
What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

author:A collection of foolish music
What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

Text|Foolish music collection

Editor|Foolish Collection

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

The fact that cutting corners during the construction of Xi'an Metro Line 3 has caused a stir on the Internet since it was exposed, and this "industry insider" person was exposed.

And the person who exposed this matter was dismissed by the company for no reason......


This is amazing, a big sinus went up directly in front of the parents

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

As it should be, the labor you pay is not free!

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

You must know that in this kind of educational institution, parents trust the teacher himself, not any institution

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

One person originally did a good job, but he had to find a team to come over and muddy the water, but the four people didn't do as well as one person

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

From the moment you settle your salary and leave the company, everything in the company has nothing to do with you

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

This is not kind, co-authoring the old staff is not a little preferential treatment? It's too bullying to be treated with an apprentice!

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

When it rains, I know that I have gone home, when the child cries and knows that I have been fed, and when the company can't do it, I know that I have to ask old employees for help. Why did you go earlier?

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

Just for the results made here, why can't you think about squeezing people away? Do you really think it's easy to go from penultimate to second?

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

What a job now! Seeing that people's eyes are red with envy

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

Why bother with him like this? Won't handle it yourself?

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

After paying the salary, leave on the spot! Not a minute long!

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

This kind of company that watches people put down dishes is the most annoying, what's wrong? Do you think you can do whatever you want and bully as you want if you grasp the other party's vital point?

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

People's suppliers are interested in people!

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

It seems that the boss is completely unaware of the situation in the store, or he wouldn't have done that

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

The boss also seems to know what kind of employees cannot be easily offended, and it is even more clear that the reality is not that "the company can continue to operate without anyone"

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

It's just that now that I know that other people's are good, why didn't I keep it a little at the beginning?

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

To some extent, to be able to create a new kind of writing, grandma is also a talent!

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

This gap ...... No wonder it's been more than a year and I'm still complaining to others

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

Why should this position leave people with high emotional intelligence but not work, shouldn't they leave the person who is silent but works crazy and hard?

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

This proprietress can't figure it out, she really doesn't know who her car depends on

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

It can be seen that this company really can't do without you, and even needs to outsource this position to you

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

Have you ever thought that people can take so much because they have this ability?

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

This kind of absolute ability is strong, and others can't do this work, and they can't accept it

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

I don't understand very well, why the boss of an old employee who has worked for eight years and is already an executive wants to get a salary increase, is it because he is sure that this job is indispensable for others?

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

Tell your mother to keep the door of the house closed tightly, and if you can't do it, go out and play together, so that they can't find anyone if they want to

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

Why do you feel that this passage has a strong capitalist flavor?

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

The content of the above pictures comes from the enthusiastic sharing of netizens, and its authenticity is not guaranteed.

Ladies and gentlemen, do you have anything you would like to talk about in this issue? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss, and finally wish everyone good health and financial prosperity.

What is a layoff to the main artery? Netizen: The boss stepped on the threshold of my house

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