
A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 60 years old would rather eat steamed buns with pickles at home than eat these

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"Old Ni, we have to talk about this physical examination." Dr. Hu took off his glasses with a hint of seriousness in his eyes. Brother Ni Quanguang is a retired engineer whose body has always been as tough as the steel bars on the construction site. After retiring, in addition to walking around the community every day, he played chess with old friends, and occasionally helped his neighbors repair household appliances.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 60 years old would rather eat steamed buns with pickles at home than eat these

However, as he grew older, Brother Ni also understood that health maintenance is not just about stop-and-go. During today's check-up, Dr. Hu specially reminded Brother Ni that the elderly over 60 years old should be more careful in their diet. Dr. Hu is a veteran doctor with more than 30 years of clinical experience, and has unique insights into diet management and disease prevention for the elderly.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 60 years old would rather eat steamed buns with pickles at home than eat these

"Brother Ni, I know you like to cook some side dishes by yourself, but some foods, especially for us elderly, are better to touch less." Dr. Hu explained in detail.

Greasy food. Not only does it increase the burden on the heart, but it may also cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Dr. Wu specifically mentioned stir-fried vegetables and fried foods, which should be eaten as little as possible.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 60 years old would rather eat steamed buns with pickles at home than eat these

High-salt foods. Too much salt can lead to an increase in blood pressure, which is not good for the cardiovascular system. Dr. Wu recommends that you try replacing salt with herbs or lemon juice when cooking at home, which can not only increase flavor, but also control salt intake.

"Brother Ni, do you remember the last time we chatted, you said you wanted to try to make some healthy recipes?" Dr. Hu smiled and reminded him that now was a good time to start practicing.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 60 years old would rather eat steamed buns with pickles at home than eat these

Brother Ni nodded, although he was a little reluctant to give up those delicious fried foods, he also knew that health came first. He asked Dr. Wu if he had any simple recommendations for healthy recipes.

Dr. Hu pulled out a recipe booklet that had been prepared for a long time, detailing a variety of healthy recipes for seniors, including how to make delicious dishes with minimal oil and salt. Each dish is accompanied by a detailed nutrition facts list and instructions on which diseases to prevent.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 60 years old would rather eat steamed buns with pickles at home than eat these

It seems that retirement is about to add a new pleasure – healthy cooking. He decided to try to make a new dish every week from today, not only to satisfy his taste, but more importantly, to take care of his body.

Dr. Hu nodded with satisfaction, he knew that Brother Ni was a man of action. For people over the age of 60, understanding and implementing these dietary recommendations can be of great help in maintaining and improving their quality of life.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 60 years old would rather eat steamed buns with pickles at home than eat these

For seniors over the age of 60, diet is crucial, especially when it comes to choosing ingredients and how to prepare them. Many seniors may feel that simply avoiding greasy and salty foods is enough, but there are many more details and choices that can greatly improve their quality of life.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 60 years old would rather eat steamed buns with pickles at home than eat these

Pickled foods. Pickled foods, such as salted fish and pickled vegetables, are frequent visitors to many elderly homes. Although they have a unique taste and increase appetite, these foods are often high in sodium and food additives, which are extremely bad for the cardiovascular system. Older people are advised to minimize their intake of these foods and choose fresh fruits and vegetables.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 60 years old would rather eat steamed buns with pickles at home than eat these

The problem with red meat. Red meat, such as beef and lamb, is a good source of protein, but for seniors over 60, consuming too much red meat may increase the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. A healthy alternative is white meat, such as chicken and fish, which are less fatty, easier to digest and more suitable for the daily diet of the elderly.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 60 years old would rather eat steamed buns with pickles at home than eat these

The intake of refined sugar cannot be ignored. Long-term high-sugar diets can lead to unstable blood sugar levels, increase the risk of diabetes, and may even affect heart health. Therefore, it is recommended to use natural sweeteners, such as honey or maple syrup, which have a relatively low blood sugar impact index and contain trace elements and antioxidants to help maintain good health.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 60 years old would rather eat steamed buns with pickles at home than eat these

Increase your fiber intake. Many older adults may overlook the importance of fiber because of the reduced efficiency of their digestive system. High-fiber foods such as whole grains, legumes, and abundant fruits and vegetables not only prevent constipation, but also help regulate blood sugar and lower cholesterol, which is a great help in preventing chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

Older people should try to incorporate these foods into their daily diet and gradually adapt to a healthier eating pattern.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 60 years old would rather eat steamed buns with pickles at home than eat these

It is worth mentioning that moderate intake of dairy products is also an important part of the diet of the elderly. Dairy products are rich in calcium, which helps maintain healthy bones. Older people should choose low-fat or fat-free dairy products, such as low-fat milk or yogurt, which can avoid excessive saturated fat intake and ensure adequate calcium and protein supply.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 60 years old would rather eat steamed buns with pickles at home than eat these

Through the above dietary modifications, it can not only help the elderly reduce the risk of disease, but also improve the overall quality of life. Importantly, these adjustments do not require extreme changes in dietary habits, but are implemented gradually in daily life, making healthy eating a natural choice that does not require deliberate effort.

In order to maintain the health of the elderly, in addition to paying attention to diet, there are many other aspects of healthy habits and lifestyle adjustments that are also crucial. Some methods that may not be well known, but are actually extremely beneficial for the health of the elderly.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 60 years old would rather eat steamed buns with pickles at home than eat these

The concept of "slow motion". Many people believe that exercise should be less intense as they age, but proper exercise is an integral part of keeping older adults healthy. Slow exercises, such as tai chi and jogging, can not only help the elderly maintain joint flexibility, but also greatly improve cardiovascular function and balance.

Tai Chi, in particular, has been shown to be effective in slowing the progression of osteoporosis and enhancing cardiopulmonary function, while also improving mental concentration and reducing stress.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 60 years old would rather eat steamed buns with pickles at home than eat these

The importance of sleep cannot be overlooked. Lack of sleep can lead to memory loss and even increase the risk of chronic diseases. Older adults can improve sleep quality by reducing their caffeine intake at night, creating a quiet, comfortable sleep environment, and engaging in relaxing activities before bedtime, such as reading or listening to soft music.

Water intake. As they age, older people may be less sensitive to thirst signals and are prone to dehydration. Moderate water intake is important for sustaining vital activities, aiding digestion, and preventing constipation.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 60 years old would rather eat steamed buns with pickles at home than eat these

Through these unique but practical health maintenance methods, seniors are not only able to improve their quality of life, but also maintain their physical and mental vitality while enjoying their old age.

(All names have been changed)

What do you think about the health of the elderly? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 60 years old would rather eat steamed buns with pickles at home than eat these



[1] Zhang Meng, Zhang Li, Liu Mengya, Song Nannan, Zhou Jinglei. Association analysis of self-rated health status and mortality risk in older adults, Preventive Medicine, 2024-2

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 60 years old would rather eat steamed buns with pickles at home than eat these

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