
Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

author:Qingyan Xiaosheng a
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Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

Text: Qingyan Xiaosheng A

Editor|Qingyan Xiaosheng a

Disclaimer: The content of this article is based on authoritative information, combined with personal views of the original content, the text is marked with the source of the literature and screenshots, please be aware.

Magnolia is an annual festival of domestic entertainment, always star-studded.

However, the award ceremony on June 28 was particularly eye-catching for a special figure.

Her appearance is like a clear stream, setting off an "aesthetic revolution" in the entertainment industry that pursues extreme slenderness.

Who can be so different on this stage?

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

And how will she change people's definition of beauty?

Magnolia Night: Liu Yifei's dazzling moment

When Liu Yifei stood on the stage of the Magnolia Award, the entire venue seemed to light up.

Not because of how gorgeous the dress she was wearing, but because of the unique charm that emanated from her.

This night, Liu Yifei can be said to have gained a lot.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

He not only won the award of overseas promotion ambassador, but also served as the guest of honor.

Such an arrangement is enough to prove her status and influence in the industry.

Interestingly, the organizers seem to be extra attentive, and they invited "brother" to present Liu Yifei with an award.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

You must know that in "The Story of Rose", Tong Dawei is Liu Yifei's "elder brother".

This ingenious arrangement made the atmosphere of the scene instantly warm.

When Tong Dawei announced that the winner was Liu Yifei, the audience erupted in warm applause.

Liu Yifei came to the stage to accept the award, with a happy smile on her face.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

She first thanked her "brother" Tong Dawei, and this scene made people laugh.

I have to say that Liu Yifei's status in the rivers and lakes is indeed extraordinary.

Not only the recipient, but also the guest of honor.

Moreover, she was joined by Wan Qian as the guest of honor, playing her "sister-in-law" in the play.

This kind of arrangement that embodies the "family" everywhere makes people feel full of warmth.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

Moreover, Liu Yifei's dress is also quite bold.

Low-cut evening dresses outline the perfect figure and feast the eyes of the audience.

This attempt to break through the previous conservative style also shows her confidence and courage.

Interestingly, Chen Xiao followed Liu Yifei throughout the whole process, and also intimately helped her lift the skirt.

This scene can't help but remind people of the gentleman's Chen Xiao many years ago.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes
Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

Time flies, but some things never seem to change.

Liu Yifei's performance is undoubtedly the highlight of this evening.

In her own way, she showed us what the real star charm is.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

You don't need to be deliberate, you don't need to pretend to be profound, as long as you are the most authentic yourself, you can win everyone's love.

Looking at Liu Yifei shining on the stage, I couldn't help but think, maybe this is the so-called "starlight", right?

It doesn't need too much embellishment, just confidence and calmness from the heart.

Liu Yifei, in her way, gave us a vivid lesson.

Information source: China News Network2024-06-28 The red carpet of the 29th Magnolia Awards is star-studded
Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes
Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

Looking back on Liu Yifei's acting career, I have to say that this is an amazing journey of transformation.

Breaking the cocoon into a butterfly: Liu Yifei's acting transformation

Do you still remember the "fairy sister" in those green years?

When she played Zhao Linger in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", Liu Yifei conquered countless audiences with her fresh and refined temperament.

At that time, she was like a fairy who came out of a painting, and she was unrealistically beautiful.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

However, time flies, and the former "Little Dragon Girl" has transformed into today's powerful actor.

From "Mulan" to "Menghualu", and then to "The Story of Rose", Liu Yifei has proved her acting skills with one work after another.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

Especially in "The Story of Rose", Liu Yifei played Rose is rebellious, strong, and full of vitality, allowing the audience to see a new Liu Yifei.

She is no longer the unattainable fairy sister, but a real woman with flesh and blood, edges and corners.

To be honest, when I first saw Liu Yifei taking on this role, I believe many people were still a little worried.

After all, the character of Rose is too different from her previous image.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

However, after watching the whole drama, I had to applaud Liu Yifei's acting skills.

She perfectly interprets the complex inner world of roses.

Whether it is the flamboyance when he is rebellious, or the vulnerability when he is injured, Liu Yifei plays it just right.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

Especially in that pool scene, Liu Yifei not only showed her figure, but also used her eyes and expressions to convey Rose's inner struggle and pain.

This kind of transformation is not only a change in the external image, but also the sublimation of the inner acting skills.

Liu Yifei tells us with practical actions that she is not just a "vase", but a powerful actor.

And this kind of transformation just confirms the old saying: "One minute on stage, ten years off the stage." ”

Liu Yifei's success is no accident.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

That's the result of her years of hard work and self-breakthrough.

Looking at Liu Yifei today, I can't help but think of the process of butterflies breaking out of their cocoons.

That's painful, but it's also beautiful.

Liu Yifei used her own way to show us what real growth is.

Her transformation is not only a personal success, but also an example for the entire entertainment industry.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

It tells us not to be bound by inherent labels, to have the courage to break through, and to have the courage to try.

Only in this way can the most beautiful light bloom.

Looking at Liu Yifei's confident appearance on the stage, people can't help but think: Maybe this is the real beauty, right?

You don't need to deliberately strive for perfection, as long as you are the most authentic self, you are beautiful enough.

The emergence of Liu Yifei has given us an opportunity to redefine beauty.

Information source: Xinhuanet2024-6-27 "The Story of Rose" Liu Yifei talks about interpreting Huang Yimei and wants to explore and create a real "rose"
Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

She tells us that beauty is not a fixed standard, but an attitude, a self-confidence, a love of life.

This aesthetic revolution led by Liu Yifei is quietly changing our world.

Perhaps in the near future, we will see a more diverse and inclusive aesthetic. And this is undoubtedly a beautiful thing.

Pearls are round and jade: Liu Yifei's natural beauty

When Liu Yifei stepped on the red carpet of the Magnolia Awards, I believe many people were stunned.

Not because of how stunning she is, but because she looks so... Normal.

Information source: The Paper2024-6-28 Gallery|Red carpet of the "Magnolia Bloom" award ceremony
Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes
Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

In a skinny beauty, Liu Yifei's figure looks extraordinarily plump.

She didn't deliberately cinch her waist, nor did she try to show off her collarbones.

On the contrary, her body curves are natural and fluid, like a perfect landscape painting.

What a rare courage!

In the current entertainment industry, "thinness" seems to have become a compulsory course for female stars.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

In order to lose a few kilograms, some people do not hesitate to diet, exercise excessively, and even take some extreme ways.

And Liu Yifei, she stood there generously like this, interpreting beauty in her own way.

Remember her role in the pool in The Story of the Rose?

That image is believed to have impressed many people to this day.

In the splash, Liu Yifei's figure was fully revealed.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

There are no bony edges and corners, and there are healthy curves.

This scene may have stunned many girls who pursued a "small waist", right?

But if you think about it, isn't that the real beauty?

Healthy, natural and full of vitality.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

Her courage reminds me of the old saying, "You don't need to change yourself to please others." ”

In this era when everyone is pursuing perfection, Liu Yifei's choice is undoubtedly a clear stream.

Of course, we can't deny that everyone's pursuit of beauty is different.

Some people like skinny, some people prefer plumpness, and that's understandable.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

However, the appearance of Liu Yifei undoubtedly gave us a good inspiration.

Beauty should not be confined to a fixed standard.

Everyone has their own unique charm, and the key is to find your own self-confidence.

Looking at Liu Yifei, who is full of confidence on the stage, I can't help but think, maybe this is the real "fairy sister", right?

You don't need to deliberately strive for perfection, as long as you are the most authentic self, you are beautiful enough.


Magnolia this night. Liu Yifei, who has a "big shoulders and a round waist", has indeed taught a vivid and profound lesson to the aesthetics of domestic entertainment.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

This is not only a celebrity's personal choice, but also a gentle and powerful impact on the entire entertainment industry and even social aesthetics.

Liu Yifei's courage is worth pondering. In a circle that pursues extreme slenderness, she chooses to show her truest self.

Behind this choice is self-acceptance, respect for life, and a challenge to a single aesthetic standard.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

She tells us with practical actions that beauty should not be defined in a fixed framework, and everyone has their own unique charm.

This lesson is not only a revelation to the entertainment industry, but also an aesthetic education for the whole society.

For a long time, we seem to have been accustomed to measuring beauty by a single standard.

Thin is beautiful, white is beautiful, and young is beautiful.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

But the appearance of Liu Yifei makes us rethink: what is the definition of beauty?

Liu Yifei's choice undoubtedly gave a shot in the arm to those who feel inferior because they do not conform to mainstream aesthetics.

In her own way, she tells us that we don't have to change ourselves in order to fit others, and that true beauty comes from self-acceptance and self-confidence.

This kind of confidence and calmness is the most attractive charm.

At the same time, we must also see that Liu Yifei's choice is not easy.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

In a circle where appearances win on the outside, it takes a lot of courage to choose to be your true self.

She may face skepticism, she may face criticism, but she still stands for herself.

This kind of persistence deserves our respect and learning.

What's more, Liu Yifei's choice may affect more people.

As a public figure, her every move will be magnified.

Liu Yifei on the Magnolia red carpet: white skin and beautiful appearance, plump and proud, and attractive eyes

Her self-confidence and calmness may encourage more people to accept and cherish themselves.

This kind of influence goes far beyond the scope of the entertainment industry, and it may slowly change the aesthetics of the entire society.

Of course, we also need to understand that aesthetic diversity cannot be achieved overnight.

It takes time, and it needs more people like Liu Yifei to stand up and influence others with their actions.

But every small change is a step in the right direction.

The content of this article is based on authoritative information, combined with personal views of the original content, the text is marked with the source of the literature and screenshots, please be aware.

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