
Discover a great way to keep your energy from leaking: don't hate anyone!

author:Deer and rhinoceros
Discover a great way to keep your energy from leaking: don't hate anyone!

Mr. Zhou Guoping said:

"In a certain category of people, it is not worth wasting any feelings, not even angry ones."

Each of us will have people we hate, greedy and hypocritical relatives, jealous and comparative friends, snobbish and mean colleagues, domineering and insidious leaders, vain and flirtatious classmates......

There are also some ordinary people and good people who are simply inconsistent with our values and lifestyles, and have minor problems.

It can be said that living in the world, you will find that there may be more people you don't fit in, people you hate, than people you like.

However, instead of gaining any positive strength and comfort from the process of hating others, you will be disturbed by the people you hate, pessimistic and misanthropic, and do not like anything.

I've had that experience too.

It's just that, slowly, I found that these people do not make my heart feel calm and peaceful, but make me feel a lot of anger and distress;

Discover a great way to keep your energy from leaking: don't hate anyone!

In times of great stress, those who are not qualified, those who are narrow-minded, arrogant, superficial and mean, still make me irritable and disgusted.

It's so tiring.

I realized that whenever I hated someone, I was leaking my energy, and I was recalling over and over again how bad the other person was, unfriendly, and abusive to myself.

But the other party didn't know about it, and it wasn't affected by me.

I'm struggling with myself.

Really, never hate anyone, so that you can travel lightly and be sure of victory when you do anything.

Otherwise, you are burdened with a dislike for others that will only make you lose a lot;

You lose your good mood, you lose your peace of mind, you lose the opportunity to concentrate on your work, and even lose the person who originally had a good impression of you and was in tune with you.

Discover a great way to keep your energy from leaking: don't hate anyone!

Some people say that I am an empathetic person, and I have always felt proud;

Being able to empathize with others is an ability in itself.

Now I realize that true empathy is not when someone tells you about his experience and experience, you listen silently, accompany him, connect with him, and make him no longer lonely;

Or simply reply, I understand you.

True empathy is that you can stand in the perspective of a bystander and know why the other party is snarky, why they are greedy and selfish, why they have a strong sense of superiority, and why they are full of negative energy?

When you don't reject the other person from the bottom of your heart and from your bones, when you can understand that because of a certain experience of the other party, it leads to his cognition, habits and character, you can truly empathize.

And when you empathize with others, you no longer see them as your opposite, as your enemies, and you are resistant, angry, and disgusted with them.

Discover a great way to keep your energy from leaking: don't hate anyone!

Of course, I don't advocate over-empathy, because over-empathy means that you lose your energy, get too engaged, not be sober and calm enough;

I also do not advocate provocation.

But I advocate fighting back appropriately and protecting yourself.

Don't hate others, I want you to ignore each other as much as possible, and not do unnecessary consumption and confrontation;

It is for you to spend your precious time focusing on yourself and on important life missions, rather than investing too much emotion and emotion in some unrelated people.

If you hate someone, you're likely to take that potential aggression out on innocent people indiscriminately;

The more resentful you are, the more you are in a low-energy state;

What you need to do is to find the good side from all the bad people and get rid of the haze and anger in your heart;

Discover a great way to keep your energy from leaking: don't hate anyone!

Think of them as an ordinary person;

Don't let them slow down your self-growth, and don't try to entangle with them;

Don't let their evaluation and vision dominate your life and affect your journey;

Learn to make your heart more open, not more narrow-minded and self-contained;

You weren't born to let others block you, but to feel the beauty of life;

As I said in "A Top Mindset Who Isn't Afraid of Anything":

It is necessary to have a player mentality and the aura of the protagonist;

It's up to you to give the full meaning of your life, and the world exists to be ignited by you!
