
I can't laugh anymore! 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", and died of laughter in the comment area



Recently, a piece of news about Liu Xiaoqing has caused a heated discussion on the Internet, 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview, saying that if he has the opportunity to participate in the performance of "Fengshen", the role he wants to challenge the most is Daji, and he is full of confidence that he has the ability to interpret this role. This statement also made her the focus of hot searches, attracting the attention and discussion of many netizens.

Liu Xiaoqing chose to challenge the role of Daji in "Fengshen", showing the cunning and charm of the fox, and she is confident that she can do it, which also makes the audience impressed by her acting skills and the spirit of courage to challenge. After that, netizens also left their comments and opinions on major social platforms, and had a heated discussion about whether Liu Xiaoqing could successfully play the role of Daji, as well as his views on the elderly actor challenging the new role.

I can't laugh anymore! 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", and died of laughter in the comment area
I can't laugh anymore! 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", and died of laughter in the comment area

1. Liu Xiaoqing wants to challenge the role of Daji and is full of confidence

I can't laugh anymore! 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", and died of laughter in the comment area

Recently, Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that the role she most wants to challenge is Daji in "Fengshen", and she has her own unique ideas about the understanding and interpretation of this role, and believes that she has the ability to interpret Daji's image very well.

I can't laugh anymore! 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", and died of laughter in the comment area

For such a statement, Liu Xiaoqing is also full of confidence, she said that she has always liked the work "Fengshen", and has a deep understanding of the characters and storylines in the play, and the image of Daji is also one of the roles she has always wanted to challenge.

I can't laugh anymore! 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", and died of laughter in the comment area

In addition, Liu Xiaoqing also said that her understanding of the role of Daji is not limited to the beauty and charm of the appearance, she wants to interpret Daji from the heart, showing the cunning and wisdom of the fox, as well as the sadness and helplessness in the depths of her heart, I believe that this role can be interpreted very three-dimensional and deep.

I can't laugh anymore! 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", and died of laughter in the comment area
I can't laugh anymore! 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", and died of laughter in the comment area

Second, netizens hotly discussed Liu Xiaoqing's challenge to Daji's role

I can't laugh anymore! 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", and died of laughter in the comment area

Liu Xiaoqing's statement also quickly aroused heated discussions among many netizens, who left messages on major social platforms, actively exchanging and discussing whether she can successfully challenge the role of Daji, as well as her views on the elderly actors challenging new roles.

I can't laugh anymore! 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", and died of laughter in the comment area

In the comments of netizens, the discussion on whether Liu Xiaoqing can successfully challenge the role of Daji is particularly enthusiastic, and many netizens expressed their views and blessings for her statement.

I can't laugh anymore! 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", and died of laughter in the comment area

Some netizens said that Liu Xiaoqing, as a senior actor, has a very good performance in both the control of the role and the expression of emotions, and I believe that she is fully capable of interpreting the role of Daji very well, and I am very much looking forward to seeing her wonderful performance.

I can't laugh anymore! 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", and died of laughter in the comment area

And some netizens have some doubts about Liu Xiaoqing's idea of challenging the role of Daji, thinking that such a role may not be suitable for her, and hopes that the creator can give more consideration when choosing actors and give young actors more opportunities to challenge.

I can't laugh anymore! 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", and died of laughter in the comment area

3. The age of an actor should not be a limit

In such a discussion, it is not difficult to find that it is not the first time that the audience has discussed the challenge of elderly actors to new roles, and every similar discussion will also arouse the audience's enthusiastic attention and discussion.

For actors, age is indeed a very special existence, especially for actresses, as they get older, the roles they can choose will become more and more limited, and some viewers will also have certain concerns about older actors taking on new roles, worrying that they will not be able to handle such roles well.

However, in fact, whether in the field of film and television dramas or stage plays, there are many outstanding elderly actors, who have successfully challenged various roles with their solid acting skills and rich life experience, and have also gained unanimous recognition and love from the audience.

In the world of art, in fact, the age of the actor should not be a limit, no matter what kind of role, it should be played by an actor with sufficient strength and ability, and the audience should also pay more attention to the inner meaning of the role itself, rather than being swayed by the external appearance.

Fourth, the actor's personal wishes should be balanced with the overall effect of the work

When the creator chooses the actors, it should indeed take into account the audience's acceptance and market needs, and cannot simply cater to the actors' personal wishes and ignore the overall effect of the work.

When selecting actors, more attention should be paid to the actors' performance strength and ability to understand the role, and whether it is young actors or older actors, they should be given a fair chance so that the audience can see more diverse performances.

I also hope that when the audience pays attention to such discussions, they can give more understanding and support to the actors, not limited by age, but have the courage to pursue their dreams, and I also believe that Liu Xiaoqing can rely on his own strength and courage to successfully challenge the role of Daji and bring a wonderful performance to the audience.

I can't laugh anymore! 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", and died of laughter in the comment area


Art is diverse, and actors should also be diverse, whether it is a young actor or an elderly actor, each actor has his own unique charm and performance style, which is worthy of recognition and love by the audience.

In the future film and television drama works, I also hope to see more outstanding actors of different ages, who can have more diversified character creation, and bring a more colorful viewing experience to the audience.

, I also hope that Liu Xiaoqing can be smooth sailing on the road of challenging the role of Daji, and I also look forward to seeing a new image of Daji through her wonderful performance, bringing a unique audio-visual feast to the audience.

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