
Can't eat chrysanthemum when you're old? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood pressure to explode, don't be hungry for these 3 kinds of vegetables

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Lao Li, you have to be obedient this time, don't eat those 'vegetable bombs' you love to eat, if you don't want your blood pressure to explode, you just listen to the doctor!"

Doctor Wang measured Lao Li's blood pressure while persuading him bitterly. When Lao Li heard this, his face was complicated, and an incident that happened not long ago appeared in his head.

The early morning sun shines through the curtains and obliquely on the bed in the bedroom, and Lao Li is "enjoying" his long-lost sleep on the bed.

Lao Li is a retired teacher, who is busy with community activities and the education of his grandchildren on weekdays, so he rarely has the opportunity to sleep in.

He slept until noon that day, and when he woke up, his stomach was already rumbling. He got up in a daze, but as soon as he stood up, he felt that the world was spinning, his feet were weak, and he actually sat on the ground with his butt.

"Ouch, my old waist!" Lao Li covered his waist and couldn't help complaining.

Can't eat chrysanthemum when you're old? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood pressure to explode, don't be hungry for these 3 kinds of vegetables

He struggled to remember waking up in the morning, realizing that he had been on an empty stomach for a long time, coupled with the sudden rise of his body, which caused his blood sugar to drop instantly, and he almost fainted. This fall made Lao Li afraid, and he began to think seriously about his health problems.

Although Lao Li is old, he has always felt that he is physically tough and does not taboo anything. Especially chrysanthemum, which is his favorite dish since he was a child, is fragrant and crispy, and it is particularly delicious when fried and boiled.

But after this fall, he decided to look up the effects of chrysanthemum on his body on the Internet.

After checking it, he was shocked: chrysanthemum was listed as a "high-sodium vegetable", which is a time bomb for the elderly with high blood pressure.

So, Lao Li decided to go to the hospital to have a look. This is the scene where Dr. Wang persuades him at the beginning.

Dr. Wang is a senior internist and well-informed. He saw Lao Li's puzzled face, so he explained in detail: "Lao Li, although chrysanthemum is a vegetable, although it is rich in nutrients, it contains high sodium ions.

Your blood pressure is already unstable at this age, coupled with a long period of fasting, and suddenly getting up leads to low blood sugar, and you will faint under the double blow. These high-sodium vegetables, it's better to eat less. ”

Lao Li listened carefully, but was a little puzzled: "Doctor, in addition to chrysanthemum, what other vegetables should we pay attention to?" ”

Can't eat chrysanthemum when you're old? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood pressure to explode, don't be hungry for these 3 kinds of vegetables

Dr. Wang nodded and continued: "Actually, many vegetables that the elderly like to eat have hidden dangers.

Examples include spinach and amaranth, two vegetables that contain high amounts of oxalate, which can easily lead to urinary tract stones. In addition, celery should also be consumed in moderation, as it contains a high amount of potassium, which is a risk for the elderly with renal insufficiency. ”

Lao Li frowned: "Haven't these vegetables always been considered healthy food?" Why is it now a dangerous good? ”

Dr. Wang said with a smile: "Actually, healthy food also depends on personal physique and consumption.

Take chrysanthemum, for example, which is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, but the high sodium problem is prohibitive for people with high blood pressure.

Another example is spinach, although it is a good iron supplement, but the oxalic acid in it will affect the absorption of calcium, and it is easy to form stones over time. ”

In order to give Lao Li a better understanding, Dr. Wang cited a specific case: "Some time ago, I met a patient surnamed Zhang, who is also an elderly person.

He ate a lot of spinach every day, but one day he suddenly had severe back pain, and he was sent to the hospital for an examination and found that it was a urinary tract stone.

We operated on him, and after the operation, we found that he had a lot of oxalate crystals in his body, which had accumulated from eating spinach for a long time. ”

Can't eat chrysanthemum when you're old? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood pressure to explode, don't be hungry for these 3 kinds of vegetables

Lao Li was shocked when he heard this, and he hurriedly asked, "Then will I not be able to eat these dishes in the future?" ”

Doctor Wang shook his head: "It's not that you can't eat it, but you should pay attention to the right amount."

Vegetables like chrysanthemum, spinach, and celery are fine to eat once in a while, but they can't be eaten every day, especially for people with high blood pressure and kidney disease. In terms of diet, we should pay attention to diversity and reasonable combination. ”

After listening to the doctor's advice, Lao Li returned home and began to replan his diet. He decided to stop being greedy and adjust his diet strictly according to the doctor's advice.

In addition to reducing his intake of high-sodium vegetables, he also pays special attention to supplementing with other nutrients.

Breakfast becomes rich and varied every day, including whole wheat bread, eggs and soy milk; Lunch and dinner tend to be lighter, with more fruits and low-sodium vegetables.

In addition, Lao Li began to focus on sports, going for walks in the park and practicing tai chi with his neighbors every morning.

Gradually, he felt that his body was getting better and better, and his blood pressure was much more stable.

Can't eat chrysanthemum when you're old? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood pressure to explode, don't be hungry for these 3 kinds of vegetables

However, Lao Li still has a question in his heart: Are chrysanthemum, spinach, and celery really that dangerous? Does everyone need to avoid it?

In fact, the effects of vegetables on the human body vary from person to person. Everyone's constitution is different and they react differently to certain foods.

People with high blood pressure like Lao Li do need to pay attention to the intake of high-sodium foods, but for some healthy people, moderate intake of these vegetables will not be too much of a problem. The key is to eat a balanced diet and mix it wisely.

In the case of chrysanthemum, although it is high in sodium, it also has a number of benefits. Chrysanthemum is rich in vitamins A, C and dietary fiber, which help improve digestion and boost immunity.

For healthy people, moderate intake of chrysanthemum can not only enjoy the deliciousness, but also obtain nutrients.

Another example is spinach, although it is high in oxalic acid, it is rich in iron and folic acid, which is of great help in preventing anemia. If you're concerned about oxalic acid, blanching spinach before cooking can remove most of the oxalic acid and reduce the risk of stones.

The same is true of celery, which is high in potassium but has a significant blood pressure-lowering effect. For people with high blood pressure, eating celery in moderation can help control blood pressure, but pay attention to your intake and don't overdo it.

Can't eat chrysanthemum when you're old? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood pressure to explode, don't be hungry for these 3 kinds of vegetables

To sum up, eating a healthy diet is not just a simple matter of "eating or not eating", but should be reasonably arranged according to personal physique and health status. For the elderly, maintaining a variety of diets and eating a variety of foods in moderation is the key to staying healthy.

After Lao Li understood this truth, he no longer blindly avoided food, but adjusted his diet reasonably according to his health condition.

He found that healthy living is not just about reducing the intake of certain foods, but about maintaining balance and variety overall. Through the doctor's guidance, his diet has become more scientific and his body has become healthier.

So, the question is: how should the elderly arrange their diet scientifically in order to enjoy food and maintain their health?

The diet of the elderly should pay attention to the following points:

1. Eat a varied diet: Eat a variety of foods including grains, vegetables, fruits, meat, and dairy products every day to ensure complete nutrition.

2. Control salt intake: Patients with high blood pressure should pay special attention to salt intake, try to choose low-sodium foods, and avoid high-salt preserved products.

3. Moderate protein supplementation: Elderly people need enough protein to maintain muscle mass, and can choose high-quality protein sources such as fish, eggs, and soy products.

Can't eat chrysanthemum when you're old? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood pressure to explode, don't be hungry for these 3 kinds of vegetables

4. Increase dietary fiber intake: Eating more fiber-rich foods, such as whole-grain bread, oats, fruits, and vegetables, can help promote gut health and prevent constipation.

5. Maintain water intake: Elderly people tend to neglect to drink water, so ensuring adequate water intake every day can help maintain physical function.

6. Avoid high-sugar and high-fat foods: Reduce your intake of sweets and fried foods to prevent weight gain and cardiovascular disease.

7. Regular physical examination: Understand your health status through regular physical examination, and adjust your diet and lifestyle in time.

Through the above methods, the elderly can enjoy delicious food while maintaining health and preventing the occurrence of diseases. A reasonable diet, coupled with proper exercise, is the secret to maintaining a healthy and long life.

Under the guidance of doctors, Lao Li gradually mastered these skills, and his physical condition has also been significantly improved, and his healthy life has become more enjoyable since then.

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[1] Wang Xueqiao. Exploring the Mechanism of Action of Yangliver Yishui Granules in the Treatment of Hypertensive Nephropathy Based on Network Pharmacology and Molecular Docking, Clinical Research of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2024-06-28

Can't eat chrysanthemum when you're old? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood pressure to explode, don't be hungry for these 3 kinds of vegetables

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