
The temperature remains high, reminding heart patients: don't be sloppy in 3 small things, don't hurt yourself with ignorance

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"The temperature today is really unbearable!" Xu Lijuan wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead and decided to go to the backyard to continue her garden work. As a flower enthusiast and retired teacher, her daily life revolves around her flowers and plants. However, it was clear that working under the scorching sun was a bad decision.

The temperature remains high, reminding heart patients: don't be sloppy in 3 small things, don't hurt yourself with ignorance

Xu Lijuan has always suffered from heart disease, but she always feels that her condition is well controlled, and the medicine is never stopped.

But as she bent down to sort out the lush morning glory, a wave of dizziness hit her, and she felt her heart beat sharply, and then her consciousness began to blur. Fortunately, her neighbor saw this scene in the yard on the side, rushed to help her, and immediately called an ambulance.

The temperature remains high, reminding heart patients: don't be sloppy in 3 small things, don't hurt yourself with ignorance

When she woke up, Xu Lijuan found herself lying in a hospital bed, next to a concerned middle-aged male doctor, Dr. Zhao, an experienced cardiologist, reviewing her medical records and the latest test results.

"Mr. Xu, how are you feeling now?" Dr. Zhao asked gently.

"Also... It's OK. Xu Lijuan replied weakly, her voice distinctly tired.

The temperature remains high, reminding heart patients: don't be sloppy in 3 small things, don't hurt yourself with ignorance

"This time, it was because I did some strenious activities in the heat, and as a result, my heart was overtaxed. Hot weather puts more stress on the heart of a person with heart disease, especially for someone like you who has a history of heart disease. ”

"I understand that you love gardening, which is a great hobby, but there are a few things you need to pay special attention to in this weather."

Dr. Zhao reminded Xu Lijuan to avoid any form of physical work under the scorching sun. "People with heart disease should minimize outdoor activities in hot weather, especially in the middle of the day, and if they must go out, it is best to choose a cool time in the morning or late afternoon, and the activity should not be too strenuous and not too strenuous .

The temperature remains high, reminding heart patients: don't be sloppy in 3 small things, don't hurt yourself with ignorance

"Staying well hydrated can help regulate body temperature and blood pressure, and in weather like this, you should drink water every one to two hours, even if you don't feel thirsty, don't wait until you're thirsty."

He referred to the issue of medication management. "Make sure you take your heart disease-related medications on time, especially when the weather changes. If you feel a difference in your symptoms or feel any discomfort, you should contact your doctor immediately. ”

The temperature remains high, reminding heart patients: don't be sloppy in 3 small things, don't hurt yourself with ignorance

Dr. Zhao concluded, "Mr. Xu, I know that you love life and your gardening activities, but health always comes first. As long as you pay attention to these little things, you will be able to enjoy your hobby more safely. ”

Xu Lijuan replied with a smile: "Thank you, Dr. Zhao, I will remember." I will be more careful in the future. ”

The temperature remains high, reminding heart patients: don't be sloppy in 3 small things, don't hurt yourself with ignorance

Through this experience, Xu Lijuan not only gained a deeper understanding of the things that heart patients need to pay attention to in the summer, but also realized the importance of health again. She was determined to follow her doctor's advice to adjust her lifestyle and ensure that she could continue to enjoy her love of gardening in a safe environment.

The temperature remains high, reminding heart patients: don't be sloppy in 3 small things, don't hurt yourself with ignorance

In the hot summer, heart disease patients face many different risks and challenges, especially in the hot environment, the workload of the heart will increase significantly, at this time, some seemingly inconspicuous small things are particularly important.

Here are three overlooked but critical considerations that may not be the first thing that comes to mind, but they are all based on in-depth medical research and clinical observations.

The temperature remains high, reminding heart patients: don't be sloppy in 3 small things, don't hurt yourself with ignorance

A direct threat to heart disease patients is the increased workload on the heart, which lowers body temperature by dilating blood vessels and increasing sweat evaporation in order to dissipate heat in hot weather.

For patients with already impaired heart function, this increased burden can lead to a further decrease in the heart's pumping capacity, exacerbating heart disease and even triggering heart failure. Therefore, patients with heart disease should try to avoid going out in hot weather, especially in the afternoon when the sun is strong.

The temperature remains high, reminding heart patients: don't be sloppy in 3 small things, don't hurt yourself with ignorance

With regard to hydration, while it is generally recommended to drink plenty of water in hot weather, for people with heart disease, water supplementation requires more careful management. Excess water can also lead to electrolyte dilution, leading to electrolyte imbalances such as hyponatremia, which can be dangerous for people with heart disease.

Therefore, heart disease patients should follow their doctor's specific instructions for hydration in hot weather to ensure that the amount and speed of hydration match their health status.

The temperature remains high, reminding heart patients: don't be sloppy in 3 small things, don't hurt yourself with ignorance

When it comes to treating heart disease, many people need to take medications such as diuretics for a long time. In summer, because of the heat and sweating, it will affect the balance of water and electrolytes in the body, which may affect the effectiveness of the drug.

Especially in hot environments, inappropriate diuretic use can lead to serious health problems. Therefore, when using diuretics or other heart medications during the summer months, heart patients must strictly follow their doctor's prescription and regularly monitor blood electrolyte levels and kidney function to ensure that the drugs are used safely and effectively.

The temperature remains high, reminding heart patients: don't be sloppy in 3 small things, don't hurt yourself with ignorance

These three seemingly simple things are actually crucial to the health management of heart disease patients. The high summer heat is not only an environmental factor, but also a health challenge that requires a high level of vigilance for people with heart disease and their families. Through precise management, we can help people with heart disease get through hot summers more safely, reduce health risks, and improve quality of life.

The temperature remains high, reminding heart patients: don't be sloppy in 3 small things, don't hurt yourself with ignorance

In the dietary management of patients with heart disease, the usual recommendations for fruit and vegetable choices to avoid during the summer months may be focused on reducing salt intake and avoiding high-fat foods. However, in addition to these general guidelines, there are some specific fruits and vegetables that may not be as friendly to heart patients during the summer months, which is often overlooked.

The temperature remains high, reminding heart patients: don't be sloppy in 3 small things, don't hurt yourself with ignorance

It is important to note that fruits and vegetables are high in potassium, and although potassium is an important mineral for heart health, for those with heart disease that affects kidney function due to certain heart medications, such as certain diuretics and blood pressure medications, excessive potassium intake may lead to high levels of potassium in the blood, which can trigger irregular heartbeats.

For example, fruits such as bananas, oranges, watermelons and papayas, which are popular in summer and are also high in potassium, should be consumed in moderation by people with heart disease to avoid excessive amounts.

The temperature remains high, reminding heart patients: don't be sloppy in 3 small things, don't hurt yourself with ignorance

It is worth noting those fruits that are high in sugar, although fruits are an important part of a healthy diet, excessive sugar intake will not only affect blood sugar levels, but may also increase body weight, which can increase the burden on the heart.

Especially in summer, fruits such as grapes, cherries and mangoes are high in sugar, and heart disease patients should control the appropriate portion sizes while enjoying these delicious foods to avoid the double pressure of blood sugar and weight affecting heart health.

The temperature remains high, reminding heart patients: don't be sloppy in 3 small things, don't hurt yourself with ignorance

From the above analysis, it can be seen that in summer, patients with heart disease should not only consider the nutritional value when choosing fruits and vegetables, but also pay attention to the potential risks that these foods may bring. Proper selection and adjustment of intake is key to ensuring that people with heart disease can spend each day healthy during the summer months.

(All names have been changed)

What do you think about what people with heart disease can do less? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The temperature remains high, reminding heart patients: don't be sloppy in 3 small things, don't hurt yourself with ignorance



[1] Fang Yaowu. Discussion on the value of blood lipid K value in the diagnosis of coronary atherosclerotic heart disease in the elderly, Journal of Practical Medical Technology, 2012-07-15

The temperature remains high, reminding heart patients: don't be sloppy in 3 small things, don't hurt yourself with ignorance

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