
The moment they graduated from college, everyone returned to their own class

author:Deer and rhinoceros
The moment they graduated from college, everyone returned to their own class

Recently, I read the first article of "Mao Xuan", "Analysis of the Classes in Chinese Society";

After reading it, I felt refreshed and full of strength, and the content analyzed by the great faculty was really amazing;

I combined what I had observed, used my "imagination" again, and finally came to a conclusion that once puzzled me, but now it is sad and helpless to think about:

It is extremely difficult for people from different walks of life to become friends, and the moment they graduate from college, everyone returns to their own class;

I believe that people who have studied in college will have this feeling:

It is that in high school, before the age of 18, the talent and ability that you are proud of begin to seem "insignificant" in the college environment;

It doesn't matter if you are a child from an ordinary family, a child from a poor family, or a child from a relatively wealthy and privileged family;

Any one of your skills may be challenged like never before in a place like a university where there are many talents;

The moment they graduated from college, everyone returned to their own class

What's even more terrifying is that you will find that you can no longer rely on grades to "go out" like in high school, because college campuses are eight immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers.

The "supernatural powers" and temperament that everyone can "show" often represent the strength of the person's original family and the class he is in.

For example, some people can socialize, are good at organizing and carrying out various activities, and rely on him for a lot of resources and connections, and they get along well with instructors, teachers and classmates;

Then, in various evaluations and elections, he undoubtedly occupies a great advantage;

Others, obscure;

They don't seem to work very hard in college, the reason is that when they applied for the major, they had already locked in their professional goals, that is, as long as they graduated normally, they could directly inherit the "mantle" and career of their parents' family, so they always seemed more relaxed and indifferent.

Moreover, some people are not so outstanding, but they will still be envied and admired by their classmates;

The moment they graduated from college, everyone returned to their own class

Because their original family can provide them with a growth environment that integrates learning and development hobbies, they can always win a lot of applause in various theatrical performances.

However, the large number of college students is just a silent and anxious majority;

They can only learn a little inconspicuous in the campus where professional knowledge is very "separated" from the real society, and then work hard to take various certificates, accumulate all kinds of club activities, social practices and company internships that are completely uncertain whether they can be used;

It is as if there is a thick barrier between oneself and society;

And between classmates, there is also an unspeakable alienation and non-integration;

No one tells them what the workplace environment is like today, what kind of talent is needed, and what skills and knowledge are needed from you.

There is no one to guide them, how to negotiate salary, which city to go to for employment, and how to judge the future promotion and development space of a position or position!

The moment they graduated from college, everyone returned to their own class

They are like looking for a way out in a dense and chaotic primeval jungle, but it seems that they can't reach the minimum threshold of their ideal job;

Once, they also felt that they could sit in a classroom with some excellent classmates to study, chat and participate in activities, and establish innocent friendships together.

However, when they graduate, three or five years after graduation, it dawns on them:

The university campus is an ivory tower where class is weakened;

Classrooms, dormitories and campuses have become a natural barrier, keeping everyone away from a lot of real pressures, as if they can trust each other and establish friendships;

You think that you have excellent grades, which makes you proud, and think that everyone is actually on the same level;

However, when you find that people with resources and backgrounds go back to their hometowns directly after graduation, they have a decent and stable life that you envy;

The moment they graduated from college, everyone returned to their own class

It won't be like you at all, squeezing your head, busy looking for a job and interviewing, being disliked and questioned in the blind date market.

You find that the guy who didn't work very hard became the vice president of the bank a few years later;

You find that people who don't have good grades actually have stable and decent jobs;

You find that people with no background like you have become "drifters" in first- and second-tier cities.

It turned out that everything was a dream, and four years of college were just false prosperity;

The cards in your hand are not powerful at all, but other people's chips are too much more than yours.

You go around in circles, thinking that you can rely on your strength and hard work to be on an equal footing with some people, but in fact, you have always been in a weak position, and you can't really communicate with each other;

Because you are in different classes, you have experienced different lives, and you are moving towards different lives;

The moment they graduated from college, everyone returned to their own class

It's easy for you to have different positions on the same thing;

People are easy to deal with income problems, house problems, marriage problems, and workplace problems, and you always feel that every year is the "most difficult graduation season" and "the most difficult job search season".

Really, as soon as you graduate from college, everyone is back to square one, and all you can do is save yourself.