
If the blood vessels are blocked, you will know if you soak your feet? Doctor's reminder: If there are 4 signs, check as soon as possible

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Good morning, listeners! Welcome to today's Healthy Living column, I am your old friend, Dr. Chan.

Today we are going to talk about how to discover potential health problems through the small details of daily life. Dr. Chan's voice came out of the radio, clear and warm.

Aunt Liu put down the broom in her hand, wiped the sweat beads on her forehead, and listened attentively to the sound on the radio.

She is 62 years old and a retired secondary school teacher. Since her retirement, her daily life has become laid-back and regular.

Today, while cleaning her room, she listened to the health knowledge column, thinking that she wanted to learn more health care knowledge to escort her old age.

"We all know that healthy blood vessels are essential for our body.

If the blood vessels are blocked, you will know if you soak your feet? Doctor's reminder: If there are 4 signs, check as soon as possible

So, how can we tell if our blood vessels are healthy? Dr. Chan paused and continued, "Actually, there is an easy way to do this, which is to soak your feet. ”

When Aunt Liu heard this, she immediately stopped what she was doing and listened carefully. Soaking her feet is a must-do homework every day, what does this have to do with blood vessels?

Dr. Chen's explanation piqued Auntie Liu's interest, explaining, "Soaking your feet is not only a way to relax, but also a window into your health.

If you notice the following four signs while soaking your feet, it could be a sign that there is a problem with the health of your blood vessels. ”

The first sign is an abnormal color of the skin on the feet when you soak your feet. If the skin on the feet becomes pale or purple, this may be a sign of poor circulation.

Aunt Liu recalled that when she soaked her feet a few days ago, her feet were indeed a little white, and she didn't care about it at that time, thinking that the water temperature was not enough. Hearing Dr. Chan say that now, she can't help but feel a little worried.

The second sign is numbness or pain in the foot after soaking the foot. Dr Tan explained that this is a nerve reaction caused by narrowing or blockage of blood vessels, resulting in poor blood flow.

If the blood vessels are blocked, you will know if you soak your feet? Doctor's reminder: If there are 4 signs, check as soon as possible

Aunt Liu remembered that when she soaked her feet a few days ago, she did have a similar feeling, but she thought it was because she had been sitting for too long.

The third sign is an abnormal temperature in the feet. Normally, your feet should be warm after soaking. If you notice that the temperature of your feet is too low or too high, there may be a problem with blood circulation.

Aunt Liu thought about it for a while, and she seemed to have had this situation herself, but she didn't care.

Another sign is puffiness of the feet after soaking the feet. Dr Chan explained that this was due to the poor return of blood from the veins, resulting in edema.

Dr Chan explained that this was due to the edema caused by poor venous return.

"Dear listeners, if you find any of the above signs when soaking your feet, please be sure to pay attention to it and go to the hospital for examination in time." Dr. Chan concluded.

After listening to the show, Aunt Liu muttered in her heart. She decided to follow Dr. Chan's advice and observe her condition.

So, when she soaked her feet at night, she paid special attention to it, and sure enough, she found that the skin of her feet was a little pale and numb.

This frightened her, and she immediately discussed it with her wife, Uncle Wang. Uncle Wang is a retired engineer who pays attention to science.

If the blood vessels are blocked, you will know if you soak your feet? Doctor's reminder: If there are 4 signs, check as soon as possible

After listening to Aunt Liu's description, he suggested that she go to the hospital for a check-up as soon as possible, after all, health problems cannot be ignored.

Early the next morning, Aunt Liu and Uncle Wang went to a nearby hospital together. The patient was treated by an experienced veteran doctor surnamed Li.

Dr. Li listened carefully to Aunt Liu's description, did some more examinations, and finally said, "Aunt Liu, your situation really needs attention.

I recommend that you do a detailed vascular examination to see if there is a problem with blocked blood vessels. ”

After some examination, the results showed that Aunt Liu's lower limb arteries were indeed somewhat narrow, and the blood flow was not normal.

Dr Lee advised her on further treatment and emphasized health care and precautions in her daily life.

"In fact, many middle-aged and elderly people have similar problems." Dr. Lee began to elaborate, "Vascular health is a long-term maintenance process, not an overnight one. We need to comprehensively regulate through diet, exercise, lifestyle habits and other aspects. ”

In particular, Dr Lee emphasised the crucial role of diet in health. He points out that a diet high in fat and cholesterol is one of the main causes of vascular problems.

Middle-aged and elderly people should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, reduce the intake of red meat, and choose low-fat protein sources such as fish and chicken.

If the blood vessels are blocked, you will know if you soak your feet? Doctor's reminder: If there are 4 signs, check as soon as possible

In addition, nuts and legumes are also good choices. Next, Dr. Lee talked about the importance of exercise.

He said that for middle-aged and elderly people, a moderate amount of aerobic exercise can effectively promote blood circulation and enhance cardiovascular function.

Walking, jogging or swimming for 30 minutes a day can be a good health care thing.

Dr. Lee also made a point of mentioning some small details that need to be noted.

For example, avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time and change positions frequently to promote blood circulation; Wear comfortable shoes and avoid excessively tight clothing; Proper leg massage to relieve muscle tension.

Aunt Liu nodded again and again, feeling that she had learned a lot. She was determined to follow her doctor's advice and make good adjustments to her lifestyle.

After returning home, Aunt Liu began to strictly control her diet, insisted on walking every day, and specially bought a pair of comfortable sneakers.

She also asked Uncle Wang to help her massage her legs every day, hoping that through these efforts, she could improve her vascular health.

After some time, Aunt Liu went to the hospital for a follow-up, and Dr. Li was relieved to tell her that her vascular condition had improved significantly. This made Aunt Liu feel very happy and strengthened her confidence in a healthy life.

If the blood vessels are blocked, you will know if you soak your feet? Doctor's reminder: If there are 4 signs, check as soon as possible

Through Auntie Liu's story, we can see that the small details of daily life have an important impact on our health.

Many times, health problems don't happen suddenly, but rather accumulate over time.

If we can pay more attention to the warning signs sent by the body in time, many problems can be prevented and controlled early.

So, is there an easier way to assess the health of our blood vessels?

Actually, there is another easy way, and that is to observe the nails of the fingers. If you have noticeable vertical streaks on your nails, or if your color becomes dull, it may also be a warning sign of a vascular problem.

Nails are a "barometer" of physical health, and by observing the changes in nails, we can make a preliminary judgment about the health of the body.

For example, whitish nails may be a sign of anemia; Yellowing of the nails, which may be a liver problem; Visible vertical streaks on your nails may indicate poor circulation or a problem with the health of your blood vessels.

Of course, nail changes are only a preliminary reference and are not a complete substitute for a professional medical examination. If you notice any abnormal changes in your nails, it is best to seek medical attention in time for a detailed examination.

To sum up, vascular health is essential to our body, and with simple methods such as soaking our feet and observing our nails, we can make a preliminary judgment about whether there is a problem with our blood vessels.

Usually pay attention to the adjustment of diet, exercise and living habits, timely detect and deal with health problems, and escort your later life.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Cao Qingwen. Salidroside promotes the proliferation and migration of human vascular endothelial cell line EA.hy926, Basic Medicine and Clinical Medicine, 2024-06-28

If the blood vessels are blocked, you will know if you soak your feet? Doctor's reminder: If there are 4 signs, check as soon as possible

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