
Astound! Tesla suddenly recalled the laid-off employees, and HR actually started selling cars? Reveal the truth behind it!

author:Sentry 911

Just yesterday, a piece of news detonated the entire automotive circle: Tesla China began to recall previously laid off employees! What the hell is going on? Could it be that Musk regrets it? Or is Tesla in some big trouble? Let's unravel the mystery together!

Layoffs reversed? Why did Tesla suddenly "change its mind"?

According to multiple media reports, a small number of Tesla China departments are rehiring some of the laid off employees, mainly in the sales and service areas. According to sources, the scale of the recall is expected to exceed 100 people.

This news is reminiscent of the "storm of layoffs" more than two months ago. At that time, Musk announced that Tesla had launched a large-scale layoff worldwide, with a ratio of more than 10%. The sales department in China is the "hardest hit area", and the layoff rate is even as high as 40%-50%!

So, why did Tesla suddenly change its mind?

The truth is revealed: three reasons why Tesla "regrets"?

  1. Stores are severely understaffed A person close to Tesla revealed that the main reason for the rehiring of laid-off employees is the lack of staff in the store. There are reports that after the layoffs, there are only 5-6 people left in some supermarket stores, which seriously affects the normal operation.
  2. Tesla's first-quarter car deliveries fell 8.5% year-on-year, and revenue fell 9%, the largest decline in 12 years. Although sales picked up in May, the pressure is still huge.
  3. Since the beginning of this year, Tesla's stock price has fallen by more than 20%, and its market value has evaporated by more than 160 billion US dollars (about 1.16 trillion yuan). This has undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on the company.

HR is also here to sell cars? Tesla's "weird" operation

What's even more jaw-dropping is that even Tesla China's HR has begun to help sell cars!

A woman who once submitted a resume to Tesla revealed that she recently received a call from Tesla's HR, and the other party not only did not talk about recruitment, but tried to promote Tesla cars and invited her to test drive!

Have you ever seen such an operation?

Retrenched employees: Will we go back?

In the face of Tesla's "recall order", many laid-off employees appeared to have little interest.


  1. Partial Compensation Required Employees returning to work are required to refund "3" of the "N+3" redundancy compensation.
  2. Recalculation of the age of the division This means that the previous years of service will not be recognized.
  3. Have found new jobs Some employees have already joined other new energy vehicle companies such as NIO and Li Li.

Musk's "epic" plan: where is the future of Tesla?

In the face of the current predicament, Musk does not seem to be flustered. He promised investors that Tesla would soon release a new "master plan," the Tesla Master Plan 4, which he said would be "epic."

  1. All-in bet on AI Musk said that Tesla may spend $3 billion to $4 billion this year to buy Nvidia chip hardware for training large models of self-driving.
  2. Humanoid robot plan Musk said that he will start "limited production" of the Optimus humanoid robot in 2025 and expects the number of humanoid robots to reach 10 billion to 20 billion units.
  3. Affordable electric vehicles Tesla plans to start producing cheaper electric models by 2025.

What do you think of Tesla's operation?

After reading this article, what do you think of this wave of Tesla's operations?

  • Do you think Tesla made a wise move to recall laid-off employees?
  • If you were a Tesla employee who was laid off, would you choose to go back?
  • What do you think of Tesla's future development?

Feel free to leave a message in the comment area and share your views!

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Astound! Tesla suddenly recalled the laid-off employees, and HR actually started selling cars? Reveal the truth behind it!
Astound! Tesla suddenly recalled the laid-off employees, and HR actually started selling cars? Reveal the truth behind it!
Astound! Tesla suddenly recalled the laid-off employees, and HR actually started selling cars? Reveal the truth behind it!

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