
Yan Mingxi responded to TVB's rumors: Thanksgiving cultivation, the contract is being negotiated, and the future will take its course

author:Outward Hong Kong and Taiwan Entertainment Pass

On the 29th, Hong Kong's new generation of popular singer and Shengmeng Xiaohua Yan Mingxi attended the event, but her TVB did not send a reporter to interview her, nor did she report afterwards.

Yan Mingxi responded to TVB's rumors: Thanksgiving cultivation, the contract is being negotiated, and the future will take its course

At the event, other Hong Kong media interviewed Yan Mingxi. A reporter asked: TVB high-level Le Yiling recently called for "don't forget your roots" and "think of the source of drinking water" at other Shengmeng Xiaohua press conferences, suspected of secretly criticizing you, and this time you will not send someone to interview and support, what is your response to this?

Yan Mingxi responded to TVB's rumors: Thanksgiving cultivation, the contract is being negotiated, and the future will take its course

Yan Mingxi refused to answer positively, but emphasized that he must cooperate with the company, has always been grateful for TVB's cultivation, and will do his duty as an artist; There is no interview with TVB reporters this time, it may be that they have other tasks and are really busy.

Yan Mingxi responded to TVB's rumors: Thanksgiving cultivation, the contract is being negotiated, and the future will take its course
Yan Mingxi responded to TVB's rumors: Thanksgiving cultivation, the contract is being negotiated, and the future will take its course

Seeing that he did not get the answer he wanted, the reporter at the scene asked about the absence of RTHK's "Top Ten Chinese Golden Melody Awards Ceremony 2024" and the contract. And Yan Mingxi responded that he didn't attend and accept the award before, not because he didn't want to participate, and he also wanted to go on stage to thank the fans and the behind-the-scenes production team, and the contract with TVB still has a long time, and the future will go naturally.

Yan Mingxi responded to TVB's rumors: Thanksgiving cultivation, the contract is being negotiated, and the future will take its course

"I'm sorry I couldn't attend, but next time I have the opportunity to attend and be able to go on stage, I'll go and thank you to everyone and thank you to the musicians and DJs who helped me make the music. (The new contract) is being negotiated, and the current work is arranged by the company. As for whether to sign it or not, I can't tell you, after all, the contract is a private matter, in short, let it be, and be at peace with the situation. She said.

Yan Mingxi responded to TVB's rumors: Thanksgiving cultivation, the contract is being negotiated, and the future will take its course

Later, a reporter asked: Will a series of turmoil affect your decision to renew your contract?

Yan Mingxi replied: "I am a very principled person, I will not forget my original intention, gratitude is very important, and doing yourself well is the most important." Some things are not as simple as I imagined, nor are they as complicated as I imagined, and some things need to be judged by myself, and I also have my own ideas. For example, in terms of singing and music, I hope you will look forward to it. ”

Yan Mingxi responded to TVB's rumors: Thanksgiving cultivation, the contract is being negotiated, and the future will take its course

There is no doubt that Yan Mingxi's answer is very mysterious, and perhaps hints at some of her expectations for the future of cooperation. However, TVB should not make major concessions on the contract issue, and the so-called plan of splitting the contract, leaving the artist contract (retaining the identity of TVB artists), and signing the singer to other companies (becoming a singer of the new company) is unlikely to be accepted by the top management.

Yan Mingxi responded to TVB's rumors: Thanksgiving cultivation, the contract is being negotiated, and the future will take its course

In addition, the editor noticed a detail, or a movement, that is, after the news of Yan Mingxi's contract renewal with TVB, "Entertainment One", "AM730", "01 Entertainment", "Tian Mu Jizuo", "New Holiday", "Oriental New Land" and other pro-ViuTV (TVB competitor) entertainment media have attached great importance to and intensively published reports, putting on a posture of fighting for her.

Yan Mingxi responded to TVB's rumors: Thanksgiving cultivation, the contract is being negotiated, and the future will take its course

Obviously, they are preparing to use this incident to divide the relationship between TVB supporters and Yan Mingxi's fans, destroy TVB's reputation and image, and finally achieve the goal of hitting TVB hard. In short, Yan Mingxi was treated as a knife stabbed at TVB.

Yan Mingxi responded to TVB's rumors: Thanksgiving cultivation, the contract is being negotiated, and the future will take its course

To tell the truth, TVB's senior management has spent a lot of resources and contacts to cultivate Yan Mingxi, and the degree of attention is unprecedented, and she has also brought a lot of income and honors to the company, becoming one of the most popular and powerful new generation singers in the Hong Kong music scene today.

Yan Mingxi responded to TVB's rumors: Thanksgiving cultivation, the contract is being negotiated, and the future will take its course

I sincerely hope that the two sides will sit down and have a good discussion, have a frank dialogue, and finally reach a mutually acceptable and win-win plan. PS: TVB should be a little atmospheric as a large company

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