
Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

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Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

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With the recent success of Chang'e-6 in the mainland, the moon landing has once again become a hot spot in the aerospace field, looking back on the entire lunar landing process of Chang'e-6, the mainland spent more than 5 billion!

And if we look at the world's moon landing project, we can't help but find a surprising situation: India only spent 75 million on the moon!

The huge difference is also very shocking, so does this difference mean that our space technology is not as good as India's?

Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

The story behind it: the reason for the difference between China and India in the moon landing

There must be complex reasons behind the huge gap in the cost of Chinese and Indian lunar probes. Looking back on history, it is not difficult for us to find that the lunar exploration project has always been a great cause that burns money.

The race to the moon between the United States and the Soviet Union in the last century can be described as quite crazy, and the combined cost of the moon landing between the United States and the Soviet Union at that time was nearly 30 billion!

Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

On the other hand, on the mainland, even more than ten years ago, Chang'e-3 cost 120 million yuan alone, while the total cost of the "Chandrayaan-3" probe launched by India last year was only 75 million US dollars, not to mention the Chang'e-6 moon landing that cost more than 5 billion yuan now.

In fact, the fundamental reason why there is such a huge disparity in the cost of the Chinese and Indian lunar exploration projects is that the goals and pursuits of the two are different. From the very beginning, the mainland's lunar exploration program has been based on independent innovation and has strived to master core technologies.

Time Weekly "The World's Fourth! With a cost of only $74.6 million, why did India land on the moon? 》2023-08-23
Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

Time Weekly "The World's Fourth! With a cost of only $74.6 million, why did India land on the moon? 》2023-08-23

We have formulated a three-step development strategy of "around, falling and returning", and each step is solid and steady.

In contrast, India's lunar exploration program is more concerned with political needs, hoping to achieve the goal of landing on the moon at a lower cost and at a faster pace, so as to enhance its international influence., "Building a Space Power" (8) Circled and Fallen Back to Three Steps to Achieve Chang'e Lunar Exploration Project", 2020-07-01
Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon, "Building a Space Power" (8) Circled and Fallen Back to Three Steps to Achieve Chang'e Lunar Exploration Project", 2020-07-01

Therefore, in the process of developing detectors, they have adopted a large number of international cooperation models and introduced technologies and components from the United States, Japan and other countries in order to reduce costs and shorten the cycle.

In addition to the cost of launch and probe manufacturing, India has not fully calculated the expenses for ground station operation, data transmission, and scientific payload development.

Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

It can be seen that although India's lunar exploration project is low-cost, it is still difficult to compare with the mainland in terms of technology accumulation and independent innovation.

The pursuit of "fast, economical, and stable" may win applause in the short term, but in the long run, it is difficult to support the sustainable development of a country's aerospace industry.

Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

On the other hand, our Chang'e series of probes, whether it is Chang'e-3 or the latest Chang'e-6, although the investment cost is expensive, every penny is spent.

All indications show that although China's lunar exploration program has a high investment and a long cycle, every step has been solid and calm. On the other hand, India's road to lunar exploration, although the pace is brisk, it will inevitably make people regret that "the bamboo basket is empty".

Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

The latest progress and significance of China's lunar exploration program

The ancients said: "If you don't accumulate steps, you can't reach thousands of miles; If you don't accumulate small streams, you can't become rivers and seas. "The development of China's lunar exploration program is a vivid portrayal of this perseverance and accumulation.

Chang'e-6 can be called the largest, most difficult and most far-reaching lunar exploration mission on the mainland so far. The total investment exceeded 5 billion yuan, far exceeding any previous lunar exploration project in the mainland.

Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

However, the 5 billion yuan is not simply a cash burn, but a long-term investment in the future.

In this mission, the ultimate goal of Chang'e-6 is to land on the far side of the moon, collect lunar soil samples and bring them back to Earth.

Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

This has also become the only case of a lunar sample return mission in the world, and has found a key to in-depth study of the formation and evolution history of the moon.

In addition, Chang'e-6 is also carrying a number of international cooperation payloads, and the addition of these devices will greatly expand the scientific significance of this mission and accumulate more valuable data for human lunar exploration.

Observer Network "Chen Lan: Chang'e-6 is going home, why does China's aerospace bring an international payload? 》2024-06-25
Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

Observer Network "Chen Lan: Chang'e-6 is going home, why does China's aerospace bring an international payload? 》2024-06-25

And this is also another microcosm of the mainland's aerospace project over the years, looking back at the past, our footsteps have never stopped.

As early as 20 years ago, the mainland's lunar exploration program officially made detailed plans for the mainland's space program. Now, with the success of Chang'e-6, this strategic goal has been achieved.

Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

However, we have not stopped there, and a new journey has begun. According to the plan, in the next 10 years, China will carry out the Chang'e-7 and 8 missions, and start to establish a long-term scientific research station in the south pole of the moon.

At that time, we will realize the "round-trip flight" between the moon and the earth, laying a solid foundation for a manned landing on the moon. Not only that, the research and development of lunar rovers and new exploration equipment is also steadily advancing, striving to provide more "Chinese solutions" for mankind to deeply understand the moon.

China Network Live "What are the tasks of Chang'e 6, Chang'e 7, and Chang'e 8?" Do you want to build a scientific research base on the moon? 》2019-01-14
Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

China Network Live "What are the tasks of Chang'e 6, Chang'e 7, and Chang'e 8?" Do you want to build a scientific research base on the moon? 》2019-01-14

From Chang'e-1 to Chang'e-6, and then to the future lunar landing program, the mainland's lunar exploration program has gone through a path of diligent pursuit and self-improvement.

Now, when Chang'e-6 comes to an end with a "perfect attitude", a new stage for mainland lunar explorers is slowly kicking off.

Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

The continuation and sublimation of mankind's dream of lunar exploration

China, an ancient oriental country with a long civilization, has a long history of obsession with the moon.

In ancient times, the beautiful legend of Chang'e running to the moon has long led people's attention to the vast starry sky, and when "Chang'e 6" returned safely, this complex finally found the most vivid footnote in reality.

Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

As early as the 60s of the last century, when the "Dongfanghong No. 1" satellite rushed into space, when people were still immersed in the joy of "two bombs and one satellite," the blueprint for landing on the moon had quietly taken shape in the hearts of Chinese scientists.

In that era of material scarcity, in that period of technological blockade, China had to plant the seeds of lunar exploration and let it slowly germinate in the soil of time.

Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

In 2004, when the "Lunar Exploration Project" was officially established, China's dream of landing on the moon was destined to turn from imagination into reality. A year later, the release of the white paper "China Aerospace" solemnly announced to the world that China will take a solid step on the journey of lunar exploration.

Since then, the figure of "Chang'e" has begun to appear frequently in the dark starry sky. From "circumambulation" to "falling" and then to "returning", the completion of each mission has written a strong stroke in the history of lunar exploration of the Chinese nation.

Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

All this conveys to the people of the world the sincerity of the mainland in the peaceful use of space, and demonstrates the mainland's responsibility and responsibility as a major space power.

In the eyes of mainland astronauts, landing on the moon has never been a simple political task, but a historical mission to promote the progress of human science and technology and build a community with a shared future for mankind.

Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

From the Chang'e-4 and Chang'e-6 missions, which carried scientific equipment from many countries, to the launch of the "International Lunar Research Station" initiative, to the promotion of space debris mitigation and other issues, China has continued to demonstrate the demeanor of a responsible major country with concrete actions.

The moon landing is not our focus, space is the ultimate stage of the continent. On this road of "daring to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky" into China and towards the stars, China's footsteps will never stop.

Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

With Chang'e as the starting point, Tianwen as the traction, and Xihe as the vision, China is moving forward towards the goal of becoming a space power and the beautiful vision of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Once upon a time, the moon goddess Chang'e was just a beautiful myth. Now, with the safe return of Chang'e-6, China's space dream has become a reality.

From myth to reality, from dreams to distant places, China has not only reaped glittering achievements, but also forged a spiritual temperament of bravely climbing the peak and forging ahead.

Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon


Through comparative analysis of the differences between China and India in lunar exploration projects, we see that on this road full of unknowns, every footprint is precious, and looking forward to the future, the construction of a lunar scientific research station and the realization of manned landing on the moon will be a new milestone in human exploration of the universe.

As a responsible major country, the mainland will continue to uphold the concept of peaceful use of space, strengthen international cooperation, and make greater contributions to the promotion of human spaceflight.

Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon
Primary sources
Time Weekly "The World's Fourth! With a cost of only $74.6 million, why did India land on the moon? 》2023-08-23
Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

Time Weekly "The World's Fourth! With a cost of only $74.6 million, why did India land on the moon? 》2023-08-23, "Building a Space Power" (8) Circled and Fallen Back to Three Steps to Achieve Chang'e Lunar Exploration Project", 2020-07-01
Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon, "Building a Space Power" (8) Circled and Fallen Back to Three Steps to Achieve Chang'e Lunar Exploration Project", 2020-07-01

Observer Network "Chen Lan: Chang'e-6 is going home, why does China's aerospace bring an international payload? 》2024-06-25
Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

Observer Network "Chen Lan: Chang'e-6 is going home, why does China's aerospace bring an international payload? 》2024-06-25

China Network Live "What are the tasks of Chang'e 6, Chang'e 7, and Chang'e 8?" Do you want to build a scientific research base on the moon? 》2019-01-14
Skills are not as good as others? Chang'e-6 moon landing cost more than 5 billion yuan, why India only needs 75 million to land on the moon

China Network Live "What are the tasks of Chang'e 6, Chang'e 7, and Chang'e 8?" Do you want to build a scientific research base on the moon? 》2019-01-14

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