
Wang Gongzi|Does Biden still have a chance?

author:Wang Gongzi's wealth circle
Wang Gongzi|Does Biden still have a chance?

After watching the debate between the two old men, Biden's debate really surprised me, and his old appearance really couldn't help but doubt whether his body could bear it.

Trump behaved freely, aggressively, as always, aggressive, aggressive, and generous, full of confidence, very Trump-style.

However, we also have to think about it objectively, Biden, who is in office, has to deal with far more things every day than Trump, and has no more leisure time to worry about debate.

Trump waits for work, waiting for this day to take revenge and shame.

Wang Gongzi|Does Biden still have a chance?

In terms of time preparation, Trump has an advantage.

Their debate lasted about 90 minutes, and for the sake of fairness, the other microphone could not be used during each contestant's speech to prevent interjection.

I watched the whole debate and had to admit that Trump was very eloquent, very good at attacking the weaknesses of the other party, and had the ability to output strongly.

Biden is cautious and eloquent, not completely aggressive, many people may not know that Biden stuttered when he was young, and his current verbal expression is good.

Wang Gongzi|Does Biden still have a chance?

Trump's voice is loud, full of confidence, and his face is full of red light.

Biden is lacking in breath, hesitant, and old.

Purely from the point of view of debate: one wins, one loses.

But the real election is not based on how eloquent you are, but also on your character, integrity, and specific governance measures.

Therefore, until the final result, I am still optimistic about Biden, although the current US polls show that Trump's approval rating is higher than Biden after the debate, my opinion remains unchanged.

Wang Gongzi|Does Biden still have a chance?

If Biden fails, it must be because of his age, not his political performance.

Of course, if my prediction fails, I will publicly apologize and send an article to officially present it.

Here's what I thought after watching the two old men debate and duel:

On the whole, the two sides are full of gunpowder, and there is not even a friendly interaction or handshake before going on the field.

Of course, Trump is angry, believing that in 2020, because of the global new crown epidemic, the Democratic Party cheated, causing him to lose his re-election as president.

Trump is full of hatred in his bones, and Biden is very disgusted by Trump's various cynicisms, including insults and pinching him, and the two have no kindness at all.

Trump still hasn't changed his aggressive nature.

Wang Gongzi|Does Biden still have a chance?

If we look at it only from the first round of debate:

Trump wins, Biden loses!

The Democratic Party is most worried about Biden Biden's aging body, and has made great preparations for targeted training, but his poor performance is still surprising, his speech is weak, he talks about the point, and he is not aggressive.

Of course, objectively speaking, Biden had a stutter when he was young, and I think if Biden loses, the biggest problem is that he is overwhelmed by age.

There are also quite a few people in the Democratic Party who hope that he can withdraw from the election and save some face.

Wang Gongzi|Does Biden still have a chance?

As far as I can see, the U.S. economy has performed well during Biden's tenure, and it has done a good job in rallying allies in diplomacy.

The only criticism is economic inflation, which is why the Fed does not dare to cut interest rates.

On the other hand, Trump, although he is full of red face, is too cunning, extremely confident, and even a little crazy.

He portrays himself as a savior, his fans go crazy about him, and he's more of a star than a president.

Wang Gongzi|Does Biden still have a chance?

Although, Trump has been well received on the issue of immigration, stopping illegal immigration, returning manufacturing to the United States, tax cuts for the rich, etc.

But his biggest bug is dishonesty, he can always lie and make people believe in his sincerity.

In any case, his sex scandal brought him a lot of negative effects.

Some netizens ridiculed:

One is going to jail and the other is going to the ICU for PK.

Is Lao Mei really incapable?

The New York Times said:

"Biden is only three years older than Trump, but he looks and sounds 20 years older."

According to the CNN survey, 67% of respondents believe Trump won the debate.

It is also said that:

"There is no escaping the fact that the United States has been torn apart, although the debate Trump won, but the presidential election is not necessarily, Trump is a hypocrite."

"In a normal society, Trump will definitely win, but it doesn't mean that he will be elected, because the premise of a normal society is missing."

The Democrats explained that Biden was sick with a cold, his mind was not completely clear, his voice was hoarse, and his expression was dull, was this a deliberate attempt to blacken the Democrats?

Wang Gongzi|Does Biden still have a chance?

There are also more ruthless ones:

If you have to choose between a madman and a nerd, it's a difficult choice.

Trump complained:

"I wish Biden was a great president so I wouldn't be here, but he's terrible to be president."

Trump has a fan-like believer, unbelievably loyal, as if from God's point of view, Trump's fans come from all over the world, not limited to the United States.

Wang Gongzi|Does Biden still have a chance?

However, during Biden's four years in office, the economic performance of the United States is still remarkable, the real estate market, especially the stock market, has reached a new high, and artificial intelligence and AI have developed rapidly, including Huang Jenxun's Nvidia and so on.

Therefore, from the face point of view, Trump has a big face to win, and from the inside, as long as Biden is in good health, I still think Biden can be re-elected.

There are still a few months to come out, waiting for an election drama in Lao Mei.

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