
A song earned 2 million, but he was sent to a mental hospital, and his parents didn't let him go, what happened to him

author:Mystery Apple


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Do you still remember Pang Mailang who sang "My Skateboarding Shoes" and became popular overnight? This time, he really stabbed the hornet's nest.

Back then, with that magical song, he jumped from an unknown musician to a household name.

But who would have thought that just when he was becoming famous, the news came that he had been diagnosed with a serious mental illness.

A song earned 2 million, but he was sent to a mental hospital, and his parents didn't let him go, what happened to him

This is a big surprise.

Pang Mailang, a farmer from an impoverished village in Shaanxi Province, once helped out with farm work at home and faced the challenges of life alone.

Introverted and sensitive, despite the difficult living conditions, he has never stopped looking forward to the future and pursuing art.

A song earned 2 million, but he was sent to a mental hospital, and his parents didn't let him go, what happened to him

After leaving school, he worked in bars and began to develop a love for music.

Influenced by Michael Jackson, he aspires to be the center of the stage.

Finally one day, he became famous with the song "My Skateboard Shoes".

However, with the dramatic growth of fame, Pang Meilang seems to have been carried away by fame and fortune.

A song earned 2 million, but he was sent to a mental hospital, and his parents didn't let him go, what happened to him

He began to distance himself from his roots and past, and even denied his Shaanxi identity in public.

This arrogance and unrealistic self-expectation eventually leads to a deterioration in the mental state.

His outlandish behavior, such as declaring himself from the fictional "Humid Vic" and ignoring important opportunities such as CCTV, show his willfulness and conceit.

A song earned 2 million, but he was sent to a mental hospital, and his parents didn't let him go, what happened to him

When the truth was revealed and fans discovered that he was actually born in rural Shaanxi after the 80s, Pang Meilang's image collapsed instantly.

His adamant denial and rejection of his true identity disappointed his former supporters.

And in the face of doubts and pressure, he is even more arrogant, trying to prove his worth by holding a solo concert.

A song earned 2 million, but he was sent to a mental hospital, and his parents didn't let him go, what happened to him

The result? The concert was almost ignored and became a joke in the industry.

Pom's arrogance was also reflected in his absence from scheduled performances and interviews, which led directly to contract breaches, which in turn affected his finances and reputation.

In the end, he had to face a huge amount of liquidated damages.

A song earned 2 million, but he was sent to a mental hospital, and his parents didn't let him go, what happened to him

His mental condition became increasingly unstable and he was eventually sent to a psychiatric hospital by his family for treatment.

Although his condition improved after six months of treatment, the experience left him physically and mentally exhausted, and he had to rely on medication to maintain his daily life.

Today, Pang Mailang's economic base has been lost, and in order to make ends meet, he has had to turn to the field of short videos, trying to make money through live streaming.

A song earned 2 million, but he was sent to a mental hospital, and his parents didn't let him go, what happened to him

Although his popularity is still undiminished, his actual income is very meager.

This series of blows and setbacks made Pang Meilang deeply appreciate the double-edged sword nature of fame and traffic.

Instead of pursuing vanity and fame, he began to take on the responsibility of providing for his family.

A song earned 2 million, but he was sent to a mental hospital, and his parents didn't let him go, what happened to him

Pang Mailang's experience can be described as a microcosm of the pursuit of fame and fortune in the entertainment industry.

His former glory and current downfall are embarrassing.

But we should also see that he found his footing in setbacks and learned how to struggle to survive in the midst of adversity, and although he is still struggling to survive in the whirlpool of capital, he has learned how to maintain a clear self-awareness and cherish the life he has now, which is perhaps the most valuable lesson he has learned from this experience.

A song earned 2 million, but he was sent to a mental hospital, and his parents didn't let him go, what happened to him

At the same time, he also called on our fans to have more understanding and tolerance for the frustration and illness of public figures, and hope that Pang Meilang can get out of the haze and start a new life.

Speaking of this Pang Mailang, it really makes people love and hate.

thinks that his song "My Skateboarding Shoes" was popular all over the streets.

A song earned 2 million, but he was sent to a mental hospital, and his parents didn't let him go, what happened to him

Who wouldn't hum a few words at that time? But now? Alas, it's really emotional.

But then again, this entertainment industry is really a big dye vat.

How many of the people who went in were able to get out of the way? Therefore, we still have to look at these public figures rationally.

A song earned 2 million, but he was sent to a mental hospital, and his parents didn't let him go, what happened to him

Don't hold them up too high and don't step too low.

A song earned 2 million, but he was sent to a mental hospital, and his parents didn't let him go, what happened to him

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