
"10 cigarettes at a time, the alarm rings in your ears"? The doctor bluntly said: more than this number, or lead to poisoning

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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"Smoke ten cigarettes a day, and the alarm rings in your ears." The doctor bluntly said: "Exceeding this number may lead to poisoning." "It's the sound that comes out on the morning radio show. Li Dawei was using a vacuum cleaner to clean up the dust at home while listening to this health knowledge column.

As a 42-year-old construction worker, he is particularly concerned about health issues, after all, sweating on the construction site every day requires good physical fitness. However, this warning about smoking made his heart tighten.

"10 cigarettes at a time, the alarm rings in your ears"? The doctor bluntly said: more than this number, or lead to poisoning

Li Dawei is an old smoker, and the first thing he does when he gets up every day is to light a cigarette, as if this is the only way to wake up his sleeping nerves. However, the doctor's voice on the radio made him realize for the first time that maybe he had smoked a little too much.

"Long-term smoking is not only harmful to the lungs, but can also cause nicotine poisoning in severe cases." The doctor's words were resounding, "Some people think that smoking a few cigarettes a day is not a big deal, but if it exceeds ten cigarettes a day, it can have serious effects on the body. ”

Li Dawei listened carefully, and began to wonder if he should really reduce the amount of cigarettes he smoking. The doctor also mentioned a case of a middle-aged man in his 40s who smoked more than 20 cigarettes a day and was eventually admitted to the hospital for nicotine poisoning and almost died.

"10 cigarettes at a time, the alarm rings in your ears"? The doctor bluntly said: more than this number, or lead to poisoning

Hearing this, Li Dawei couldn't help but shudder. He remembered his friend Lao Wang, who died of lung cancer not long ago, and Lao Wang was also a big smoker, somewhat similar to himself.

"Nicotine is a highly addictive substance, and long-term inhalation in large quantities can not only affect the respiratory system, but also cause damage to the cardiovascular system," the doctor continued. Data suggests that smokers are 2 to 4 times more likely to develop heart disease and stroke than non-smokers. ”

Hearing this, Li Dawei began to beat the drum in his heart. He recalled that a few days ago on the construction site, he suddenly felt flustered and short of breath when he was working, and was taken to the infirmary by a co-worker. At that time, he thought it was just dehydration caused by the hot weather, but the doctor did not find any major problems after examination, and told him to rest more and drink more water. But today, when he heard the explanation on the radio, he vaguely felt that the panic might have something to do with his long-term smoking.

"10 cigarettes at a time, the alarm rings in your ears"? The doctor bluntly said: more than this number, or lead to poisoning

The doctor's words continued: "Many smokers think that as long as they don't smoke a lot, their health will not be in serious trouble. But in fact, the cumulative effect of nicotine is an invisible killer. Long-term smoking in small amounts will also form toxins in the body, which will gradually cause damage to the body. ”

Li Dawei's heart went up and down. He decided to finish the broadcast and hear what else the doctor was suggesting. The doctor then told a story: a young man named Xiao Liu, who was in his early 30s, had to smoke a few cigarettes every night to relax because of the pressure of work.

At first, he didn't feel anything wrong, but gradually, he began to feel dizzy, nauseous, and even vomited sometimes. When he went to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor found that the nicotine level in his blood had exceeded the limit and he had to be hospitalized.

"10 cigarettes at a time, the alarm rings in your ears"? The doctor bluntly said: more than this number, or lead to poisoning

"This is the classic symptom of nicotine poisoning." The doctor explained, "It's not just old smoking guns, but many young people are also poisoned by oversmoking. Nicotine poisoning not only affects daily life, but can also cause serious health problems and even be life-threatening. ”

Li Dawei realized that he could no longer ignore the problem. He wondered if he should also go to the hospital for a check-up to see how he was doing.

The doctor continued: "If you already feel unwell, such as dizziness, nausea, palpitation, etc., don't take it lightly. Only by going to the hospital for examination in time, early detection and early treatment can we avoid more serious consequences. ”

Li Dawei made up his mind that when he returned home tonight, he would discuss with his family to see if he needed to go for a comprehensive examination. After all, health is the most important thing.

"10 cigarettes at a time, the alarm rings in your ears"? The doctor bluntly said: more than this number, or lead to poisoning

The doctor concluded, "Prevention is better than cure, and quitting smoking is the most effective way." If you find it difficult to quit all at once, you can gradually reduce the amount of cigarettes you smoke and look for alternatives to ease your nicotine dependence. For example, chewing gum, e-cigarettes, etc., can be used as a means of transition. ”

Li Dawei thought about it, maybe he could also try the doctor's advice, starting with reducing the amount of cigarettes smoking, and gradually quit this bad habit.

After finishing the cleaning work, Li Dawei sat on the sofa, picked up his mobile phone, and began to search for methods and experiences about quitting smoking. He found that there were many people who, like him, were struggling to quit smoking. The experiences and stories they shared gave him hope.

"10 cigarettes at a time, the alarm rings in your ears"? The doctor bluntly said: more than this number, or lead to poisoning

Suddenly, his mobile phone rang, and it was the phone number of his co-worker Xiao Zhang. "Dawei, come out and gather at night, see you in the old place." Li Dawei hesitated for a moment, remembering the doctor's words, he decided to refuse this invitation. "Xiao Zhang, I've not been in good health lately, so I'm not going to go first. Have fun, y'all. ”

Hanging up the phone, Li Dawei felt a burst of relief. Maybe this is just the beginning, but he believes that as long as he persists, he will be able to successfully quit smoking.

Over time, David gradually reduced the amount he smoked. He found that his body gradually recovered and his work efficiency improved. He began to pay more attention to his health and maintain good habits.

"10 cigarettes at a time, the alarm rings in your ears"? The doctor bluntly said: more than this number, or lead to poisoning

A few months later, Li Dawei went to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. The doctor told him that his physical condition had improved significantly, which made him feel very relieved. He knows that this is not only because of quitting smoking, but also because of the importance and persistence he attaches to his health.

Li Dawei's story tells us that although smoking seems to be a way to relax, the harm to the body is huge. To prevent nicotine poisoning, quitting smoking is the most effective way. Everyone should take care of their health, stay away from tobacco and embrace a healthy lifestyle.

Question: Why do some people gain weight after quitting smoking? What should I do about this?

Weight gain after quitting smoking is a common problem, and many people find themselves gaining weight after quitting smoking. There are several reasons for this:

"10 cigarettes at a time, the alarm rings in your ears"? The doctor bluntly said: more than this number, or lead to poisoning
  • Metabolic changes: Nicotine can speed up metabolism, and after quitting smoking, the metabolic rate decreases, leading to a decrease in calorie expenditure, which triggers weight gain.
  • Increased appetite: After quitting smoking, many people find that their appetite increases. Nicotine can suppress appetite, and after quitting smoking, the inhibitory effect disappears and appetite naturally increases.
  • Alternative behaviors: Many people replace smoking with eating after quitting smoking, which leads to increased caloric intake, which in turn leads to weight gain.

To cope with weight gain after quitting smoking, you can do the following:

"10 cigarettes at a time, the alarm rings in your ears"? The doctor bluntly said: more than this number, or lead to poisoning
  • Eat a balanced diet: After quitting smoking, you should maintain a balanced diet, avoid high-calorie and high-fat foods, and eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Regular exercise: Increase physical activity and engage in regular exercise to help control weight and strengthen physical fitness.
  • Control your appetite: If you feel hungry, choose low-calorie snacks such as carrot sticks, apples, etc., and avoid high-sugar and high-fat foods.
  • Psychological support: Quitting smoking is a process that requires perseverance, and it can be done by seeking support from family and friends, or by joining a quitting support group for psychological help.
  • Alternative therapy: Nicotine replacement therapy, such as nicotine gum, patches, etc., can be tried to gradually reduce the dependence on nicotine.

With a reasonable diet and proper exercise, you can effectively cope with the problem of weight gain after quitting smoking and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Smoking 6 cigarettes per month increases the risk of death[J].Family Medicine. Happy Health,2020,(08):4.

"10 cigarettes at a time, the alarm rings in your ears"? The doctor bluntly said: more than this number, or lead to poisoning