
Is the ear a heart failure "prompter"? How long can the heart last, 4 ear characteristics tell you

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"There's something wrong with your ears," the doctor opened his mouth to startle Uncle Zhang.

It all started with a day of heavy rain. Uncle Zhang, nearly 60 years old, is a retired bus driver.

That day, he rode an electric bicycle to the market to buy vegetables, and suddenly it rained heavily and the road was slippery.

Uncle Zhang, who was in a cold sweat, covered his knees, thinking that he couldn't buy this dish today, and he had to go to the hospital to see the injury.

When he arrived at the hospital, the doctor treated his abrasions and was about to leave when the doctor suddenly noticed that Uncle Zhang's ears seemed to be abnormal.

As an experienced internist, Dr. Li couldn't help frowning and began to inquire about Uncle Zhang's physical condition in detail.

Uncle Zhang looked at Dr. Li in confusion: "Didn't I just fall, what does my ear have to do with wrestling?" ”

Is the ear a heart failure "prompter"? How long can the heart last, 4 ear characteristics tell you

Dr. Li lifted his glasses, smiled, and said, "The ears are the 'barometer' of the heart." The change in your ears may indicate that there is something wrong with your heart. ”

Uncle Zhang heard it in a fog, how could his ears become an early warning of heart problems? Can this ear tell me how long my heart will last?

Seeing Uncle Zhang's puzzled face, Dr. Li began to explain. "There are some characteristic changes in the ears that may indeed indicate heart health.

First of all, you look at your earlobe," Dr. Li pointed to Uncle Zhang's ear, "there is a distinct diagonal stripe. This twill is what we call the 'Franconian sign'. ”

Dr Lee went on to explain, "The 'Frankish sign' is a wrinkle in the earlobe, which is associated with the development of coronary heart disease.

According to research, people with such wrinkles have a higher probability of coronary heart disease.

Because the blood supply to the earlobe is so abundant, when there is a problem with the blood vessels in the heart, the microvasculature of the earlobe is also affected, resulting in the formation of this kind of twill. ”

Is the ear a heart failure "prompter"? How long can the heart last, 4 ear characteristics tell you

Uncle Zhang was a little nervous when he heard this, touched his earlobe, and muttered in his heart if this was a problem with his sagging skin when he was old.

Dr. Lee continued, "It's not just earlobe wrinkles, but several other ear features that can also indicate heart problems.

For example, abnormal hair growth on the ears. This phenomenon is more common in middle-aged and older men, and if a lot of hair suddenly appears on the ear, it may indicate that there is plaque formation in the heart artery. ”

Uncle Zhang opened his mouth wide, it turns out that it is not a good thing to have long hair on his ears? He remembered that the hairs on his ears had indeed increased in the past few years, and he felt quite proud, but he didn't expect that his heart was 'alarming'.

Dr. Li nodded: "Yes, studies have shown that there is a certain correlation between the increase of hair on the ears and the occurrence of coronary heart disease.

These hairs are caused by changes in hormone levels in the body, which are often closely related to cardiovascular health. ”

Uncle Zhang couldn't help but shudder, thinking that this was really scary. Dr. Lee continued, "The third ear feature is the change in the color of the ear.

Normal, healthy ears should be pale pink in color, but if the ears become pale or purple, it may indicate that the heart is not getting enough blood or that there is a problem with blood circulation. ”

Is the ear a heart failure "prompter"? How long can the heart last, 4 ear characteristics tell you

Uncle Zhang hurriedly took out his mobile phone to take a selfie and looked at his ears. Although he was older and his eyes were a little flowery, he still felt that his ears were a little white, and he began to mumble in his heart.

Seeing this, Dr. Li patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry too much, this is just a suggestive indicator, and the specific situation needs further examination." ”

Finally, Dr. Lee said, "The fourth ear feature is the change in earlobe thickness. Thickening or hardening of earlobes is sometimes a sign of heart problems.

Because the tissue of the earlobe is mainly adipose tissue, when there is a problem with the body's metabolism, the adipose tissue also changes. ”

After listening to this, Uncle Zhang felt that his ears were simply a "little radar for heart health", which could not only reflect the risk of coronary heart disease, but also suggest other heart problems.

Seeing that Uncle Zhang's face was full of doubts, Dr. Li told a real case: "Not long ago, an old man also came to see a doctor because of a fall, and we found that his earlobes had obvious 'Frank signs', and further examination found that he had severe coronary heart disease. After timely treatment, he is now recovering well. ”

Uncle Zhang was a little comforted, but still a little worried, so he asked, "Then Doctor Li, can the problem on my ear be cured?" How long can the heart last? ”

Is the ear a heart failure "prompter"? How long can the heart last, 4 ear characteristics tell you

Dr. Li smiled and replied, "These features on the ears are only suggestive, and the specific situation depends on the detailed examination results." "

However, heart health needs to be protected in many ways, such as daily habits, diet, and exercise. "

In order to make Uncle Zhang feel more at ease, Dr. Li explained in detail some knowledge about protecting the heart. "First of all, in terms of diet, we should eat more fruits and vegetables and less high-fat and high-salt foods. Research"

Uncle Zhang nodded, wondering if he was going to start going to the park every day. Dr. Lee continued, "There is also the need to quit smoking and limit alcohol, as smoking can damage the health of blood vessels and increase the burden on the heart. "

Uncle Zhang nodded, wondering if he was going to start going to the park every day. Dr. Lee continued, "There is also the need to quit smoking and limit alcohol, as smoking can damage the health of blood vessels and increase the burden on the heart.

While moderate alcohol consumption is good for the heart, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to a decrease in heart function. ”

Next, Dr. Lee recounted another case he encountered: "There was a patient whose ears became pale and his earlobes became thicker, and after examination, his heart was found to be insufficient, and finally his symptoms improved greatly through lifestyle changes and medication. Therefore, the key is early detection and early treatment. ”

Is the ear a heart failure "prompter"? How long can the heart last, 4 ear characteristics tell you

Uncle Zhang nodded again and again when he heard this, and admired the role of the 'barometer' of the ear in his heart. He plans to get rid of some bad habits as soon as he returns, and strive to keep his heart healthy.

But at this time, Uncle Zhang suddenly thought of a question: "Dr. Li, can these characteristic changes on the ears indicate other health problems in addition to heart problems?" ”

Dr. Lee pondered for a moment and said, "Indeed, some changes in the ears may also indicate other health problems.

For example, a lump on your ear or an increase in discharge from your ear canal may indicate an ear infection or other condition. There are also ears that become too soft or hardened, which may be related to other metabolic diseases in the body. ”

These words made Uncle Zhang understand a truth, the ear is not only the 'barometer' of the heart, but also the 'early warning' of overall health.

He decided to pay attention not only to his heart health, but also to the changes in his ears at all times, and to be an all-round health expert.

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[1] Feng Shujuan. The predictive value of NT-proBNP combined with serum HE4 and 25-(OH)-D in the development of acute heart failure in 200 cases of chronic kidney disease, Anhui Medicine, 2024-06-21

Is the ear a heart failure "prompter"? How long can the heart last, 4 ear characteristics tell you