
The 55-year-old uncle in the Northeast was diagnosed with kidney failure, and he had a light diet and loved to drink tea, and the doctor sighed: ignorance hurt him

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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In a small town in the northeast, Uncle Wu was close to his sixtieth birthday, but due to an unexpected physical examination, he found that he was suffering from kidney failure. In the hospital ward, he said to Dr. Zhu in front of him with heavy doubts: "I usually eat a very light diet, and I like to drink tea, why is this kidney broken?" ”

The 55-year-old uncle in the Northeast was diagnosed with kidney failure, and he had a light diet and loved to drink tea, and the doctor sighed: ignorance hurt him

Dr. Zhu looked at the faint sunlight outside the window, then turned his head to look at Uncle Wu and his wife sitting on the edge of the bed, and sighed softly: "Uncle Wu, many times, ignorance may really harm us. ”

Uncle Wu's wife couldn't help but interject: "Doctor, our uncle has been in clear soup for so many years, you say ignorance, what the hell is going on?" ”

The 55-year-old uncle in the Northeast was diagnosed with kidney failure, and he had a light diet and loved to drink tea, and the doctor sighed: ignorance hurt him

Dr. Zhu sat down at Uncle Wu's bedside and began to explain: "Uncle Wu, the first thing to know is that the kidneys are a very important organ in our body, which is responsible for filtering waste products and excess water from the blood, and then excreting them from the body through urine. Although you usually eat a light diet, a light diet does not mean that the nutrition is balanced, nor does it mean that there is no harm to the kidneys. ”

The 55-year-old uncle in the Northeast was diagnosed with kidney failure, and he had a light diet and loved to drink tea, and the doctor sighed: ignorance hurt him

After a pause, he continued: "It's a good thing that you usually like to drink tea, but if you don't choose the right tea, or if you drink too much, it can also be a burden on your kidneys. In particular, some teas contain high oxides, and drinking them in large quantities for a long time is a challenge to the filtration function of the kidneys. ”

The 55-year-old uncle in the Northeast was diagnosed with kidney failure, and he had a light diet and loved to drink tea, and the doctor sighed: ignorance hurt him

Uncle Wu was a little thoughtful. "Then I usually drink ordinary green tea, will there be a problem?"

Dr. Zhu nodded: "Green tea itself is good, but if it is consumed in large quantities for a long time, especially if it is not fully hydrated, it may overburden the kidneys. And if you have underlying kidney problems, the condition is even more complicated. The caffeine and other ingredients in green tea, when left unchecked, may exacerbate the burden on the kidneys. ”

The 55-year-old uncle in the Northeast was diagnosed with kidney failure, and he had a light diet and loved to drink tea, and the doctor sighed: ignorance hurt him

Uncle Wu's wife asked eagerly, "Doctor, what should we do now?" ”

Dr. Zhu looked at them seriously and said slowly, "First of all, what we need to do is to adjust Uncle Wu's daily eating habits to ensure that his diet is more balanced and reduces the pressure on his kidneys. Next, we also need to regularly check Uncle Wu's kidney function and adjust the treatment plan according to the results. ”

The 55-year-old uncle in the Northeast was diagnosed with kidney failure, and he had a light diet and loved to drink tea, and the doctor sighed: ignorance hurt him

At that moment, Uncle Wu and his wife truly realized that healthy living is not only about avoiding greasy and sugar, but also about a comprehensive understanding and adjustment of lifestyle. They thanked Dr. Chu for explaining that although it was a difficult journey to treatment, at least they had begun to understand how to take better care of themselves.

The 55-year-old uncle in the Northeast was diagnosed with kidney failure, and he had a light diet and loved to drink tea, and the doctor sighed: ignorance hurt him

When we talk about the relationship between kidney failure and daily eating habits, most people probably think of foods that are high in fat, protein, or sodium. For ordinary people like Uncle Wu, they may not even realize that even seemingly healthy eating habits, such as low-fat, low-salt or tea-loving, may hide a potential threat to kidney health.

The 55-year-old uncle in the Northeast was diagnosed with kidney failure, and he had a light diet and loved to drink tea, and the doctor sighed: ignorance hurt him

Low-fat diet. In pursuit of a low-fat diet, people tend to choose processed low-fat or fat-free foods, which reduce fat intake but often add more sugar or artificial additives to preserve the taste and flavor of the food.

This unnatural food processing process can lead to metabolic disorders in the body and increase the burden on the kidneys, especially when these unnatural ingredients need to be filtered and processed.

Low-salt diet. Low salt can indeed help lower blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular disease, but too low salt intake can also lead to electrolyte imbalances in the body. The kidneys are the key organs in the body to maintain electrolyte balance, and electrolyte imbalance will increase the workload of the kidneys, which may affect kidney function in the long run.

The 55-year-old uncle in the Northeast was diagnosed with kidney failure, and he had a light diet and loved to drink tea, and the doctor sighed: ignorance hurt him

As for tea drinking habits, while the antioxidants in tea have a variety of health benefits, excessive intake of caffeinated tea may also cause stress on the kidneys. Additionally, the high oxalic acid content in certain teas, when not properly controlled, may increase the risk of kidney stones, especially for those who already have kidney problems.

The 55-year-old uncle in the Northeast was diagnosed with kidney failure, and he had a light diet and loved to drink tea, and the doctor sighed: ignorance hurt him

And for a kidney failure patient like Uncle Wu, any extreme in diet can be a potential risk. An overly light diet may lead to nutrient deficiencies, while excessive tea intake may increase the burden on the kidneys.

In this case, it is crucial to seek nutritional balance, avoid extreme eating habits, and adjust your diet according to your doctor's advice to ensure that you consume enough but not too many essential nutrients.

The 55-year-old uncle in the Northeast was diagnosed with kidney failure, and he had a light diet and loved to drink tea, and the doctor sighed: ignorance hurt him

Even a seemingly healthy lifestyle can have adverse effects on health if not properly and scientifically managed. By adjusting the diet reasonably, it can not only help patients with kidney disease to control their condition, but also help ordinary people prevent the occurrence of kidney disease.

The 55-year-old uncle in the Northeast was diagnosed with kidney failure, and he had a light diet and loved to drink tea, and the doctor sighed: ignorance hurt him

When it comes to dietary management for patients with kidney failure, especially when it comes to drinking tea, people often hold some traditional beliefs that drinking tea is a safe and healthy habit. However, for patients with kidney failure, the problem is not so simple. While there are health benefits to drinking tea, certain types and intakes can be a hidden danger for people with impaired kidney function.

The 55-year-old uncle in the Northeast was diagnosed with kidney failure, and he had a light diet and loved to drink tea, and the doctor sighed: ignorance hurt him

It is necessary to pay attention to the brewing method and strength of the tea. Strong tea is not only high in caffeine, but may also contain more oxalic acid and other minerals, which are difficult to effectively filter and eliminate in the case of renal insufficiency, which may lead to an increase in the body's endotoxin levels. It is recommended that patients with kidney failure choose weak tea, reduce the amount of tea brewed each time, and try not to brew the same tea leaf repeatedly.

The 55-year-old uncle in the Northeast was diagnosed with kidney failure, and he had a light diet and loved to drink tea, and the doctor sighed: ignorance hurt him

Tea time. People with kidney failure drink tea at different times of the day, and the effects are different. For example, the first cup of tea after waking up in the morning, if it is weak tea, can help wake up the body and boost metabolism, but if it is strong tea, it may cause the body to overdrain and have a negative impact on kidney function.

It is recommended that patients with kidney failure choose to drink tea one hour after the meal, which can not only help digestion, but also avoid the additional burden on the kidneys caused by fasting.

The 55-year-old uncle in the Northeast was diagnosed with kidney failure, and he had a light diet and loved to drink tea, and the doctor sighed: ignorance hurt him

Patients with kidney failure should also be aware of interactions with drugs when drinking tea. Many drugs are metabolized in the kidneys, and certain components in tea may affect the effectiveness of the drug or exacerbate its side effects. In such cases, patients should consult with a doctor or pharmacist to find out if the medication they are taking has potential adverse effects with a particular type of tea.

The 55-year-old uncle in the Northeast was diagnosed with kidney failure, and he had a light diet and loved to drink tea, and the doctor sighed: ignorance hurt him

Although drinking tea is a common health habit, for patients with kidney failure, choosing the right type of tea, adjusting the brewing method and strength, arranging the drinking time reasonably, and paying attention to drug interactions are all issues that must be carefully considered. Through this detailed and thoughtful management, patients with kidney failure can protect their health to the greatest extent while enjoying the pleasure of tea.

(All names have been changed)

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[1] Li Wenqi, Gan Yuehong, Chen Dandan, Huang Jin. Analysis of the current situation of self-regulation fatigue and its related influencing factors in hemodialysis patients with chronic renal failure, China General Practice Nursing, 2024-6

The 55-year-old uncle in the Northeast was diagnosed with kidney failure, and he had a light diet and loved to drink tea, and the doctor sighed: ignorance hurt him