
Advice: Even if the 4 types of cancer are diagnosed at an advanced stage, there is great hope for cure, so don't give up on life too early

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Ouch, Xiao Wang, your belly doesn't look right!"

This sudden reminder broke Xiao Wang's focus on pain.

Xiao Wang, a middle school history teacher in his early fifties, likes to tell his students legends about ancient and modern times, but today, his story begins with a sudden rainstorm and a slip.

Xiao Wang rode his old bicycle and braved the light rain to go home. Unexpectedly, the weather was not beautiful, the rain suddenly became heavier, the road was slippery, and he was careless, and even the car fell to the ground.

He suffered abrasions on his knees and arms, and he had to go to the hospital to treat the wounds. It was this fortuitous visit that changed the trajectory of his life.

Xiao Wang felt that something was wrong with his stomach, and looked down at his slightly bulging belly, looking dazed. Doctor Director Wang frowned, as if thinking about something.

Advice: Even if the 4 types of cancer are diagnosed at an advanced stage, there is great hope for cure, so don't give up on life too early

Don't worry, I'll arrange a check-up for you and see what's going on. As soon as Director Wang's words fell, Xiao Wang had already been taken into the examination room.

"Doctor, am I going to fail?" Xiao Wang's voice trembled, and his face turned pale.

"Who said that? Although pancreatic cancer is not easy to treat, don't worry, there is hope. Director Wang patted Xiao Wang's shoulder and continued, "I'll tell you a few stories, and you'll understand." ”

So, Director Wang told the first story.

Aunt Zhang, a full-time grandmother after retirement, has the greatest pleasure of taking care of her grandchildren on weekdays. Three years ago, she was diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer.

The family suddenly fell into despair, and Aunt Zhang herself was depressed for a while. However, after a series of treatments, Aunt Zhang miraculously recovered.

It turns out that although the cure rate of gastric cancer is not high, there are still many successful cases as long as it is actively treated.

Now, Aunt Zhang can take her grandson to the park and square dance with her neighbors, and her quality of life is not affected in the slightest.

Advice: Even if the 4 types of cancer are diagnosed at an advanced stage, there is great hope for cure, so don't give up on life too early

"You see, stomach cancer can be cured at an advanced stage, let alone your pancreatic cancer?" Director Wang said with a smile.

Then, Director Wang mentioned the story of Uncle Li. Uncle Lee is a retired factory worker who lives a simple and peaceful life.

Two years ago, Uncle Li was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer. At first, Uncle Lee also thought that his life was short.

But on the advice of the doctor, Uncle Li underwent a liver transplant, which was a great success, and now he is in good health and living a more comfortable life than before.

"Xiao Wang, your situation is actually better than them." Director Wang continued, "With the progress of modern medicine, many cancers can have a good treatment effect even if they are at an advanced stage. ”

Xiao Wang listened to these stories, and his mood calmed down a little, but he was still a little worried. "Then what should I do with pancreatic cancer?"

Director Wang smiled slightly and began to explain in detail. "In fact, there are many ways to treat pancreatic cancer, such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and some emerging immunotherapies.

The key is not to give up hope. Scientific data shows that even in the advanced stage of pancreatic cancer, many patients can survive for more than five years after standardized treatment. ”

Advice: Even if the 4 types of cancer are diagnosed at an advanced stage, there is great hope for cure, so don't give up on life too early

Hearing this, Xiao Wang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Immediately, Director Wang told Xiao Wang about the other two types of cancer, even if it is in the advanced stage, there is no need to give up too early.

Uncle Lin is a retired teacher, and his biggest hobby in life is raising flowers and plants. Half a year ago, he was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, and the whole family felt that this time the sky was really falling.

However, the doctor developed a personalized treatment plan for him, including targeted drugs and immunotherapy.

Now, Uncle Lim's cancer is not only under control, but he is also able to spend his days in the garden and enjoy his retirement.

"The treatment of advanced lung cancer has actually made great progress, especially the application of targeted drugs and immunotherapy, which has greatly improved the survival and quality of life of patients." Director Wang explained.

The last story is about Sister Liu. Sister Liu, a retired nurse who has always been in good health, was diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer two years ago.

Although she couldn't believe it at first, with the encouragement of her doctor, she received active treatment and cooperated with lifestyle adjustments.

Today, Sister Liu has not only effectively controlled her cancer, but also participated in the running club, which has become an inspirational model in everyone's eyes.

Advice: Even if the 4 types of cancer are diagnosed at an advanced stage, there is great hope for cure, so don't give up on life too early

"Patients with advanced bowel cancer can also achieve good results through scientific treatment and reasonable lifestyle adjustment." Director Wang added, "So, Xiao Wang, you have to have confidence. ”

After listening to these stories, Xiao Wang was greatly relaxed. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and decided to actively cooperate with the treatment and meet the new challenge.

However, at this time, Xiao Wang suddenly thought of a question: "Doctor, some people around me have also been diagnosed with cancer, what do they say about traditional Chinese medicine remedies, is it also useful?" ”

Director Wang shook his head and patiently explained: "In fact, there has always been controversy about the therapeutic effect of traditional Chinese medicine home remedies.

On the basis of formal treatment, the rational use of some traditional Chinese medicines may have certain auxiliary effects, but it is unrealistic to rely solely on traditional Chinese medicine to cure cancer. ”

"Statistically, globally, the five-year survival rate of cancer patients receiving standardized treatment is much higher than that of patients who rely on home remedies," he said.

On the basis of scientific treatment, combined with reasonable lifestyle adjustment, it is the key to improve the survival rate. ”

Director Wang continued: "Just like your small belly, it may be caused by insufficient exercise and irregular diet. In addition to receiving treatment, it is also necessary to pay attention to eating a healthy diet and doing more appropriate exercise. ”

Advice: Even if the 4 types of cancer are diagnosed at an advanced stage, there is great hope for cure, so don't give up on life too early

After listening to the doctor's words, Xiao Wang's heart became more convinced. He decided that from today, not only to actively treat, but also to adjust his lifestyle and strengthen the body's immunity.

So, the question arises: what are the details of daily life that can help improve the survival rate of cancer patients while aggressively treating and adjusting lifestyle?

First and foremost, it's crucial to maintain a positive mindset. Psychological state has a significant impact on the recovery of cancer patients. A positive and optimistic mindset can boost immunity and help the body better fight cancer.

In addition, a sensible diet is crucial. Eating foods rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, and avoiding diets high in fat, sugar and salt can help strengthen the body's immunity and reduce the risk of cancer recurrence.

Moderate exercise can also help to strengthen physical fitness. Studies have shown that moderate aerobic exercise can not only improve the quality of life of cancer patients, but also reduce the side effects of treatment and may even prolong the survival of patients.

In addition, a good night's sleep is also a factor that cannot be ignored. Getting enough sleep helps the body to repair and the immune system to function properly, and is especially important for cancer patients.

Finally, regular check-ups and follow-up visits are also important measures to ensure recovery. Through regular check-ups, changes in the body can be detected in time, early intervention can be carried out, and the condition can be prevented from worsening.

In short, cancer is not terrible, the key is to maintain a positive attitude, cooperate with scientific treatment, and adjust your lifestyle reasonably.

Just like Xiao Wang, even in the face of advanced pancreatic cancer, don't give up easily. Keep at it, and miracles will always happen.

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[1] Xiong Lingling. A Meta-analysis of the Effect of Internet-based Mindfulness Intervention in Cancer Patients, Tianjin Nursing, 2024-06-28

Advice: Even if the 4 types of cancer are diagnosed at an advanced stage, there is great hope for cure, so don't give up on life too early