
Is iron the top brain food? Suggestion: To prevent brain atrophy, eat 4 kinds of vegetables quickly

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Lao Liu, your situation is very common, long-term nutritional deficiencies lead to anemia, coupled with a long-term fasting stomach, it is easy to cause hypoglycemia, and you faint." Doctor Liu shook his head and looked at the old man Liu lying on the hospital bed.

Speaking of old man Liu, who is fifty in his sixties this year, he is a retired old teacher. I usually live a comfortable life, and I like to sleep at home in my spare time.

That morning, Old Man Liu was still lying on the bed, and suddenly felt lightheaded, and when he got up, his eyes were dark, and he fell to the ground with a snap.

Old man Liu was so frightened that he hurriedly called 120. After some examination, the doctor found that Lao Liu's hemoglobin was low, which was actually caused by anemia.

Lying on the hospital bed, Old Man Liu was nibbling on the apple sent by his wife, while recalling the doctor's words, and couldn't help but drum in his heart: "I'm so old, I can't be so nonsense anymore, I have to pay attention to my body." ”

Is iron the top brain food? Suggestion: To prevent brain atrophy, eat 4 kinds of vegetables quickly

So, Old Man Liu made up his mind that after returning home, he must learn more about health knowledge and take care of his conditioning.

So, as soon as Old Man Liu was discharged from the hospital, he began to check information on the Internet at home. He found that iron is especially important for good health, especially for the maintenance of brain function.

Modern research has shown that iron is not only the main component of hemoglobin, but also plays a key role in nerve conduction in the brain.

Iron deficiency in the brain can lead to memory loss, difficulty concentrating, and in severe cases, brain atrophy.

"That's a big deal!" Old man Liu was talking to himself as he jotted down a few key points in his notebook.

To prevent brain atrophy, iron supplementation is imperative. But what can I eat to supplement iron?

Old man Liu searched the Internet again and found that several vegetables were particularly effective for iron supplementation, so he decided to give it a try.

First of all, Old Man Liu locked on spinach. This is recognized as a good iron supplement.

Don't look at this little green leaf, but the iron content is very good. It is said that 100 grams of spinach contains up to 2.7 mg of iron.

Moreover, the vitamin C in spinach can also promote the absorption of iron, which is simply a golden partner for iron supplementation.

Is iron the top brain food? Suggestion: To prevent brain atrophy, eat 4 kinds of vegetables quickly

So, Old Man Liu asked his wife to make spinach soup, spinach scrambled eggs, and spinach steamed dumplings every day, and he couldn't do without spinach. After eating for a while, Old Man Liu felt that his spirit was indeed a lot fuller, and his dizziness was less.

However, Old Man Liu was still not satisfied. He continued his research and discovered another iron-supplementing vegetable – broccoli. Broccoli is not only rich in iron, but also contains a lot of antioxidants and vitamin K, which are great for brain health.

According to a study, people who regularly consume broccoli have significantly improved memory and cognitive function.

Old man Liu instructed his wife to fry a large plate of broccoli every day. When frying broccoli, pay special attention to the heat, and fry it slightly to soften, so as not to destroy the nutrients in it.

Every time he ate, Old Man Liu picked up the bowl, took a few mouthfuls of broccoli, and chewed it deliciously.

Then, Old Man Liu discovered a third vegetable, carrots. Don't look at the orange-yellow carrots, in fact, there is a lot of iron in them.

And the β-carotene in carrots can be converted into vitamin A, which is good for the eyes and brain.

So, Old Man Liu asked his wife to make carrot stew, carrot salad, and carrot porridge every day, and eat them in different ways.

Every time he eats, Old Man Liu doesn't forget to praise his wife: "This carrot is so delicious, wife, your cooking skills are getting better and better." ”

Is iron the top brain food? Suggestion: To prevent brain atrophy, eat 4 kinds of vegetables quickly

Finally, Old Man Liu also discovered an inconspicuous but equally important vegetable - tofu.

Tofu is not only rich in iron, but also rich in high-quality protein, which is great for all aspects of the body. Moreover, tofu is easy to digest and absorb, which is very suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.

As a result, there are all kinds of tofu dishes on the table of Lao Liu's family. Stir-fried vegetables with tofu, mapo tofu, and stewed fish with tofu are eaten happily every day.

After eating for a while, Old Man Liu felt that his whole person was refreshed, his head was no longer dizzy, and his memory was much better.

So, he went to check it out. The results showed that the hemoglobin level increased and the anemia was significantly improved.

Old man Liu was so happy that he said to everyone: "Iron supplementation is so important, especially eating these vegetables, which is not only healthy but also prevents brain atrophy!" ”

However, Old Man Liu still had a question in his heart. If iron supplementation is so important, why didn't the doctor tell him this knowledge in the first place?

So, Old Man Liu went to Dr. Liu for advice. Dr. Liu listened to his question and said with a smile: "Old Liu, iron supplementation is indeed very important, but the human body's demand for iron is limited.

Is iron the top brain food? Suggestion: To prevent brain atrophy, eat 4 kinds of vegetables quickly

Excessive iron supplementation can also cause health problems, such as gastrointestinal upset and may even lead to iron poisoning. Therefore, our doctors will generally recommend the method and amount of iron supplementation according to the specific situation of the patient. ”

Old man Liu suddenly realized, and sighed in his heart: "I see, it seems that health still needs to be scientific." ”

At this time, Old Man Liu suddenly thought of a new question: "Since iron is so important, are other trace elements equally important?" For example, what are the effects of zinc, magnesium, and copper on the body? ”

Dr. Liu replied with a smile: "Of course, trace elements play a vital role in human health.

For example, zinc, which is a component of enzymes and is involved in a variety of metabolic processes, can lead to decreased immunity, skin problems, and even affect growth and development.

Magnesium is very important for nerve and muscle function, bone health, and magnesium deficiency may lead to muscle cramps, irregular heartbeat, and other problems. Copper is involved in iron metabolism, and copper deficiency can lead to anemia and bone problems. ”

Is iron the top brain food? Suggestion: To prevent brain atrophy, eat 4 kinds of vegetables quickly

Old man Liu nodded, and decided to continue to study the knowledge of these trace elements after returning home, regulate his body well, and let himself live a healthier and longer life.

Sure enough, since then, Old Man Liu has not only paid more attention to his diet, but also developed a good habit of exercising every day and having regular physical examinations.

His physical condition is also getting better and better, and the neighbors have followed suit, and Old Man Liu has also become a health expert in the eyes of everyone.

Old man Liu chatted with neighbors and shared his health experience. Not only did he pay more attention to his diet, but he also participated in health lectures in the community to learn more about nutrition.

At the end of each lecture, he would carefully take notes and go home to work on the recipe with his wife.

With the passage of time, Old Man Liu not only got better and better, but also led the people of the whole community to pay attention to health together, and became the "health ambassador" of the community.

Every time he sees people getting healthier because of his advice, his heart is always filled with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

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[1] Qi Hongyang. MRI features in cognitively normal patients with cerebral atrophy and its predictive value for the risk of Alzheimer's disease, Clinical and Education in General Practice, 2023-09-30

Is iron the top brain food? Suggestion: To prevent brain atrophy, eat 4 kinds of vegetables quickly

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