
Doctor's advice: Eat more 4 kinds of fruits in summer, rich in anthocyanins, sterilization, anti-inflammatory and strong heart!

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Hello dear listeners! Today we're going to talk about how to protect your heart health during the summer months.

First of all, everyone should remember that eating more fruits rich in anthocyanins in summer has great benefits for the heart. ”

This sentence came out of the radio, interrupting the broom in Aunt Li's hand. She stood in the middle of the living room, listening intently, as if she were afraid of missing every word of the doctor. Aunt Li, in her 60s, was a primary school teacher before she retired.

Since her retirement, she has enjoyed listening to health programs on the radio every day. Today's episode has obviously aroused her great interest, as she has been experiencing chest tightness and shortness of breath lately, especially in the hot summer months.

The doctor on the radio continued: "The first recommended fruit is blueberries. Blueberries are rich in anthocyanins, which can effectively resist oxidation and enhance the elasticity of blood vessels, thereby protecting the heart.

Studies have shown that consuming one cup of blueberries a day can reduce the risk of heart attack. ”

Doctor's advice: Eat more 4 kinds of fruits in summer, rich in anthocyanins, sterilization, anti-inflammatory and strong heart!

Hearing this, Aunt Li immediately put down the broom, walked to the kitchen, picked up the notepad and wrote it down carefully: "Blueberries, one cup a day, antioxidant, protect the heart." ”

The doctor then introduced the second fruit: "Black goji berries, everyone may have heard of them. Black goji berries are also rich in anthocyanins, which have powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. Not only that, but it also helps lower blood pressure and protect the cardiovascular system.

Especially for those who already have high blood pressure, black goji berries are a good choice. ”

Aunt Li is no stranger to black wolfberries, she remembers that when she was young, her mother used to soak them in water and drink.

She continued to write in her notebook: "Black wolfberry, anti-inflammatory and sterilizing, lowering blood pressure, protecting the cardiovascular system." ”

The doctor's voice was gentle but firm: "The third fruit is cherries. Cherries are not only delicious but also rich in anthocyanins, which promote blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and prevent arteriosclerosis.

One study showed that consuming 10 cherries a day can significantly reduce inflammatory markers in the body. Aunt Li nodded and wrote down: "Cherries, promote blood circulation, prevent arteriosclerosis, 10 per day." ”

Doctor's advice: Eat more 4 kinds of fruits in summer, rich in anthocyanins, sterilization, anti-inflammatory and strong heart!

Finally, the doctor recommended purple grapes: "Purple grapes are rich in anthocyanins, which have strong antioxidant capacity. It protects the heart by preventing platelet aggregation and preventing thrombosis. ”

Aunt Li closed the notebook and thought that she would go to the market to buy these fruits in the afternoon. Not only are these fruits healthy, she thought, but they can also be used as a snack, delicious and healthy, killing two birds with one stone.

With the end of the show, Aunt Li returned to cleaning work, but she felt a little more at ease. She remembered an old colleague from many years ago, Lao Zhang.

Lao Zhang was physically strong when he was young, but when he was in his fifties, he was diagnosed with heart disease, and he usually did not pay attention to diet and exercise, and died within a few years of retirement. Aunt Li secretly decided that she must take good care of herself and not let her children worry about it.

In the afternoon, Aunt Li came to the market and found that the stalls of blueberries, black goji berries, cherries and purple grapes were crowded with people.

She thought to herself, it seems that everyone has listened to today's radio and knows the benefits of these fruits. She patiently lined up and bought a big bag to take home.

Back at home, Aunt Li washed the fruit and put it on the dining table. She couldn't wait to take a bite of the blueberries, which were sweet and sour, and delicious.

Doctor's advice: Eat more 4 kinds of fruits in summer, rich in anthocyanins, sterilization, anti-inflammatory and strong heart!

As she ate, she imagined her blood vessels becoming healthier with the help of these anthocyanins.

In the evening, Aunt Li sat on the sofa and continued to listen to the radio. In this episode, the doctor told a real case story.

An elderly man in his seventies has been in good health due to the long-term consumption of fruits rich in anthocyanins.

Even in the hot summer, he did not have any problems with his heart. Aunt Li listened attentively and felt that she had found a good way to take care of her body.

After a few weeks, Aunt Li felt that her physical condition had improved significantly. She no longer felt tightness in her chest and shortness of breath, and her whole body was refreshed.

She shared the good news with her neighbors, and everyone was happy and followed her example.

Aunt Li not only benefited herself, but also became a health ambassador in the community. She often organizes her neighbors to listen to health programs and discuss health tips.

One day, her old friend Aunt Wang asked her, "Sister, do you think these anthocyanins are really so magical?" ”

Aunt Li replied with a smile: "Aunt Wang, this is not what I said, it was researched by experts. I tried it myself for a few weeks and did feel better. You also try it, there will definitely be benefits. ”

Doctor's advice: Eat more 4 kinds of fruits in summer, rich in anthocyanins, sterilization, anti-inflammatory and strong heart!

So, Aunt Wang also began to eat these fruits every day, and soon she also felt the changes in her body.

The middle-aged and elderly people in the community have gradually formed a "wave of cyanocyan literacy", and everyone exchanges experiences with each other and shares health experiences.

One day, Aunt Li heard a new point of view on the health program: anthocyanins are not only good for the heart, but also improve immunity and prevent colds and other diseases.

The doctor gave an example of a middle-aged man who often caught a cold due to his work pressure and weakened immunity. Later, he ate fruits rich in anthocyanins every day, and as a result, the number of colds was greatly reduced.

After Aunt Li listened, she had more confidence in her heart. She believes that as long as she adheres to a healthy lifestyle, she will be able to live a long and healthy life. She also plans to sign up for a health and wellness seminar to learn more about health.

At the end of the story, Aunt Li asked a question: "Why can anthocyanins improve immunity and prevent colds?" She went to consult the doctor on the radio with this question.

"Anthocyanins are powerful antioxidants that scavenge free radicals in the body and reduce oxidative stress, thereby increasing the activity of immune cells," the doctor explains.

In addition, anthocyanins can also suppress the inflammatory response and enhance the immune system's defenses.

Doctor's advice: Eat more 4 kinds of fruits in summer, rich in anthocyanins, sterilization, anti-inflammatory and strong heart!

A study has shown that regular consumption of fruits rich in anthocyanins can significantly increase the number and activity of immune cells and reduce the occurrence of colds and other diseases. ”

The doctor also added: "In addition to fruits, there are many foods rich in anthocyanins, such as purple potatoes and purple cabbage. You can choose different foods to consume anthocyanins according to your taste. ”

After hearing this, Aunt Li was very satisfied. She decided to continue to eat anthocyanin-rich fruits every day and try other anthocyanin-rich foods to further improve her immunity and maintain her health.

This summer, under the leadership of Aunt Li, the middle-aged and elderly people in the community began to pay attention to eating healthy and learning how to protect their bodies through food.

Not only did they gain more health knowledge, but they also gained a lot of joy and friendship in the process.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Ge Zhenzhen. Exploring the Interaction Mechanism of Persimmon Proanthocyanidins and Mucin Based on Fluorescence Spectrometry, Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024-05-08

Doctor's advice: Eat more 4 kinds of fruits in summer, rich in anthocyanins, sterilization, anti-inflammatory and strong heart!

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