
Doctor's advice: If you want to live to the age of 80, change the 3 breakfasts after the age of 65, and the more you eat, the worse your health will be

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Lao Wang, I've seen a lot of your problem, it's not a serious illness, but if it continues like this, the consequences will be serious." This was the first thing Wang heard in the hospital after waking up. It all started in the morning.

Lao Wang, a retired old teacher, rarely gets a lazy sleep in the morning, but as a result, it is noon.

When I woke up, I felt dizzy, and within a few steps of standing up, I felt like the world was spinning and I fell to the ground. Fortunately, his wife, Aunt Li, found out in time and quickly called 120 to send him to the hospital.

At the hospital, Lao Wang met his attending doctor, Dr. Zhang. Dr. Zhang is an experienced veteran doctor who is well-informed, and looking at Lao Wang's situation, he can see the problem at a glance.

"You, Lao Wang, it's not the disease, it's your breakfast." Dr. Zhang said.

Doctor's advice: If you want to live to the age of 80, change the 3 breakfasts after the age of 65, and the more you eat, the worse your health will be

When Lao Wang heard this, he was suddenly a little puzzled, he has been the same for decades, and breakfast has never fallen. "Doctor Zhang, I eat a pretty regular breakfast, how can something go wrong?"

Hearing this, Dr. Zhang smiled and shook his head, "The rules are the rules, but the food is wrong." Think about it, what do you usually eat? ”

Lao Wang recalled, "Isn't it porridge, pickles, and fritters?" Isn't this all our traditional old breakfast? ”

"Here's the problem," Dr. Zhang sighed, "Your breakfast, especially at your age, is getting worse the more you eat." Today I'm going to tell you that if you want to live to be eighty, you'll have to change your breakfast. ”

Lao Wang looked puzzled, but he still listened carefully.

Dr. Zhang started with porridge, "Lao Wang, your porridge, at first glance, there is no problem, it is light and easy to digest, but do you know that the main ingredient of porridge is water, which has low nutrient density and insufficient calorie intake.

Especially if you don't eat in the morning and fasting for a long time, your body will not get enough energy supply, causing you to faint as soon as you stand up today. ”

When Lao Wang heard this, he suddenly realized, "No wonder I eat porridge every morning, and it doesn't take long for me to get hungry." ”

Doctor's advice: If you want to live to the age of 80, change the 3 breakfasts after the age of 65, and the more you eat, the worse your health will be

Dr. Zhang nodded, "Yes, porridge has a high glycemic index, and after eating, blood sugar rises rapidly, and then drops rapidly, so it is easy to get hungry."

You usually eat a high-fiber, high-protein breakfast, such as whole wheat bread, eggs, milk, etc. ”

Then Dr. Zhang talked about pickles, "Your pickles are a big problem. Pickles are high in salt, and eating them for a long time is not good for blood pressure.

We Chinese already eat a lot of salt, and there are not a few patients with high blood pressure. Especially in the elderly, salt intake should be controlled.

If you eat pickles for breakfast, not only will your blood pressure go up, but it may also cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. ”

Lao Wang nodded, feeling reasonable, "Then can I eat some light dishes, such as cucumbers and cold tofu?" ”

Dr. Zhang smiled with relief, "Yes, cucumber and cold tofu are good choices." Be careful to use less salt and more natural seasonings, such as vinegar, ginger and garlic. ”

Finally, Dr. Zhang talked about fried dough sticks, "Fried fritters are a big problem, fried food is high in calories and contains a lot of trans fatty acids.

Eating fritters for a long time is not only easy to gain weight, but also bad for the heart. You know, heart disease is not a trivial problem. ”

Doctor's advice: If you want to live to the age of 80, change the 3 breakfasts after the age of 65, and the more you eat, the worse your health will be

Lao Wang was taken aback when he heard this, "Then I won't eat fritters in the future, can I eat some fruits or nuts instead?" ”

Dr. Zhang nodded, "Very good, the fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals, which are good for the body.

Nuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system. However, it should be noted that nuts are not low in calories, just eat a small handful every day. ”

After listening to Dr. Zhang's advice, Wang decided to completely change his breakfast habits starting tomorrow.

He didn't want to experience the shock of today, and he didn't want to get into more health problems in the future because of his poor diet.

The next morning, Lao Wang got up early and cooked by himself. He boiled two eggs and cut a plate of fruit with a slice of whole-wheat bread and a glass of milk.

My wife, Aunt Li, looked at the fresh breakfast on the table, and couldn't help but praise, "Lao Wang, today's breakfast is really rich, it seems that you are listening to Dr. Zhang." ”

Lao Wang smiled and nodded, "That's right, from today onwards, I want to take good care of my body." ”

Doctor's advice: If you want to live to the age of 80, change the 3 breakfasts after the age of 65, and the more you eat, the worse your health will be

Easier said than done. When Lao Wang first started to change his breakfast habits, he always felt that he was not used to it, especially the porridge, pickles and fritters that he had been used to eating for decades.

However, Lao Wang is a person with perseverance, and he knows that health is priceless, and no matter how difficult it is, he has to persevere.

After a long time, Lao Wang gradually adapted to the new breakfast. What's more, he noticed that his physical condition had improved significantly.

The symptoms of dizziness and dizziness disappeared, and the whole person felt much more energetic. Lao Wang knew that it was all due to the change in breakfast.

One day, Lao Wang met his old neighbor Uncle Zhang in the community. Uncle Zhang also retired, and the two chatted, and Lao Wang told Uncle Zhang about his experience.

Uncle Zhang listened and nodded again and again, "Lao Wang, you're right, I also have to change my breakfast." At our age, physical health is the most important thing. ”

Lao Wang smiled and said, "That's right, health is your own, and only by cherishing it can you live a long time." ”

Later, Uncle Zhang also began to change his breakfast habits. When the two of them meet every morning, they always have a few words of encouragement to each other, and they have become good partners in a healthy life.

Doctor's advice: If you want to live to the age of 80, change the 3 breakfasts after the age of 65, and the more you eat, the worse your health will be

In fact, the story of Lao Wang and Uncle Zhang spread in the community, and many elderly people began to pay attention to their breakfast. Everyone consulted Dr. Zhang, and Dr. Zhang was also willing to give everyone popular science.

"According to a study, people over the age of 65 can reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease by 30% if they eat more protein and fiber for breakfast.

At the same time, a high-fiber diet can also prevent Alzheimer's disease and maintain brain health. ”

In order to support this view, Dr. Zhang also told a true case story, "There is an old lady named Aunt Li, who is in her 70s, and used to eat porridge, pickles and fritters all year round. Later it was found that he had high blood pressure and diabetes.

Later, she followed my advice and switched to whole-grain bread, eggs, and milk, and her blood pressure and blood sugar were well controlled. Now my body is much better than before. ”

Dr. Zhang's words convinced everyone, and more and more people began to change their breakfast habits.

Doctor's advice: If you want to live to the age of 80, change the 3 breakfasts after the age of 65, and the more you eat, the worse your health will be

There is a craze for healthy breakfasts in the community, where everyone shares healthy recipes and encourages each other, which has become a unique scenery in the community.

However, some people still feel that breakfast is too varied and not adaptable. Dr. Zhang patiently told them, "Any change takes a process, and it may not be used to it at first, but as long as you stick to it, your body will definitely feel the change." ”

After listening to Dr. Zhang's words, everyone was even more determined to change their breakfast.

Lao Wang has also become a health ambassador in the community, often encouraging his neighbors, "At our age, the most important thing is to be healthy." Breakfast was a small thing, but it was done right, but it was a big deal. ”

In this way, Lao Wang and his neighbors, with the help of Dr. Zhang, gradually developed a healthy breakfast habit. They find that life has changed for the better and their physical condition is getting better.

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[1] Li Hui. Study on the Effect of Personalized Diet Prescription and Teach Back Health Education on Disease Recurrence in Patients with Urinary Calculi in Qingyuan Area, China Health Care, 2024-05-01

Doctor's advice: If you want to live to the age of 80, change the 3 breakfasts after the age of 65, and the more you eat, the worse your health will be