
Is high blood sugar related to the length of meals? Studies have shown that blood sugar may be more stable for a longer period of time in this range

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Your blood sugar is unstable." This is Dr. Lee's classic quote that patients hear almost every time he sits in for a consultation. However, today's sentence directly startled Aunt Zhang.

The story begins on a sunny morning. Aunt Zhang, a retired teacher, usually likes to sleep lazy, and this day is no exception. Her large soft bed was like a magnet, holding her firmly.

But who knew that this sleep was overslept, and when she woke up in a daze, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

She touched her belly, it was empty, and her head was a little dizzy. She struggled to get out of bed, but accidentally slipped her foot, plopped, and fell heavily to the ground.

Aunt Zhang fell to the ground, her mind blank. Fortunately, she didn't fall and was injured, but she was shocked into a cold sweat.

Is high blood sugar related to the length of meals? Studies have shown that blood sugar may be more stable for a longer period of time in this range

This fall scared her a lot, and it also made her start to think seriously about her health problems.

She remembered what Dr. Lee had said to her every time: "Your blood sugar is unstable." Aunt Zhang decided that this time she must find out what happened to her blood sugar.

So, Aunt Zhang put on the most comfortable clothes, went to the community hospital, and found an old acquaintance, Dr. Li.

"Dr. Li, I'm really scared this time, I fainted when I got up in the morning, what can I do?" As soon as Aunt Zhang entered the consultation room, she said eagerly.

Dr. Li pushed his glasses and said solemnly, "Aunt Zhang, how many times have I told you, your blood sugar is unstable, you should pay attention to your diet and rest." Are you not eating on time? ”

Aunt Zhang nodded shamefully: "Yes, I slept lazily and didn't eat breakfast." ”

Dr. Li sighed: "Your problem is not only because of irregular eating, but also because of the length of your meals. ”

Is high blood sugar related to the length of meals? Studies have shown that blood sugar may be more stable for a longer period of time in this range

"How long do you eat?" Aunt Zhang looked puzzled.

Dr. Lee explains, "Yes, recent studies have shown that the length of time you eat has a big impact on blood sugar stability. Do you eat fast every time you eat? ”

Aunt Zhang thought about it, nodded and said, "Yes, I always eat fast to save time." ”

Dr. Li shook his head: "It's not good to eat too fast, it will affect your blood sugar levels. ”

Aunt Zhang asked suspiciously, "Then what should I do?" ”

Dr. Lee began to elaborate: "Studies have shown that if you eat between 20 and 30 minutes, your blood sugar will be more stable.

Because eating too fast, it will cause blood sugar to rise sharply, and insulin will not have time to regulate, and blood sugar will be unstable. And eating too slowly, the digestive system is burdened, and it will also affect blood sugar. ”

Aunt Zhang was stunned when she heard this: "Then I will have to eat slowly in the future." ”

Dr. Li nodded, "Yes, you can try chewing each bite 20 to 30 times, which will help digestion and control blood sugar." ”

Is high blood sugar related to the length of meals? Studies have shown that blood sugar may be more stable for a longer period of time in this range

To further illustrate, Dr. Li recounted a case: "There was a patient who was in a similar condition to you, and he always felt that his blood sugar was unstable, and then we asked him to adjust the speed of his meals, and after eating each meal for 20 to 30 minutes, his blood sugar stabilized a lot. He said it worked for him. ”

Aunt Zhang nodded: "I understand, I will pay attention to the length of meals in the future." ”

Dr. Lee continued, "In addition to the length of your meals, another factor is also important, and that is the order in which you eat. ”

"The order of eating?" Aunt Zhang was even more curious.

Dr. Lee explains, "Yes, the right order of meals can help you better control your blood sugar.

In general, eating vegetables first, then protein-based foods, and carbohydrates at the end can slow down the rise in blood sugar. ”

Aunt Zhang nodded and said thoughtfully: "It seems that my usual eating habits are going to be changed." ”

Dr. Li smiled with relief, "As long as you can stick to these small changes, your blood sugar will definitely become more stable." ”

When Aunt Zhang returned home, she immediately began to implement Dr. Li's advice. She chews slowly at each meal, keeping it between 20 and 30 minutes. Sure enough, she felt her blood sugar gradually stabilize.

Is high blood sugar related to the length of meals? Studies have shown that blood sugar may be more stable for a longer period of time in this range

However, the story doesn't end there. In the process of trying to adjust the length and order of meals, Aunt Zhang discovered another interesting phenomenon.

She found that every time before eating, she would do a little meditation, which also seemed to have some effect on her blood sugar.

Aunt Zhang found Dr. Li again: "Dr. Li, I have been meditating for a few minutes before eating recently, and I feel that my blood sugar has improved, is this also related?" ”

Dr. Li smiled: "You are really careful, meditation does have a certain regulatory effect on blood sugar. Because meditation can reduce your stress, which is one of the important factors affecting blood sugar fluctuations. ”

Aunt Zhang said in surprise: "I see, then I must keep a good mood and meditate more in the future." ”

Dr. Li nodded, "That's right, it's good and stressful, and it's also very helpful for your blood sugar control." ”

Aunt Zhang's story shows us a simple and effective way to manage your health: by adjusting the length and order of meals, and keeping you happy, you can help control your blood sugar.

Is high blood sugar related to the length of meals? Studies have shown that blood sugar may be more stable for a longer period of time in this range

These methods may seem simple, but they are supported by scientific research and have remarkable results.

So, we can't help but ask, in addition to these methods, what are some unexpected little habits that can help with blood sugar management?

Studies have found that regular exercise is also one of the important factors in blood sugar control.

Doing more than 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a day, such as brisk walking, cycling, etc., can help you better control your blood sugar.

Exercise not only improves insulin sensitivity, but also helps you burn off excess blood sugar and prevent it from getting too high.

In addition, sleep quality is also an important factor in blood sugar. Adequate and quality sleep can help the body recover and regulate the endocrine system, thereby maintaining blood sugar stability.

Studies have shown that sleeping between 7 and 8 hours per night significantly reduces the risk of blood sugar fluctuations.

To sum up, blood sugar control requires not only the duration and sequence of meals, but also a comprehensive consideration of mental health, exercise habits, sleep quality and other factors.

Is high blood sugar related to the length of meals? Studies have shown that blood sugar may be more stable for a longer period of time in this range

With these comprehensive management measures, you can better maintain your blood sugar level and protect your health.

Next, let's ask a derived question: In addition to these methods, what other small habits in daily life can help control blood sugar?

The answer is to maintain a regular schedule and eating habits. Waking up and eating on time every day can help you better control your blood sugar levels.

Studies have shown that regular lifestyle habits help stabilize the body's biological clock, which in turn affects the regulation of blood sugar. In addition, drinking more water and eating less high-sugar and high-fat foods can also help stabilize blood sugar.

In conclusion, healthy lifestyle habits are an important foundation for blood sugar control. I hope that through Aunt Zhang's story, everyone can pay more attention to these small habits and escort their own health.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Wang Xiaochen. Effect and mechanism of insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 2 in inducing apoptosis in human foot cells under hyperglycemia Environment, Journal of PLA Medical College, 2024-06-24

Is high blood sugar related to the length of meals? Studies have shown that blood sugar may be more stable for a longer period of time in this range