
China Merchants Securities 24 Summer Recruitment Securities Company of China Merchants Group, a central enterprise, has first-class salary and benefits

author:Qingqingwan job hunting

In the past few days, China Merchants Securities has launched the 2024 summer campus recruitment program.

As far as "Qingqingwan Job Search" Qingqingjun understands, their family is a securities company under the central enterprise China Merchants Group, and from the perspective of revenue scale, it has been ranked among the top ten securities companies in China for many years, and it belongs to the head securities company in China.

This time, their family's 2024 summer recruitment mainly released branch wealth advisors and financial technology posts.

So, what are the career prospects for applying for a position in their family?

Today, "Qingqingwan Job Search" Qingqingjun will take you to talk about this brokerage and their campus recruitment project. It should be pointed out that I have also written relevant job search guidance articles before, and students who want to review them, poke at them:

Guotai Junan's 25th school recruitment Shanghai state-owned holding brokerage company starts with an annual salary of hundreds of thousands

CICC has opened 24 autumn recruitment, state-controlled investment banks with super high salaries, but busy work

China Merchants Securities 24 Summer Recruitment Securities Company of China Merchants Group, a central enterprise, has first-class salary and benefits

Analysis of China Merchants Securities' summer recruitment positions

As far as Qingqingwan Job Search WeChat public account (ID: qqwjob) Qingqingjun knows, the major securities schools are mainly divided into two categories: core departments and local branches.

The core departments include investment banking, securities investment, asset management, fixed income, direct investment, research, etc.

These departments are generally set up in the headquarters of the brokerage, and the remuneration package belongs to the top of the pyramid. However, correspondingly, the recruitment requirements are relatively high, and the number of enrollment places is relatively small.

In addition, the branches of major brokerages will also recruit people.

This kind of branch mainly refers to the business departments in various places.

The sales department of the brokerage is the front-line sales window of the brokerage, and it is also the bulk of the brokerage's income. As a simple example, if we usually want to speculate in stocks, we must go to the business department of a brokerage firm to open an account, during which we will give tens of thousands of commissions for each transaction that occurs.

In general, the basic function of the business department of major securities companies is to develop customers, introduce assets, and then provide customers with various services, including trading, investment and financing, etc., to earn commissions, financial advisory fees, and interest rate differentials.

According to the nature of customers, the business of the sales department is divided into two business lines: institutions and individuals.

"Qingqingwan Job Hunting" Qingqingjun thinks that if we use the bank as an analogy, it will be more intuitive. The business departments of major securities companies are equivalent to the business outlets of major banks in various places, and the institutional and personal business of the business departments of securities companies is similar to the corporate business and private business that banks will also divide.

It's just that we usually go to the bank, mainly to deposit and withdraw money; And we usually go to the business department of the brokerage to do financial products related matters such as stock speculation.

The wealth advisors recruited by China Merchants Securities this time are essentially marketing positions, and in addition to having relevant financial investment knowledge, they must also be enthusiastic about sales. Of course, if you have a fairly large network of wealthy people, it will also be very beneficial for you to carry out your work.

On the whole, the requirements for the position of wealth advisor in the branch are lower than those in the core department of the headquarters, and the number of places is also larger. If you do it well, the income will also be more substantial. Of course, marketing work can also be more stressful.

In addition, this 24 summer recruitment, their family also released a financial technology post.

At present, major financial institutions are paying more attention to this field. If you can't apply for a big Internet company, you can either settle for the next best thing and try a position in such a financial institution.

Generally speaking, the financial technology positions of securities companies are not considered core positions, and the salary may not be as good as those of those Internet giants; But the work will not be so busy, and the stability will be better.

China Merchants Securities 24 Summer Recruitment Securities Company of China Merchants Group, a central enterprise, has first-class salary and benefits

Interpretation of China Merchants Securities' 2024 Summer Campus Recruitment Program

As far as Qingqingwan Job Search Qingqingjun knows, the company's 24 summer recruitment, branch wealth advisor positions are all over the country, and there is a wide range of options. The working places of the fintech post are Wuhan and Shenzhen.

According to the official statement, the school recruitment process includes: online application, resume screening, written interview, and offer issuance.

So, what are the career prospects for applying for a position in their family?

On the bright side, China Merchants Securities is a leading securities company in China, and it definitely has more advantages than some small platforms. It is a good starting point for fresh graduates.

In addition, if you feel that the competition and requirements for entering the core department of the brokerage are too fierce, it is better to start with a branch with a relatively low threshold, and you may be able to open up another world.

Positions in brokers, if the job is excellent, are usually better paid than in most industries.

Of course, at the same time, brokerage positions are usually more stressful. Especially in recent years, the domestic stock market has not been ideal, and for practitioners, the performance pressure has become greater.

If you want to work in this industry, you must be mentally prepared.

China Merchants Securities 24 Summer Recruitment Securities Company of China Merchants Group, a central enterprise, has first-class salary and benefits

Next, in order to facilitate your application, Qingqingjun of the WeChat public account of "Qingqingwan Job Search" (ID: qqwjob) has compiled the 2023 China Merchants Securities Wealth Consultant Written Interview Experience for your reference:


Verbal comprehension, logical reasoning, graphical reasoning, mathematical operations, financial knowledge, etc.

One side:

Three-minute self-introduction;

understanding of wealth advisory;

Do you have any experience in trading stocks or buying wealth management products?

What investment mindsets and tools have you used in your past internships?

What would you do if a client asked about a stock or a financial product that you were not familiar with?

intended duty station;



understanding of China Merchants Securities;

understanding of wealth advisory;

whether or not is a party member;

Ask questions based on your resume, and ask for details of the projects you have done;

Do you have any investment experience? What are the considerations when investing in stocks or funds? What are the benefits? Who is the fund manager?

After passing the interview, an internship will be arranged, and when will I be able to come to the internship?


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