
One person ruined the "chicken ribs" female number one in the whole drama "Haitian Eagle", which made people uncomfortable to watch

author:Mystery Apple


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The drama "Haitian Eagle" has been in the limelight recently, with soaring ratings and heated discussions among the audience.

With the tough background of the Chinese Navy as the stage, it not only set off a wave of drama viewing craze at home, but even caused a sensation overseas.

One person ruined the "chicken ribs" female number one in the whole drama "Haitian Eagle", which made people uncomfortable to watch

But what is surprising is that CCTV chose a little-known and mediocre actress Wang Luodan to take on the important role in this big drama, what kind of sacred operation is this? .

One person ruined the "chicken ribs" female number one in the whole drama "Haitian Eagle", which made people uncomfortable to watch

The role played by Wang Luodan has been controversial since his appearance.

Think about it, a military drama like "Haitian Eagle" should show the military prestige of the mainland and the demeanor of soldiers.

One person ruined the "chicken ribs" female number one in the whole drama "Haitian Eagle", which made people uncomfortable to watch

But the plot is always interspersed with some inexplicable love scenes, as if in a magnificent picture of the main theme, a few abrupt pink strokes are added.

The audience is still pondering the tall details of aircraft carriers and fighter jets, but the plot is caught in the whirlpool of love and love.

One person ruined the "chicken ribs" female number one in the whole drama "Haitian Eagle", which made people uncomfortable to watch

Let's take a plot as an example, Xia Chu, played by Wang Luodan, heard the news that her boyfriend Qian Cheng had a car accident and was admitted to the hospital, so she ended her vacation in a hurry and hurried to the hospital.

One person ruined the "chicken ribs" female number one in the whole drama "Haitian Eagle", which made people uncomfortable to watch

But when she pushed the door open, what caught her eye was Qian Cheng and his female secretary smiling, and the two were eating fruit affectionately.

In the face of this sudden "green light" scene, the reaction at the beginning of summer was simply incredible.

One person ruined the "chicken ribs" female number one in the whole drama "Haitian Eagle", which made people uncomfortable to watch

She didn't cry, she didn't make a fuss, she didn't speak, she just stood there blankly, staring at the two people in front of her with a pair of empty eyes, as if she was watching a play that had nothing to do with her.

This kind of plot setting not only makes people doubt its authenticity, but also makes people feel that the emotional handling of the characters is too blunt and deliberate.

One person ruined the "chicken ribs" female number one in the whole drama "Haitian Eagle", which made people uncomfortable to watch

Although there are powerful actors such as Li Youbin and Zhu Yawen in the play, trying to improve the enjoyment of the whole play, Wang Luodan's performance in the play, especially the lack of acting skills in some major scenes, still makes people question her casting.

One person ruined the "chicken ribs" female number one in the whole drama "Haitian Eagle", which made people uncomfortable to watch

This not only greatly reduced the quality of the whole show, but also made the audience express deep concerns about her acting skills.

CCTV's casting this time really surprised many viewers, and they were even a little confused.

One person ruined the "chicken ribs" female number one in the whole drama "Haitian Eagle", which made people uncomfortable to watch

Although with the advancement of the plot, Xia Chu played by Wang Luodan gradually gained a firm foothold in the play, her performance at the beginning is still an indelible "black history" in the hearts of the audience.

One person ruined the "chicken ribs" female number one in the whole drama "Haitian Eagle", which made people uncomfortable to watch

As the plot of "Haitian Eagle" gradually deepens, a thought-provoking question gradually emerges: in reality, can we remain so calm in the face of our partner's betrayal like we did at the beginning of summer? This response sparked a wide range of discussions among the audience.

One person ruined the "chicken ribs" female number one in the whole drama "Haitian Eagle", which made people uncomfortable to watch

Most people feel that such a reaction is too mechanical, lacks the realism of life, and is more like a stereotypical interpretation of the script.

Although I have carefully watched every episode that has been broadcast and commented on the actors' acting skills one by one, Wang Luodan's acting skills have still become the target of public criticism.

One person ruined the "chicken ribs" female number one in the whole drama "Haitian Eagle", which made people uncomfortable to watch

In addition, it is worth noting that although the shocking images of aircraft carriers and fighter jets add a lot to the series, the dissonance of the actors in expressing emotions is also particularly striking.

For example, the kind of perseverance that Li Youbin showed when he got out of the car undoubtedly made the audience feel inspired.

One person ruined the "chicken ribs" female number one in the whole drama "Haitian Eagle", which made people uncomfortable to watch

And in the plot of Hou Yong's conversation with his seriously ill son, he conveyed his deep affection for his son and inner guilt just by the subtle changes in his eyes, and the transmission of this emotion is so sincere and deep.

One person ruined the "chicken ribs" female number one in the whole drama "Haitian Eagle", which made people uncomfortable to watch

However, in the seaside conversation with Zhu Yawen at the beginning of the summer, she tries to guide the other party to open up, but her facial expressions do not properly reflect the emotional aftermath of the previous quarrel, making the expression of emotions seem bland.

One person ruined the "chicken ribs" female number one in the whole drama "Haitian Eagle", which made people uncomfortable to watch

In contrast, Zhu Yawen's delicate facial expression immediately attracted the attention of the audience, making people feel his nervousness and uneasiness at the moment.

This obvious contrast of acting skills not only highlights Wang Luodan's shortcomings in detail expression, but also exposes the shortcomings of the drama in terms of actor orientation.

One person ruined the "chicken ribs" female number one in the whole drama "Haitian Eagle", which made people uncomfortable to watch

The most impressive thing in the hearts of the audience is undoubtedly the outstanding performance of Li Youbin, Hou Yong and Zhu Yawen, while Wang Luodan is overshadowed.

Although she is advertised as a special appearance in the show, her role does not fully display its due brilliance.

One person ruined the "chicken ribs" female number one in the whole drama "Haitian Eagle", which made people uncomfortable to watch

If you can replace actors such as Tang Yan or Yang Zi who can more accurately convey emotional fluctuations, it may bring more positive audience feedback to the series.

This just reflects the importance of casting, especially for a high-profile domestic drama, the choice of actors directly affects the overall quality of the drama and the audience's acceptance.

One person ruined the "chicken ribs" female number one in the whole drama "Haitian Eagle", which made people uncomfortable to watch

Although "Haitian Eagle" has made certain achievements in visual effects and theme presentation, it still needs to be strengthened in the authenticity and depth of the actors' emotions.

This is not only a reflection on the drama itself, but also provides valuable inspiration for the production of domestic dramas in the future: the selection and performance of actors is one of the key factors for the success of the series.

One person ruined the "chicken ribs" female number one in the whole drama "Haitian Eagle", which made people uncomfortable to watch

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