
Will you be "slashed" by lightning when taking a shower during thunder?

author:Live Texas

June 29th

Two hikers crossed on foot

Internet celebrity check-in point in Wei County, Hebei Province

——Takashi Asada

Unfortunately, it was struck by lightning

As a result, one person was killed and one person was injured

Will you be "slashed" by lightning when taking a shower during thunder?

The scene of the incident (Source: Upstream News)

It is understood

The local meteorological station has issued it

Yellow Warning Signal for Thunder and Lightning

Will you be "slashed" by lightning when taking a shower during thunder?

An ambulance arrived at the scene to save people (Source: Upstream News)

Summer is the season of thunder and lightning

How to avoid injuries caused by lightning?

This guide to hedging risks

Collect it quickly!

Lightning strikes are most likely to occur at these locations

According to statistics, lightning accidents on the mainland mostly occur in farmland, and buildings and open land are also places where lightning strikes occur more frequently.

Will you be "slashed" by lightning when taking a shower during thunder?

Source: China Weather Network

About thunder and lightning

Are these claims credible?

Will you be struck by lightning when you call on your mobile phone?

Lightning tends to give priority to cutting-edge objects high above the ground. Mobile phones are small in size and have little effect on changes in height and resistance.

When using a mobile phone to make a call, the signal is transmitted through an alternating electromagnetic field and does not form a "discharge channel". Therefore, whether it is the mobile phone itself, or the use of mobile phone calls, it will not increase the probability of people being struck by lightning.

Wearing metal jewelry is easy to be struck by lightning?

A small number of metal jewelry have a negligible reduction in the resistance of the human body, so they do not significantly increase the probability of people being struck by lightning.

Holding a tall pole is susceptible to lightning?

Lightning "hits high but not low", and holding a metal pole will increase the probability of being struck by lightning.

Sheltering from rain under a tree and being struck by lightning?

Tall trees have a higher probability of being struck by lightning due to their towering tip characteristics, and people are vulnerable when they take shelter from the rain under the trees.

If a human body accidentally comes into direct contact with a large tree, a powerful electric current will quickly flow through the trunk of the tree when a lightning strike, generating an extremely high voltage that can knock a person down and cause serious injury.

Guidelines for lightning prevention and avoidance

Thunder and lightning outdoors

Buildings equipped with lightning rods or reinforced concrete buildings should be sought for shelter immediately.

Will you be "slashed" by lightning when taking a shower during thunder?

Do not linger near rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water;

Do not go near high-voltage power lines, street lights, billboards, etc.;

Don't hide in improvised buildings in parks;

Do not use umbrellas in open areas;

Do not carry fishing rods, rackets, etc. on your shoulders;

Do not lie on the ground. Electricity from the ground may be conducted to the human body;

Don't take refuge under large trees. If lightning strikes a tall tree, an electric current will be directed to the ground through the human body along the trunk, branches, and leaves, causing the human body to become a conductor of electricity and be shocked.

Will you be "slashed" by lightning when taking a shower during thunder?

If you have to take shelter near a tree, be sure to crouch at least 2 meters away from the tree, lower your belongings, and wait 20 minutes for the thunder to stop before moving to a safe place.

If you really have nowhere to hide, look for low-lying places to take shelter. For example, in a ravine, squat down with your feet together to prevent injury caused by stepping voltage.

Lightning protection in the car

If you are struck by lightning while driving, do not get out of the car easily. The current will be transmitted to the ground through the surface of the car body, which is safe in the car. When taking shelter in the car, be careful to turn off the engine, sound system, radio, etc., and close all windows so that the vehicle forms a completely enclosed space.

Will you be "slashed" by lightning when taking a shower during thunder?

Indoor lightning protection is also required

Close doors and windows and stay away from balconies and exterior walls, etc.;

Do not take a bath with an electric water heater, it is best to unplug all mains, and do not approach and touch any metal lines;

Will you be "slashed" by lightning when taking a shower during thunder?

Stay away from electrical outlets and don't stay under lights.

Don't be curious, stick your head and hands out of the window or stand on the balcony to avoid being struck by lightning.

Will you be "slashed" by lightning when taking a shower during thunder?

If you are in the kitchen when thunder sounds, immediately stop washing food and utensils with water.

Will you be "slashed" by lightning when taking a shower during thunder?

If you are taking a shower when the thunder sounds, leave immediately, as the water in the shower, bathtub and faucet may conduct electricity.

National Emergency Radio Reminder

Recently, heavy rain warnings have been issued in many places across the country

Locally accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation

Severe convective weather such as thunderstorms and high winds

Always pay attention to the warning information before traveling

Pay attention to lightning protection and risk avoidance

Don't risk traveling

Source: National Emergency Broadcasting Comprehensive China News Network, Upstream News

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