
Are walnuts a "depressant" of heart disease? Doctor: If you want to be heart-healthy, you can eat more of these vegetables

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"Well, have you heard of that? Walnuts are 'inhibitors' of heart disease. "Sister Zhang Weiying was in the convenience store in the community, chatting with Lao Liu, who often came to buy breakfast. She is a salesperson here, and she hears a lot of interesting stories and remedies from customers every day. Today's topic is particularly interesting to her because she has heart disease patients in her family.

Are walnuts a "depressant" of heart disease? Doctor: If you want to be heart-healthy, you can eat more of these vegetables

Zhang Weiying has always been a shrewd and capable person, and she is always skeptical of such health-related news. Although she had heard a lot of old sayings about food and health, she still felt that she should go to the hospital to confirm the saying that "walnuts cure heart disease". She thought of Dr. Gu at the hospital, an experienced and amiable old doctor, and she decided to go to him for consultation after work.

Are walnuts a "depressant" of heart disease? Doctor: If you want to be heart-healthy, you can eat more of these vegetables

In the afternoon, Zhang Weiying came to the hospital after a busy day. When Dr. Gu saw her, he always had a gentle smile, "Sister Weiying, is there anything special about coming here today?" ”

Zhang Weiying took out the topic of "walnuts cure heart disease" that she heard and asked. Dr. Gu did not answer immediately, but picked up a pen and drew a few sketches of hearts and some food patterns on paper.

Are walnuts a "depressant" of heart disease? Doctor: If you want to be heart-healthy, you can eat more of these vegetables

"Walnuts do have good for the heart," Dr. Gu began to explain, "Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are unsaturated fatty acids that are very beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Can help lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol, which can lead to fewer heart attacks. ”

He went on to explain in detail how other components in walnuts, such as antioxidants and minerals, work together to improve heart function. He also mentioned cases that demonstrate how these nutrients can play a positive role in different populations.

Are walnuts a "depressant" of heart disease? Doctor: If you want to be heart-healthy, you can eat more of these vegetables

"But," Dr. Gu adds, "eating walnuts alone can't completely cure heart disease." It can be used as part of a healthy diet, but the most important thing is to manage your lifestyle in a holistic way, including regular check-ups, a balanced diet and moderate exercise. ”

Zhang Weiying felt suddenly enlightened after hearing this, it turned out that although walnuts were good, they couldn't pin all their hopes on it. She thanked Dr. Gu and decided to adjust her diet at home to pay more attention to balanced nutrition and reasonable combination when she returned home.

Are walnuts a "depressant" of heart disease? Doctor: If you want to be heart-healthy, you can eat more of these vegetables

Dr. Gu's explanation was not only scientific, but also easy to understand, and Zhang Weiying felt that the trip was very worthwhile. She also realizes that a healthy lifestyle is the key to preventing heart disease, rather than relying on just one food or medication. This experience strengthened her belief that scientific information is the most effective weapon in the fight against illness.

Are walnuts a "depressant" of heart disease? Doctor: If you want to be heart-healthy, you can eat more of these vegetables

In the process of focusing on heart health, most people will consider daily dietary adjustments, especially for people with heart disease, and choosing the right foods is especially important. In addition to the often mentioned walnuts, there are also some vegetables that have a non-negligible effect on heart health due to their unique nutrients.

Are walnuts a "depressant" of heart disease? Doctor: If you want to be heart-healthy, you can eat more of these vegetables

Tomato. You may think that tomatoes are just ordinary vegetables, but in fact, tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that has a significant positive effect on the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Lycopene helps lower bad cholesterol in the blood and reduces the formation of blood clots, which is important for preventing heart disease and stroke. In addition, tomatoes are also rich in vitamins C and E, which are excellent antioxidants that can further enhance heart health.

Are walnuts a "depressant" of heart disease? Doctor: If you want to be heart-healthy, you can eat more of these vegetables

When it comes to reducing the risk of heart disease, bell peppers can't be ignored. Bell peppers contain a lot of vitamin C, which is even higher than some fruits.

Vitamin C not only strengthens the health of blood vessels, but also effectively fights inflammation, which is a major driver of heart disease. What's more interesting is that bell peppers also contain a certain amount of capsaicin, which is nowhere near as hot as chili peppers, but is enough to stimulate blood circulation and enhance heart function.

Are walnuts a "depressant" of heart disease? Doctor: If you want to be heart-healthy, you can eat more of these vegetables

Another vegetable that is often overlooked is celery. The high amount of potassium and low sodium in celery is extremely helpful in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. In addition, celery contains unique compounds such as apigenin, which can promote blood circulation, reduce stress on the cardiovascular system, and help manage blood pressure in patients with heart disease.

Are walnuts a "depressant" of heart disease? Doctor: If you want to be heart-healthy, you can eat more of these vegetables

While the heart-health benefits of walnuts and other nuts are widely recognized, we should also not overlook the vegetables that are visible on a daily basis. Through a reasonable diet, rich nutrients can help us fundamentally improve heart health and prevent heart disease.

It's wise to focus not just on one "superfood" and more on a broader diversity of meals so that our hearts benefit from every meal.

Are walnuts a "depressant" of heart disease? Doctor: If you want to be heart-healthy, you can eat more of these vegetables

While focusing on heart health, we must not ignore some details of daily life, these seemingly insignificant little things can actually have a huge impact on the health of people with heart disease. A few lifestyle habits and precautions that may not be paid much attention to, but are extremely important for heart patients.

Are walnuts a "depressant" of heart disease? Doctor: If you want to be heart-healthy, you can eat more of these vegetables

The importance of sleep. Many people know that sleep is important for health, but for people with heart disease, good sleep quality is not only a way to maintain health, but also a life guarantee. In the case of sleep deprivation, the working pressure of the heart will increase, because the lack of sleep will lead to an increase in blood pressure and a faster heart rate, which is a great challenge for the already fragile heart.

Therefore, it is very necessary to ensure that you get enough deep sleep every night, at least 7 to 8 hours. In addition, the quality of sleep is also critical, and frequent awakenings during the night should be avoided as this can interrupt the heart's rest cycle.

Are walnuts a "depressant" of heart disease? Doctor: If you want to be heart-healthy, you can eat more of these vegetables

Emotional management in patients with heart disease. The effects of mood swings on the heart are profound, especially negative emotions such as anxiety and depression. These emotions can not only trigger a heart attack, but can also worsen it.

Therefore, learning how to manage and regulate one's emotions is an important skill for people with heart disease. Try things like deep breathing or meditation, which are effective ways to help people with heart disease maintain a balanced mind.

Are walnuts a "depressant" of heart disease? Doctor: If you want to be heart-healthy, you can eat more of these vegetables

Regular physical activity is an essential medicine for people with heart disease. While it may sound paradoxical, after all, the heart of a person with heart disease is already fragile, but moderate physical activity can actually strengthen the heart and improve heart function.

The key is to choose the right type and intensity of activity, such as walking, jogging or swimming, and do it under the guidance of your doctor. Such physical activity not only strengthens the heart muscle, but also improves blood circulation and improves overall health.

Are walnuts a "depressant" of heart disease? Doctor: If you want to be heart-healthy, you can eat more of these vegetables

We can see that protecting heart health is not limited to eating the right food, but also requires a comprehensive lifestyle adjustment. Every seemingly inconspicuous detail of life can be the key to protecting heart health. Therefore, heart patients need to make appropriate adjustments and management in all aspects of their lives to ensure that the health and function of the heart are not threatened.

(All names have been changed)

What do you think about heart disease? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Are walnuts a "depressant" of heart disease? Doctor: If you want to be heart-healthy, you can eat more of these vegetables



[1] Yu Xiuchan. Investigation of the risk of malnutrition in patients with chronic heart failure and the improvement effect of individualized nutritional support, China Food and Nutrition, 2024-06-14

Are walnuts a "depressant" of heart disease? Doctor: If you want to be heart-healthy, you can eat more of these vegetables

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