
The 3 ways to speak that are most likely to be blocked, you must pay attention to

author:Author: Mr. Otter

The interaction between people is inseparable from exchange and communication.

Speaking itself is an art, and people who can speak are often able to do more with less in interpersonal communication, on the contrary, those who can't speak are often wrong as soon as they open their mouths.

Therefore, when we talk to others, we must grasp the proportion, these three things, never say less, or do not say, otherwise it will bring endless trouble to ourselves.

The 3 ways to speak that are most likely to be blocked, you must pay attention to

01 Talk less about family chores

Some people always like to talk about the trivial things in their family in front of outsiders, what they quarreled with their husbands, what conflicts they had with their mothers-in-law, and what happened to their children.

Maybe they don't really have too many ideas, maybe it's because they're bothered by all kinds of family trivialities, maybe they just want to talk to someone, or maybe they want to be familiar with each other in this way.

However, every adult walks in the world, his words and deeds must be measured, and some words, the speaker has no intention of listening, and if they are really heard by some people with ulterior motives, it will be counterproductive.

Around us, many people have a gossip heart, and when they encounter such a thing, they will be particularly interested, and then, as quickly as possible, spread it out, and finally make it known to everyone.

If these words are accidentally known by the family, what awaits them will definitely be a storm, after all, no one likes their own affairs to be revealed.

Therefore, if you want to protect your family, you must first control your mouth and don't say anything to others.

02 Talk less about your achievements

Some people always talk about their past achievements, and they open their mouths to say, how much I have done in the past, how much I have achieved, and how much I have achieved.

In the eyes of outsiders, they are proper successes.

But what about the facts?

Perhaps, they really made some kind of achievements, perhaps, these achievements only exist in their mouths, and now, the achievements are in the past, and they are still lying on the credit book without achievements.

If you say too much in this way, it will cause others to resent it.

If you want to succeed in life, you must not stop moving forward, no matter how brilliant the past is, no matter how successful it is, it has become history.

It has been said that at the moment of success, everything is cleared and we need to start over.

The 3 ways to speak that are most likely to be blocked, you must pay attention to

Only by taking a long-term view can we see the future farther and accumulate strength to move forward.

True success will always belong to those who are not afraid of hardship and are willing to struggle.

03 Talk less about your own family

Success = wealth is the perception of many people.

We do not reject wealth and money, which is not only a proof of our struggle, but also a strong guarantee of our good life.

It is not difficult to find that there are always some people around us, who often talk about their wealth and family background, which will lead to all kinds of problems.

They hate to let everyone know that they are rich, and they enjoy this kind of publicity and publicity.

As everyone knows, it is precisely because of this display that he invisibly puts himself in a dangerous situation.

A search on the Internet reveals many examples of this.

was originally an ordinary and happy life, because the family loved to show off, the husband and wife complained to each other, and relatives and friends came to borrow money to help. In the end, there were many contradictions, and even the wife was separated.

No matter how successful we are, there will be people who are better and more successful than us, we should correct our mentality and learn from others, so that we can achieve greater achievements.

Therefore, only by protecting your family can you grasp happiness.

The 3 ways to speak that are most likely to be blocked, you must pay attention to

Think twice before you speak.

Between words, it reflects our cultivation and wisdom, and it is a business card for us to walk in the world and interact with people.

Therefore, we must grasp the boundaries of language, say what should be said, and what should not be said is not spoken, so that we can make many sincere friends and gain the understanding and respect of others.


About the author: Li Muke, who lives hard with one hand and writes seriously with the other, hopes to keep his heart on the road of hard work.