
What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

author:The breeze is a little sweet

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What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

Today's topic: What's the most shameful thing you've ever done?

The breeze is a little sweet

Edit|The breeze is a little sweet

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

When we were children, we were always innocent and curious about the world

Therefore, it is inevitable to do something that makes us all feel "ashamed" now

But these are the marks of growth

It is an experience that each of us will have when we grow up, and it is also our precious memory

Haha, how delicious this tea bag is

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

I can't imagine what it will be like if the eggs are rotten two days later

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

Haha, the leader may just want you to get a good night's sleep

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

You quickly tell him that you did the same before, so go to the hospital for a check-up

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

You've had a morning full of stories

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

It's embarrassing to look through the screen

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

Haha, if you don't say it, maybe everyone doesn't know it's you

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

Hahaha The next time you perform, you have to be within your ability, otherwise the gains outweigh the losses

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

Haha, it's the first time I've felt what a stinky thing is so close

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

At least you kicked the shoe before you flew haha

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

The head teacher also changed one word to make your name funny

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

Alas, people sleep well, you have to wake up

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

There's no need to keep this hurdle in your heart, just remember not to waste food next time

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

It seems that it is still something that I have worked on myself, and it tastes delicious

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

Your husband: After I knew the truth, tears fell from my eyes

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

Snake: Fifteen years have passed, and you finally remember me

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

It's so far away, you can still kick it!

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

Why didn't you say this apology at the time?

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

It's okay, since you know that you did something wrong, you can hurry up and spend more time with your mother while you still have a lot of time to make up for it

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap
What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

There are really a lot of such scams, as long as people are fine, eat a trench and grow wise

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap

I want to open up a little bit about these things that I think are "shameful".

It may feel a little embarrassing, but they also make us more mature and sensible

So don't worry too much!

Finally, thank you for reading, I hope to get your likes, attention, and comments!

Welcome all the little masters to pay attention to @Breeze is a little sweet, the editor will bring more joy to everyone~

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Netizen: Sits on someone else's boyfriend's lap