
Indemnify! This time it's a different approach!

author:Wujin today
Indemnify! This time it's a different approach!

New energy vehicles are developing rapidly

Drive the rapid growth of demand for charging piles

After a construction period of 2 months

Two new charging piles have been added to Lijia Town

These two charging piles are the first of its kind in Lijia Town

At the entrance of the Pu'an Village Sports Park in Lijia Town, charging piles have been built in place, and four slow charging and two fast charging can meet the charging needs of six new energy vehicles at the same time. Another new charging station is located in the Lijia town government and consists of three fast chargers and three slow chargers.

Indemnify! This time it's a different approach!

It is understood that there is an industrial park in Pu'an Village, Lijia Town, and there are nearly 160 large and small enterprises in the industrial park. In addition, the staff of the village committee learned through the survey that many employees of the company and nearby villagers have purchased new energy vehicles, but the village has not been equipped with such charging piles. "For the enterprises that have caused environmental damage before, we have launched the 'green and convenient charging pile' alternative repair model according to the Changzhou ecological environment system, and after consultation with the enterprise, the company issued compensation according to the damage assessment, and built two new energy parking lots in Lijia Town, which is the first attempt in Lijia Town." Zhu Yu, a staff member of the Economic Development Office of Lijia Town, introduced.

Indemnify! This time it's a different approach!

To talk about these two charging piles

It's no different from other charging piles

How do you say "first attempt"?

This starts with compensation for ecological and environmental damage

What is compensation for ecological and environmental damages?

Adverse changes in the atmosphere, surface water, groundwater, soil, forests and other environmental elements and biological elements such as plants, animals, and microorganisms caused by environmental pollution and ecological damage, as well as the degradation of ecosystem functions composed of the above elements, are called "ecological environmental damage", and the person responsible for causing ecological environmental damage bears the liability for compensation, and repairing the damaged ecological environment will help solve the dilemma of "environmental pollution, mass damage, and government paying", which is called "ecological environmental damage compensation".

What kind of ecological and environmental damage needs to be compensated?

1. The occurrence of a large or higher environmental emergency;

2. Environmental pollution or ecological damage incidents occur in key ecological function zones or prohibited development zones;

3. Consequences that seriously impact the ecological environment occur.

Indemnify! This time it's a different approach!

In recent years, Wujin District has taken case practice as the starting point, established and improved mechanisms, ensured the standardized operation of the process, set up special accounts, and standardized the management of ecological and environmental damage compensation funds, forming a replicable and referenceable "Wujin experience" of ecological and environmental damage compensation.

Indemnify! This time it's a different approach!

The environment has a price, and the damage is responsible. The innovative alternative restoration model not only provides an effective restoration method for environmental damagers, but also promotes the development of regional new energy industries, achieving a win-win situation between ecological restoration and green development. The establishment of convenient charging piles not only solves the charging problem of electric vehicle owners, but also advocates the concept of green travel, so that more people can participate in low-carbon and environmental protection actions.

Reporter: Chen Hanqiu

Editor: Yu Qianwen Review: Chen Weiqiang Lingyun Please indicate the source: Wujin Today (WeChat ID: wjrb2013)

Produced by the Propaganda Department of the Wujin District Committee of the Communist Party of China

Wujin District Rong Media Center operates

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