
Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

author:Qingyan Xiaosheng a
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Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

Text: Qingyan Xiaosheng A

Editor|Qingyan Xiaosheng a

Disclaimer: The content of this article is based on authoritative information, combined with personal views of the original content, the text is marked with the source of the literature and screenshots, please be aware.

In the entertainment industry, the brilliance of some stars is like a flash in the pan, but it leaves an indelible impression in people's hearts.

And Wang Yunyi is one of them, she has conquered the audience with her unique image and touched people's hearts with her deep and magnetic voice.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

However, fate always seems to be against her, she became an orphan at a young age, her father and mother are gone, and even her grandmother sees her as a "thorn in the eye".

So that the people are gone, and all that is left to the world is a "remembrance" and music.

Information source: Huanqiu.com2024-06-29 Wang Yunyi, the singer of the first season of "The Voice of China", passed away at the age of 38
Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

So, how did Wang Yunyi get to this point? How did she get there?

The musical dream of a bald girl

In 2012, the first season of "The Voice of China" was in full swing.

This stage carries the dreams of countless musicians and witnesses the transformation of many ordinary people.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

On an ordinary audition day, a contestant with a difference took the stage.

She stood bareheaded, barefoot, in the center of the stage.

This unique image immediately attracted everyone's attention.

When the music sounded, she began to sing Jacky Cheung's classic song "Forgotten Time".

In an instant, the whole scene fell silent, and everyone was attracted to her low, magnetic voice.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

With the soulful interpretation of the song, the four instructors turned around almost at the same time.

Their eyes flashed with surprise and admiration, and they were clearly impressed by this special fighter.

This girl is Wang Yunyi, a soul destined to be extraordinary.

Wang Yunyi's music style is unique and distinctive.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

She specializes in jazz, a form of music that originated in the United States, which has been given a new lease of life under her interpretation.

Her voice is deep and magnetic, as if it penetrates the hearts of the listeners and reaches the depths of the soul.

Every note is full of emotion, both a love of life and an unspeakable sadness.

On the stage of "The Voice", Wang Yunyi's image left a deep impression on the audience.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

Her bald head style breaks the traditional aesthetics, and her barefoot singing habit is even more impressive.

These seemingly alternative outfits are actually a true portrayal of her inner world.

She faces the audience and herself in the most authentic and honest way. This kind of authenticity and courage is the charm of music.

After becoming a member of the Yu Chengting team, Wang Yunyi's talent was fully displayed.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

Every time she takes the stage, she is fully engaged and interprets every song with her heart.

Her performances are always stunning, as if she is telling her life story with her singing voice.

However, who would have thought that behind this glamorous stage, what kind of bitterness is hidden?

From an obscure amateur to a famous singer, she has put in unimaginable efforts.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

Countless days and nights of practice, perseverance in overcoming difficulties, and courage in the face of doubts are all indispensable parts of her path to success.

But fate always seems to play a joke on her.

While giving her glory, it also put her under great pressure and pain.

Fame brings more attention and expectation, but it also means more pressure and responsibility.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

Yes, finally one day, her past was picked up.

The merciless tricks of fate

It is often said that fate is unfair.

For Wang Yunyi, this sentence couldn't be more appropriate.

Her life is like a tragic drama, which has been staged since she was a child.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

When he was seven years old, Wang Yunyi's mother died.

For a little girl who is in need of motherly love, this is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue.

However, fate did not stop there.

Just three years later, her father died, leaving her alone at the age of 10.

The pain of losing both parents is unimaginable for a child.

Source: China News Network 2013-6-7 Wang Yunyi recalls her growth history When she was ten years old, her parents left and went on her own for music
Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

However, what is even more heartbreaking is that the grandmother, who was supposed to give her warmth and love, vented all her resentment on this innocent child.

"Broom Star", this harsh title, became a nightmare of Wang Yunyi's childhood.

Every time she heard these three words, she felt her heart being pinched hard.

The burden of life weighed on this thin shoulder.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star
Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

At the age of fifteen, an age that should have been carefree, Wang Yunyi had to leave her hometown alone and go to Shenzhen to work hard.

Her eyes are full of confusion about the future, but there is a hint of hope for life.

Life in Shenzhen was not easy.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

With no academic qualifications, no skills, and no protection from relatives, Wang Yunyi can only rely on her own hands to survive in this strange city.

She has worked as a waitress, a salesman, and even tried live streaming.

The hardships of life forced this young girl to grow up prematurely.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

However, it is these hardships that have forged her strong character and made her unique musical style.

The emotions contained in her singing are a true portrayal of these difficult years.

However, as far as the facts are concerned, she did not come out, and even walked further and further.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

Inner pained struggles

In the eyes of outsiders, Wang Yunyi seems to have stepped out of the haze of fate and stood on the shining stage.

However, only she knows that the wounds inside her have never really healed.

Long-term depression followed me like a shadow and became a lingering nightmare in Wang Yunyi's life.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

Maybe it's because the shadow of childhood is too deep, or maybe it's because the pressure after becoming famous is too much, this seemingly strong girl is fragile inside.

How many late nights, when the applause dispersed, the spotlight went out, and Wang Yunyi faced the empty room alone, and the loneliness in her heart came like a tide.

She had tried ZS many times, as if this was the only way to relieve the pain that had nowhere to speak.

Frequent hospitalizations became a part of her life.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

The white ward, the cold instruments, and the concerned but helpless eyes of the doctors and nurses.

All this reminds her that she is far from the life of a "normal person".

On social media, Wang Yunyi often shows a state of low mood and low self-esteem.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

She will post some distressing news in the middle of the night, revealing despair of life and self-denial between the lines.

Fans are distressed, but there is nothing they can do.

"I'm a useless person" and "Why should I live" are words that often appear on her social accounts.

Every word was like a knife, not only stabbing the people who cared about her, but also hurting herself deeply.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

However, it is in this pain that Wang Yunyi is still working hard to live and create.

She uses music to express her inner struggles and sings to heal her wounds.

And this kind of psychology may be the real reason why she was SW in June '24!

Source: The Paper2024-6-29 Too suddenly! The first season of The Voice singer Wang Yunyi died at the age of 38
Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

This contradictory state may be the source of the unique charm contained in her music.

Wang Yunyi's story shows us that success and happiness are not always equated.

Beneath the glamorous exterior, there may be hidden pain that no one knows.

This reminds us to pay more attention to the mental health of those around us and give them more understanding and support.

At the same time, we must also learn to be kind to ourselves.

Life will inevitably encounter setbacks and difficulties, but remember that you are not alone.

If you feel pain, don't hesitate to ask for help.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

Life is precious, everyone deserves to be loved, and has the ability to create a better future.

The ups and downs of an artist's career

In 2019, Wang Yunyi gradually faded out of the public eye. The once radiant stage queen seems to have been forgotten in the corner by time.

It wasn't until last year that she reopened her personal social media account in an attempt to reconnect with netizens.

However, the entertainment industry is a cruel place, and the audience's memories are often shorter than they imagined.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

Wang Yunyi found that she had changed from the high-profile voice contestant to a "popular female artist".

This label, like an invisible knife, pierced her sensitive heart deeply.

During the trough period of the business, the economic situation naturally deteriorated.

Once upon a time, Wang Yunyi had to set up a roadside stall to sell her albums.

That picture makes people sigh: the former rookie in the music industry has now fallen to the point of selling on the street.

The hardships of life are not only reflected in the economy, but also in the interpersonal relationships.

Wang Yunyi found it increasingly difficult to find the right assistant.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

Maybe it's because her personality has become more sensitive, or maybe it's because she's not as famous as she used to be, but in short, she feels as if she's been abandoned by the world.

However, even in such a difficult situation, Wang Yunyi still did not give up music.

She continued to compose, to keep singing, as if only in music could she find inner peace.

In her singing, you can still hear the unique charm, but there is a little more vicissitudes and helplessness.

Wang Yunyi's experience allows us to see the cruel reality of the entertainment industry.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

It's easy to become famous overnight, but it's hard to stay hot for a long time.

The ruthlessness of this industry often brings huge psychological pressure to sensitive artists.

At the same time, we also have to reflect on whether we, as the audience, have given enough understanding and tolerance to the artists?

When they are struggling, do we choose to be cynical or give them the right care and support?

Wang Yunyi's story tells us that there are always ups and downs in life, and the key is to keep hope and never give up.

Even if you are at a low point, you must believe in your own worth and stick to your dreams.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

Because only in this way can we find the motivation to move forward in the face of adversity and usher in a turning point in life.


Wang Yunyi's life is full of hardships and challenges, from an orphan to a star, and then to fade out of the public eye, her experience is embarrassing.

Although life has given her many hardships, she still uses music to convey her emotions and touch countless people.

Her departure is not only a loss to the entertainment industry, but also a reminder that we should pay attention to the mental health of artists.

Another good voice singer has died! He became an orphan at the age of 10, attempted suicide many times, and was scolded as a broom star

May we draw strength from Wang Yunyi's story, cherish life, care for the people around us, and jointly create a warmer and more inclusive social atmosphere.

The content of this article is based on authoritative information, combined with personal views of the original content, the text is marked with the source of the literature and screenshots, please be aware.

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