't forget the original intention, in order to always be able to be, this sentence is also a portrayal of Wang Erni's life.

"Grassroots singer" Wang Erni: Give up her annual salary of one million to marry a rural guy and spoil her as a treasure

(Excerpted from WeChat public account No. 1 chatter)

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