
Global attention! If there is another wave of public ownership in China, it will have a far-reaching impact on the world economy


The Public Ownership Economy in the Eastern Countries: Reform and Challenges

Global attention! If there is another wave of public ownership in China, it will have a far-reaching impact on the world economy


The public-owned economy has always been the foundation of the socialist economic system of the big countries in the East, and it is also an important support for the country's economic development. Since the beginning of reform and opening up, the public-owned economy has played an important role in the economic development of the big eastern countries, and has undergone a transformation from a dominant position to a subsidiary position. With the intensification of competition in the international market and the rise of domestic private capital, the public-owned economy is facing a series of challenges in adapting to the new economic situation and promoting economic development. How to maintain the vitality and competitiveness of the public-owned economy in the course of reform has become an issue that needs to be seriously conjectured and explored at present.

Global attention! If there is another wave of public ownership in China, it will have a far-reaching impact on the world economy

The role of the public economy in reform and opening up

The public-owned economy is an important support for the economy of the big countries in the East

As an important part of the socialist economic system, the public-owned economy is the main body and foundation of the economy of a large country in the East. In particular, in the early days of reform and opening up, the state-owned economy and the collective economy occupied a dominant position in the national economy and played a vital role in the country's industrialization and modernization. As an important carrier of the public-owned economy, state-owned enterprises undertake important tasks such as the construction of major national infrastructure, the development of important industries, and scientific and technological innovation, and are of great significance to safeguarding national economic security and national interests.

The public-owned economy plays an important role in reform and opening up

Since the beginning of reform and opening up, the big countries in the East have always adhered to the dominant position of the public-owned economy, and at the same time vigorously developed the economy under various forms of ownership, thus forming a pattern in which the public-owned economy is the mainstay and the economies of various ownership systems develop together. In this pattern, the public-owned economy has continuously enhanced its vitality and competitiveness through reform, and has become an important force in promoting economic development. In particular, in the major national strategic plans and reforms in key areas, the public economy has always played an important leading and supporting role, and has made important contributions to the stable growth of the national economy and the optimization and upgrading of the structure.

The public-owned economy has undergone a transformation from dominant to auxiliary

With the continuous deepening of reforms, the continuous optimization of the economic structure of the large countries in the East, and the continuous growth of other economic forms such as the private economy and the foreign-funded economy, the dominance of the public-owned economy has gradually been challenged. Under these circumstances, the public-owned economy has taken the initiative to adapt itself to the new economic situation, and has realized the transformation from a dominant position to a subsidiary position through the reform of mixed ownership and the reform of equity diversification, giving better play to the comparative advantages of the public-owned economy and other forms of economic ownership, and forming a situation of benign interaction and coordinated development.

Global attention! If there is another wave of public ownership in China, it will have a far-reaching impact on the world economy

Challenges facing the public-owned economy

Competition in the international market has intensified, and the public-owned economy needs to adapt to the challenges of globalization

With the acceleration of the process of globalization, the competition in the international market has become increasingly fierce, and high-quality resources and advanced technologies from all over the world have been pouring in, which has posed a new challenge to the public-owned economy of the big eastern countries. How to find partners suitable for its own development on a global scale, and how to better integrate into the global industrial chain and value chain, have become urgent problems to be solved in the public economy. The rise of international trade protectionism and various trade barriers and sanctions have also brought about a certain adverse impact on the foreign economic cooperation of the public economy, and it is necessary for the public economy to participate more actively in international economic cooperation and safeguard its own legitimate rights and interests.

With the rise of private capital, the public-owned economy is facing internal and external attacks

Under the guidance of the state's policy of vigorously supporting and encouraging the development of the private economy, private capital has emerged in the economy of large eastern countries and has become an important driving force for economic growth. In contrast, the public-owned economy has been affected to a certain extent, especially in some areas and industries with traditional advantages, and the competitiveness of state-owned enterprises has been challenged to a certain extent. Under such circumstances, how to stimulate the internal vitality of state-owned enterprises and promote the reform, transformation and upgrading of state-owned enterprises has become an urgent problem to be solved. State-owned enterprises also need to cooperate more actively with private enterprises to complement each other's advantages and jointly promote industrial upgrading and economic transformation.

In the reform of the public economy, it is necessary to find a balance point

Under the current economic situation, the big eastern countries need to maintain stable economic growth, and at the same time, they also need to deal with various risks and challenges, which puts forward higher requirements for the reform of the public-owned economy. The reform of the public sector of the economy cannot simply copy the experience of Western countries, nor can it blindly pursue speed and scale, but needs to find a reform path and model suitable for its own development in the light of the country's national conditions and actual conditions, realize the effective integration of the authorities and the market in the allocation of resources, realize the two-way incentive of the internal governance structure of state-owned enterprises and the market competition mechanism, and promote state-owned enterprises to truly become world-class enterprises with global competitiveness.

The impact that a wave of public ownership on the world economy may have once the big countries in the East rises

The rise of the public-owned economy may promote the balanced development of the global economy

Once a wave of public ownership emerges in the big eastern countries, it is possible to have a positive impact on the global economy through the investment and M&A activities of state-owned enterprises. Compared with other ownership economies, the public economy pays more attention to long-term interests and sustainable development, pays more attention to the balanced layout of industries and the rational allocation of resources, and can promote the balanced development of the global economy through the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative and South-South cooperation, so as to bring more opportunities and space for the economic development of countries around the world.

The development of the public-owned economy will have an impact on the global economic governance system

At present, the global economic governance system is facing many challenges and contradictions, which require the joint participation and promotion of reform by all countries. Against this background, the development of the public-owned economy in the big eastern countries will have a certain impact on the global economic governance system. By strengthening cooperation with other emerging economies, the major countries in the East can promote the reform of international economic organizations and mechanisms, promote a more just and reasonable global economic governance system, better reflect the interests and development needs of all countries, and make positive contributions to building an open world economy.

The development of the public-owned economy needs to balance the domestic and foreign environment

The development of the public-owned economy is also faced with a series of challenges and difficulties, and it is necessary to balance the steady growth of the domestic economy with international market competition, the need to balance domestic reform and development with opening up and cooperation, and the need to balance the carrying capacity of domestic resources and environment and the responsibility for international cooperation. The big countries in the East need to find a balance in the reform of the public ownership economy, promote the formation of an all-round, multi-level and wide-ranging pattern of opening up to the outside world, better integrate into the process of globalization, and make positive efforts to build a community with a shared future for mankind.

The rise of the public-owned economy may lead to the greater voice of the eastern powers in the global economy

With the continuous development and growth of the public-owned economy, the voice and influence of the eastern powers in the global economy will also be further enhanced. Through the successful practice of the public-owned economy, the big countries in the East can set an example for other large countries in the East to provide solutions for the reform of the global economic governance system, make more constructive contributions to international cooperation and the global development agenda, and promote the building of an open, inclusive, inclusive and balanced global development partnership to jointly address global challenges.

The development of the public-owned economy requires strengthening the management and supervision of state-owned enterprises

The development of the public-owned economy also requires the big countries in the East to strengthen the management and supervision of state-owned enterprises, to ensure that state-owned enterprises have the conditions for fair competition in participating in international cooperation and market competition, and to ensure that state-owned enterprises continue to enhance their international competitiveness and achieve sustainable development in the process of globalization. The big eastern countries also need to reform the property rights system, incentive mechanism and market competition mechanism of state-owned enterprises to promote state-owned enterprises to truly become world-class enterprises with global competitiveness, and provide strong support for the high-quality development of the national economy.


As an important part of the socialist economic system of the big countries in the East, the public-owned economy is of great significance to the country's economic development. Under the current complex and changeable international environment and severe and complex economic situation, the big countries in the East need to more consciously maintain and develop the public economy, promote the public economy to continuously adapt to the new economic situation, enhance its vitality and competitiveness, provide strong support for the high-quality development of the national economy, and make due contributions to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

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