
Yu Chengdong once again said something amazing, which made Huawei questioned, why is he always open-mouthed?

author:Business Talks
Yu Chengdong once again said something amazing, which made Huawei questioned, why is he always open-mouthed?

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Yu Chengdong once again said something amazing, which made Huawei questioned, why is he always open-mouthed?

Yu Chengdong once again said amazingly, pushing Huawei to the forefront again, why is he always open-mouthed? In a recent live broadcast, Yu Chengdong said that active safety was first proposed by Huawei, and was considered by everyone to be "blowing too much", netizens asked rhetorically, why don't you say that the car was also invented by Huawei?

Sure enough, there is a reason why Yu Chengdong is called "Big Mouth", at every important node of Huawei, Yu Chengdong can always make bold remarks in public, causing controversy, it is he, who said that Huawei Communications should surpass Ericsson, and shouted "far ahead" as a synonym for Huawei mobile phones, some people say that he is arrogant, high-profile, and open-mouthed, Huawei is such a low-key and down-to-earth enterprise, how can it tolerate people like Yu Chengdong, and he has been doing it for 30 years, what kind of demon did Ren Zhengfei have?

Yu Chengdong once again said something amazing, which made Huawei questioned, why is he always open-mouthed?

In 1969, Yu Chengdong was born in Huoqiu County, western Anhui, his parents are authentic farmers, the family can be said to be "one poor and two white", how poor is it, Yu Chengdong grew up, he was in a state of malnutrition for a long time, and when he was in middle school, he fainted at school because he was too hungry.

In order to change his fate, Yu Chengdong cherished the opportunity to learn, it can be said that he studied hard, and in the end, God paid off, he was admitted to the Department of Automatic Control of Northwestern Polytechnical University with the first grade in the county, and after graduation, he went to Tsinghua University to study for a master's degree. In 1993, after graduating from university, Yu Chengdong went south to Shenzhen to look for opportunities, and by chance, he joined Huawei, which had only a few hundred employees at the time, and spent 30 years killing Huawei board members all the way from a grassroots employee. What really made Yu Chengdong a transparent and core employee of Huawei since he was a child was his experience in founding the wireless business department.

In 1998, Yu Chengdong created a radio communication department in Huawei, and decided to change the track and turn the switch business to 3G business, at that time, almost no one was optimistic about this decision, firstly, because the technical threshold of communication business is very high, and almost all of them are telecom giants in developed countries that can engage in communication technology in China, and secondly, the development investment of this business is very high, if it is really done, one-third of Huawei's R&D funds will be used on it, if it can't be done, Huawei's capital chain will also be affected. I have to say that Ren Zhengfei is really wise, and when everyone objected, he still insisted on giving Yu Chengdong a chance.

Yu Chengdong once again said something amazing, which made Huawei questioned, why is he always open-mouthed?

As it turned out, Yu Chengdong was right. After four years of research and development, the split base station developed by Huawei has attracted great attention as soon as it was launched, and successfully won a large order of 25 million in the Netherlands, quickly making a name for itself in the European market. Subsequently, Yu Chengdong took advantage of the victory and developed the fourth-generation base station, and by 2012, 12 of the top 15 operators in Europe had signed cooperation agreements with Huawei. Yu Chengdong started the communication business, and just when the Huawei team was in full swing in Europe, Ren Zhengfei transferred him back with a phone call to take charge of Huawei's mobile phone business.

At that time, Huawei's mobile phone business can be said to be a "pool of stagnant water", three people in charge have been replaced, and none of them have improved, after Yu Chengdong took over this hot potato, the first thing he did was to cut off the OEM business and enter the high-end market. This decision suffered a huge failure at the beginning, and Huawei's mobile phone shipments fell by 30 million units at once, and revenue fell sharply.

Yu Chengdong greatly increased Huawei's R&D investment in mobile phones, and in 2012 and 13, Huawei developed two smartphones, which were not recognized by the market because they were not easy to use. Immediately afterwards, Yu Chengdong learned from Lei Jun, opened Weibo to communicate directly with customers, and went to the store to experience the work of a promoter, and listened to how customers complained about Huawei mobile phones in person. In June 2013, the Huawei P6 mobile phone was born, and finally sold 4 million units, making a beautiful comeback.

Yu Chengdong once again said something amazing, which made Huawei questioned, why is he always open-mouthed?

After these two incidents, Yu Chengdong has an additional title of "madman" within Huawei, and even Ren Zhengfei also said that Yu is a madman, and the more he scolds, the more crazy he becomes. In the outside world, Yu Chengdong is known as "Yu Dazui", and almost all of the big bulls that Huawei blows are blown out by him.

How big is Yu Chengdong's mouth, in 2013, he said that Huawei mobile phones should be the first in the world, and Samsung and Apple are not opponents. In 2022, he said that "buying a fuel car now is like buying a feature phone in the era of smartphones", and in 2023, he boasted that Haikou, Huawei's chip business will also return. In June 2024, he proposed that active safety of automobiles was proposed by Huawei.

I have to say that although he loves to brag, most of the bulls that Yu Dazui has bragged about have been realized, but many netizens still don't buy it and decide to change their ways to Huawei fans, precisely because of Huawei's car safety problems this time.

Yu Chengdong repeatedly emphasized that active safety was the first initiative of Huawei, but those who know the history of automobiles know that the active safety of automobiles was born a hundred years ago, and Huawei's history is only more than 40 years. Secondly, Huawei has repeatedly emphasized its own security capabilities, but has repeatedly said that it does not make cars, which has caused a misunderstanding for consumers. This has to be reminiscent of the last Shanxi rear-end collision incident, Huawei officials directly put aside the involvement, since active security was put forward by Huawei first, then where is the advanced nature of Huawei's technology?

Yu Chengdong once again said something amazing, which made Huawei questioned, why is he always open-mouthed?

In addition to netizens who think that Yu Dazui is "exaggerated" and "full of running trains", some people think that people like Yu Chengdong are the people that Huawei lacks the most, Chinese companies have a common problem, they will only bury their heads in work, do not understand propaganda, and do not know how to build momentum, in the end, it is often to help others make wedding clothes, Huawei This company has many down-to-earth engineers, but only people like Yu Dazui who dare to say and dare to do are missing.

Regarding Yu Chengdong, Ren Zhengfei once said: Let Yu Maniac engage in black and white, let's do more grayscale, just hedge with him. The implication is that Ren Zhengfei knows better than anyone that Yu Chengdong will make products like crazy, and he will not stop until he reaches his goal, just brag about it, the bigger the bull brags, the greater the benefit to Huawei. The madman Yu Chengdong supported Huawei's ambitions by himself, which boss would not like such a soldier?