
The weather is hot, and the doctor reminds the elderly: it is better to stay up late at night than to get up early and go out to do 4 things

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Uncle Wang, your injury is not light!" Doctor Liu Wei looked at the patient in front of him in surprise.

Here's the thing, Uncle Wang got up early in the morning and rode his old bicycle to the park to exercise.

But there were unforeseen circumstances, and suddenly a rainstorm hit, Uncle Wang accidentally slipped while riding a bicycle, and his body was bruised in several places on the ground.

No, the children felt sorry for the old father and hurriedly sent him to the hospital.

"Hey, Dr. Liu, it's really a matter of changing these days." Uncle Wang said with a helpless smile.

While treating the wound, Dr. Liu Wei observed that Uncle Wang's skin was unusually dry and his hands were trembling, which was obviously not just a fall.

He frowned and asked, "Uncle Wang, has there been anything wrong lately?" Such as lightheadedness, chest tightness, shortness of breath and so on? ”

The weather is hot, and the doctor reminds the elderly: it is better to stay up late at night than to get up early and go out to do 4 things

Uncle Wang thought for a while and nodded: "Doctor Liu, I'm old, and my body is naturally not as good as before.

Recently, the weather has been so hot that I can't sleep at night, so I get up at dawn in the morning to be active. But recently, I did feel a little dizzy and chest tightness, and I thought it was a normal phenomenon of getting older. ”

Dr. Liu Wei said solemnly: "Uncle Wang, when the weather is hot, especially for the elderly like you, getting up early to go out is not good for your health.

I recommend that you try to go to bed early at night, but even if you can't sleep, don't get up early and go out to do something. Your symptoms these days are most likely caused by the heat of the morning and poor air quality. ”

At this time, Xiao Li, the nurse next to him, came over and added: "Yes, Uncle Wang, when the weather is hot, the air in the morning is actually not good, especially for an elderly person like you, it is easier to induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases." ”

Uncle Wang was stunned when he heard this, and asked, "The air is not good in the morning?" I've always thought that getting up early to exercise was the healthiest thing. ”

Dr. Liu Wei explained: "This is actually quite a complicated question.

The weather is hot, and the doctor reminds the elderly: it is better to stay up late at night than to get up early and go out to do 4 things

First of all, the temperature may seem lower in the morning, but the humidity is high, and the pollutants accumulated at night have not completely dispersed, which is very irritating to the respiratory system.

Especially for the elderly, the cardiopulmonary function is not as good as that of young people, and exercise is prone to problems at this time. ”

"So, won't it affect my body if I stay up late at night?" Uncle Wang asked with some concern.

Doctor Liu Wei nodded: "Indeed, staying up late at night is not good for your health.

However, it's better to go to bed late at night than to get up early in the morning and go out. Although the night has an impact on the body, waking up early to exercise in a hot environment may cause more damage to the body. ”

Dr. Liu Wei continued: "Uncle Wang, do you know? We once had a patient, Lao Li Tou, who also liked to get up early to exercise.

As a result, one time, in the hot morning, he suddenly fainted while exercising outside. Fortunately, someone found it in time and sent it to the hospital, otherwise the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Later, we found out that he already had some heart problems, and the high temperature and low oxygen environment in the morning aggravated his condition. ”

After hearing this, Uncle Wang nodded again and again: "In this way, it's really not good to get up early to exercise." I'll have to pay attention to it later. ”

The weather is hot, and the doctor reminds the elderly: it is better to stay up late at night than to get up early and go out to do 4 things

Dr. Liu Wei smiled and continued, "Actually, there are still many things that are not suitable for getting up in the morning.

For example, exercising on an empty stomach can put a lot of strain on your body. Also, don't eat a lot of food, especially greasy food, immediately after waking up in the morning.

There are also some elderly people who like to go to the vegetable market early in the morning to buy vegetables, which is also not good, standing for a long time and crowded environment is a test for the cardiovascular system of the elderly. ”

After hearing this, Uncle Wang hurriedly nodded: "Doctor Liu, I understand." Then I'll try to stay up late at night and don't get up early to go out to do these things. ”

Seeing this, Dr. Liu Wei patiently continued to explain: "Uncle Wang, the elderly should pay special attention to their living habits.

Try to be active at home in the morning and wait for the sun to rise and the air quality to improve before going out.

In addition, you can choose some gentler exercises, such as tai chi, yoga, etc., which are less taxing on the heart and lungs and can also have a workout effect. ”

The weather is hot, and the doctor reminds the elderly: it is better to stay up late at night than to get up early and go out to do 4 things

Uncle Wang listened to the doctor's advice, and his heart warmed. After returning home, he adjusted his daily routine according to the doctor's advice.

Although I go to bed later at night, I no longer rush to get up early in the morning and go out, but choose to do some simple activities at home.

Time passed, and Uncle Wang's physical condition gradually improved. Not only did he feel less dizzy, but his mental state was much better. ”

The children saw it in their eyes, and their hearts were a lot more steady.

Later, one day, Uncle Wang met his old friend Aunt Li.

Aunt Li complained as soon as they met: "Uncle Wang, I got up at dawn these days to buy vegetables, but every time I go home, I feel dizzy, I really don't know what's going on." ”

Uncle Wang smiled and told Aunt Li about the doctor's advice. After hearing this, Aunt Li sighed with emotion: "So that's the case, it seems that I will have to change my habits in the future." ”

As time goes by, more middle-aged and elderly people begin to realize the disadvantages of waking up early to go out for activities. They have adjusted their routines and tried to avoid going out on hot mornings.

However, it didn't end there. In fact, there is still a lot to be discussed about the health of the elderly in hot weather.

The weather is hot, and the doctor reminds the elderly: it is better to stay up late at night than to get up early and go out to do 4 things

For example, some elderly people like to eat supper at night, how does this habit affect their health?

From a medical point of view, eating a late-night snack at night in the elderly does have a certain effect on the body.

First of all, the metabolism at night is slower, and eating a late-night snack can easily cause food to stay in the stomach for too long, thus increasing the burden on the stomach and intestines.

In the long term, it may lead to gastrointestinal diseases. Secondly, eating a late-night snack at night can affect the quality of sleep. Food stagnation in the stomach can make people feel uncomfortable and make it difficult to fall asleep.

Lack of sleep can affect various functions of the body, especially for the elderly, and long-term sleep deprivation will accelerate the aging of the body.

Thirdly, eating a late-night snack can also easily lead to weight gain. The metabolism of the elderly is already slower, and if the calorie intake at night cannot be consumed, it is easy to convert into fat storage, which in turn leads to obesity.

Obesity is the root cause of many diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc.

The weather is hot, and the doctor reminds the elderly: it is better to stay up late at night than to get up early and go out to do 4 things

According to a study data, the proportion of elderly people eating supper at night is as high as 40%, and 30% of them have gastrointestinal discomfort symptoms because of eating supper. This data suggests that the evening eating habits of older adults need more attention.

There is a typical case that illustrates the problem. Uncle Zhang is 72 years old this year, and after retirement, he likes to watch TV at night and eat a small snack.

At first, he didn't think there was a problem, but after a long time, he began to have stomach pain and indigestion.

After going to the hospital for examination, the doctor found that there was obvious inflammation of his stomach mucosa and advised him to stop eating supper at night.

According to the doctor's advice, Uncle Zhang adjusted his eating habits and tried to eat less or no food at night. After a while, his stomach problems were significantly reduced and his physical condition improved.

In summary, older people should pay special attention to their eating habits in the evening. Try to avoid eating late-night snacks to protect gastrointestinal health, improve sleep quality, and prevent the occurrence of obesity and related diseases.

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[1] High collar. Heatstroke coagulopathy: mechanism, diagnosis and treatment, thrombosis and hemostasis, 2024-04-20

The weather is hot, and the doctor reminds the elderly: it is better to stay up late at night than to get up early and go out to do 4 things

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