
The second quarter is out! 10 "Most Beautiful Grid Members"! Do you have one near you?

author:Beautiful Wuqing official number


Wuqing District's "Most Beautiful Grid Member" in the second quarter of 2024

The results of the selection will be announced

A total of 10 gridders were on the list

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Fuyuan Community, Yangcun Street, Su Lina

Write a happy chapter with sincere service

In this season of the scorching sun, there is a grid member who measures the grid with her footsteps, unites the people with service, and guards safety with responsibility, she is Su Lina, a second-level grid member of Fuyuan Community in Yangcun Street. In the past 3 years, Su Lina has been conscientious, willing to endure hardships and dedication in ordinary jobs, and has been widely recognized by the residents of the district.

The second quarter is out! 10 "Most Beautiful Grid Members"! Do you have one near you?

Be a good information "collector" and smooth the direct train of public opinion

Resident information mapping is an important part of the grid work, and only by visiting households every day can we better serve residents by grasping residents' information in a timely manner. Disabled people are a vulnerable group in the grid, and they are also important service objects in Xiaosu's daily work. A week ago, when Xiao Su visited Building 20, an elderly man was unable to move due to hemiplegia caused by a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, so he asked Xiao Su how to apply for a disability certificate. After learning more about the situation, Xiao Su contacted the commissioner of the Disabled Persons' Federation in the street as soon as possible, and helped the elderly prepare the relevant procedures and materials. When the old man saw Xiao Su again, he expressed his gratitude again and again, and highly praised Xiao Su's efficiency. Although this seems to be a trivial matter, it has really helped special groups to solve the problem of difficulty in applying for certificates, truly put care and care for special groups in difficulty into practice, narrowed the distance between the community and the masses, and has been highly recognized by residents.

Be a good "mediator" of disputes, and solve your worries and happiness

As a full-time grid worker, Su Lina is well aware that grassroots work is complicated, and conflict resolution is particularly important. She deeply practiced the concept of "no escalation of contradictions, no failure of disputes", and insisted on daily inspections within the grid to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the grid situation. There is a courier station in the jurisdiction that Xiao Su is responsible for, and one day during the inspection, it was found that an old lady picked up the courier, and because she provided a virtual number, she could not check the package, so the old lady had an argument with the staff. In order not to provoke contradictions, Xiao Su hurriedly stepped forward to patiently appease the old man's emotions and explain the pickup process. Xiao Su became a mediator in time, built a bridge of communication to serve the masses, and solved the "troubles" and "troubles" of the masses with heart and affection as quickly as possible.

Be a good safety "guardian" and check for hidden dangers to ensure safety

One day in May this year, Su Lina found that Building 5 was charging the electric vehicle downstairs from the window on the 6th floor, which was a big safety hazard. Seeing this, Xiao Su immediately contacted the resident, and under her patient explanation and guidance, the resident's doubts and resistance were effectively resolved. From a safety point of view, Xiao Su explained in detail to the residents the potential fire hazards that may be brought about by the "flying wire" phenomenon, as well as the importance of standardizing the layout of wires to prevent safety accidents. At the same time, combined with the various safety accident cases caused by "flying line" charging in recent years, residents are deeply aware of the importance of rectifying "flying line" charging. After Xiao Su's communication, the resident finally expressed his understanding and took the initiative to cooperate with the community to maintain a safe living environment. Xiao Su interprets the principle of "safety first" with practical actions, making the community a warm home for everyone.

Every seemingly small thing is related to the vital interests of the masses and carries the residents' expectations for a better life. As a grassroots grid member, Su Lina takes every little thing closely related to the masses seriously with a high sense of responsibility and professionalism. Whether it is to help the masses solve trivial problems in life, or to actively coordinate and resolve neighborhood disputes, she has gone all out to satisfy the masses. She knows that although her work is ordinary, but she shoulders an important social responsibility, she should use her own actions to do the work and serve finely, use a "net" of grassroots governance to serve the people's livelihood, and continue to let the "small grid" gather the "big energy" to ensure the stability of the community and the happiness of residents.

Yujinyuan Community, East Puwa Street, Chen Chao

"The people have called, I have responded" Let the grid be full of vitality at the grassroots level

"Thank you Secretary Chen Chao for being conscientious, always caring for the residents of the community, patiently understanding our difficulties, and doing good and practical things for us." One day in mid-May, the Yujinyuan community of Dongpuwa Street received a pennant from Ms. Zheng, a resident of the community, to thank Chen Chao, the head of the grid, for leading the members of the Yujinyuan community grid to work in the hearts of the residents and effectively solve the problems of the residents.

The second quarter is out! 10 "Most Beautiful Grid Members"! Do you have one near you?

Take root in the grid and persuade the contradictions in the "network" with true feelings

Ms. Zheng, a resident of the community, rode an electric tricycle to transport her children to and from school, and was squeezed by the electric door of the community when she returned home, causing the roof of the vehicle to be deformed and damaged. Subsequently, Ms. Cheng and the property management company did not reach an agreement on compensation. After learning of the situation, Chen Chao took the initiative to call Ms. Zheng to inquire about the specific situation, and offered to help her negotiate and mediate. After obtaining Ms. Zheng's consent, Chen Chao coordinated the time with the property management company, and the two parties negotiated a settlement in the Yujinyuan Community Mediation Room. When Ms. Zheng recounted the incident, she was still very angry and excited, and the property company also put forward its own reasons and difficulties, and the first negotiation between the two parties was not successful. Finally, after several rounds of coordination, under Chen Chao's patient persuasion, Ms. Zheng and the property company reached an agreement on the issue of compensation, and solved the long-standing "troubles and worries" in Ms. Zheng's heart.

Rooted in the grid, with rich experience to promote "within the network" harmony

As the head of the community-level grid, the management of the property company and the needs of residents are part of the daily work that is prone to disputes, and the residents of the community often have different opinions with the property company, and the tense community atmosphere is not conducive to community management or the implementation of grassroots policies. Chen Chao uses the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era to solve the problems existing in her own community, when encountering various problems, she will always carefully analyze the crux of the problem, scientific research solutions, timely contact the property company to hold a consultation meeting, explain the doubts raised by the residents of the community one by one, and patiently explain the work with the residents, so that the residents deeply feel the warmth from the community, enhance the sense of belonging and happiness of the residents, and also shorten the relationship between the residents and the property company.

Rooted in the grid, with a down-to-earth understanding of the "grid" situation

Yujinyuan Community is a commercial community close to Wuqing Intercity Station, and there are many people commuting to and from Beijing and Tianjin in the community. On weekdays, it is a common situation in the community for elderly residents to pick up and drop off their children. As the head of the community grid, Chen Chao always keeps the needs of the elderly in mind. In order to effectively solve everyone's practical difficulties and better serve the community residents, Chen Chao insisted on leading a team to visit in an all-round way, carefully understand the situation of each household in the community, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, integrate community resources, and lead other grid members to go deep into the homes of residents, provide door-to-door services for the elderly, widows, elderly and handicapped people, and also help the elderly who have temporary things to provide services for picking up and dropping off their children. For the residents who took the initiative to ask her for help, she did "everything has an explanation, everything has been settled, and everything has an echo".

The pennants sent by the residents carry the gratitude of the residents, and also reflect the trust and recognition of the residents in the work of the community grid, and highlight the intimate service of the grid to the residents.

Binyue Community, Huangzhuang Street, Wang Zijun

Measure the grid with footsteps and guard safety with responsibility

There is such a grid member in Binyue Community, Huangzhuang Street, she is a waiter for people's livelihood security, a mediator of contradictions and disputes, a propagandist of policies and regulations, a collector of public information, and an administrator of safe construction. As a second-level grid member, Wang Zijun has always been guided by the spirit of the party, and he is responsible, responsible, and responsible.

The second quarter is out! 10 "Most Beautiful Grid Members"! Do you have one near you?

Play a harmonious song and be a good mediator of conflicts and disputes

Since Wang Zijun has been engaged in grid work in 2020, he has always adhered to the work concept of finding out in advance and handling it before litigation, and effectively solved the worries, worries, and worries encountered by the masses. Wang Zijun insisted on visiting homes every week to keep abreast of difficult demands. The small couple who live in the Yatai Lanjingyuan Community, due to family trivial conflicts, the two sides added bad words, and there were some physical conflicts. Through patient and meticulous ideological work, popularizing legal knowledge for both sides, standing on the position of both sides, moving with affection and knowing reason, finally the young couple realized their own problems, shook hands in a warm atmosphere, and expressed their willingness to work hard to correct for the happiness and harmony of the family, and live a good life together.

Play a warm song and be a good service provider for people's livelihood

Binyue Community is a community with a large elderly population, and most of the elderly people often feel lonely and empty because their children are not around. Wang Zijun always cares about the vulnerable groups in the community, and patrols every corner of the community with a notebook and pen every time, and keeps the needs of families in difficulty in his book and in his heart. "Caring for key groups and paying attention to vulnerable groups is not only the responsibility of the government, but also the responsibility of society, and it is also the responsibility of grid members like me. As a junior, I should do my best to help them, care about their daily life, and let them feel the warmth that is really happening around them. "That's what Wang Zijun said, and that's what he did. She often went to Aunt Li's house, a lonely family, and talked with Aunt Li cordially, learned more about Aunt Li's recent health and living conditions, told Aunt Li to pay attention to food safety, and encouraged them to strengthen their confidence and face life positively and optimistically. The work of the grid staff is ordinary and trivial, but seeing the happy smiling faces and hearing the enthusiastic greetings, these small things have become the most accomplished things in Wang Zijun's heart.

Play the safety song and be a good administrator of safe construction

"If there is no danger, it is safe, and if there is no damage, it is complete". In his daily visits, Wang Zijun focused on checking whether the annual inspection of the direct drinking water machine in the community was compliant, whether the charging behavior of the charging pile was standardized, and whether the electric vehicle went up the stairs, reminding residents to prohibit privately pulling and connecting wires, and publicizing the safety hazards of flying wire charging. She focused on visiting the homes of the elderly living alone, carrying out electricity and gas safety inspections, comprehensively investigating the potential safety hazards of gas appliances, and improving the safety awareness and self-rescue ability of the elderly living alone.

Play an interactive song and be a good propagandist of policies and regulations

In order to promote the implementation of various tasks better, faster, more detailed and stronger, Wang Zijun has established 2 third-level grid member working groups and 4 residents' WeChat know-it-all groups in the grid, so as to strengthen the communication and interaction between the community and residents, so that residents do not have to run away when they have something to do, and truly feel the happiness brought by the new community in the information age, and also ensure the timeliness of uploading and issuing relevant policies and information sharing, and improve work efficiency.

Wang Zijun summed up the "four one, two hearts" work method to do a good job in grassroots services, that is, a smile, a greeting, a one-stop service, a do-it-all, heart-to-heart, heart to heart, she said that in the future, she will respond more positively to the demands of residents, make every effort to solve the residents' urgency, sorrow and hope, do every little thing with heart and affection, do practical things for residents, do good things, solve problems, and enhance residents' happiness and sense of belonging.

Jinghu Garden Community, Xiazhuzhuang Street, Ding Yunjing

Stick to ordinary posts and practice the original mission

"Those who respect things will succeed, and those who are dedicated will succeed" This is the motto of Ding Yunjing, a second-level grid member of Jinghu Garden Community in Xiazhuzhuang Street. In the blink of an eye, Ding Yunjing has been working in the Jinghu Garden community for more than 8 years, and in these more than 8 years, she is not afraid of hardship, tiredness, overcoming difficulties, and the spirit of courage to face difficulties infects everyone in the community.

The second quarter is out! 10 "Most Beautiful Grid Members"! Do you have one near you?

Spring breeze and rain solve people's worries, and grid services promote harmony

Residents have no trivial matters, and they must be attentive in everything. "Small things don't go out of the grid, big things don't go out of the community, contradictions don't turn in, and they are resolved on the spot" is the principle of Ding Yunjing's grid work. As a grassroots front-line staff who get along with the residents day and night, she is very aware of the thoughts and needs of the residents, and always thinks of her every time the residents encounter difficulties. At the beginning of April, grandma Sun, an elderly person living alone in the community, came to the community out of breath and said emotionally: "Oh, the upstairs decoration at home collapsed the wall of the living room and almost hit me, it's so scary!" At that time, Ding Yunjing was in the hall of the neighborhood committee, she immediately got up to appease the old man's emotions, contacted the old man's children, and took common medicine for the old man, and the old man gradually eased up. In the process of chatting with Grandma Sun, she asked the elderly about the use of water, electricity and gas in their homes, and then arranged for grid staff to check and eliminate potential safety hazards again. The next morning, she went to the old man's home to visit and check, chatted with the old man, and saw that the old man was fine. This method of working deeply touched the other gridders and won everyone's appreciation.

Gather the hearts of the people through thick and thin, and be a good grid waiter

Gather the hearts of the people with service and keep peace with responsibility. Extending the grid tentacles to the "peripheral nerves" of grassroots governance, Ding Yunjing opened up a new situation of grid service of "people walk in the network, things are done in the network, and feelings stay in the network". At the beginning of May, during the visit, she found that two elderly people living in the basement, one of whom had sequelae of cerebral infarction and had difficulty moving. With years of work experience, she realized that there were dangers in the lives of the elderly. She visited and knocked on the door of the elderly many times, chatted with the elderly, and asked the elderly about their health and family conditions. After many times of communication and visits to neighbors, I learned that the elderly and children were not around, and they had no economic income, so they rented a basement to make ends meet. With this situation in mind, she immediately contacted the third-level grid staff to pay attention to the situation of the elderly and contact their children to take care of the elderly. After many times of communication, the children of the elderly said that it was difficult to take care of the elderly, and because the elderly were not registered in the city, they could not go through the relevant relief procedures, and the problem fell into a bottleneck for a while. Ding Yunjing immediately reported the problem to the community, and after the neighborhood committee held a meeting to study, first reflected the problem to the civil affairs department for help, then did a good job in the ideological work of the elderly, moved to a residence with accommodation conditions, and finally contacted the landlord to assist in the ideological work of the elderly, and at the same time assisted the community to pay attention to the life of the elderly and eliminate potential safety hazards. Thanks to the joint efforts of everyone, the elderly man has moved out of the basement and found a suitable place to live. As a good grid waiter, Ding Yunjing wrote a strong stroke with practical actions.

Integrate resources and add links, and be a good grid liaison

The grid works with thousands of lines, and the gridder is the threading needle. Special groups in the community have always been the concern of the gridders, and everything about them touches the hearts of the gridders. There is a child with cerebral palsy in Ding Yunjing's grid, and this cute little girl has always been her concern. Every time there is a condolence in the community and there are medical resources to link, she always thinks of this girl first, and with her help, this little girl has been carrying out long-term rehabilitation training in Quanda Hospital. There are many such examples, and every time she sees families in need receiving help, her heart always feels warm.

Deep study and practice to promote service, and take a steady grid road. Under the infection of Ding Yunjing, every grid member in the Jinghu Garden Community of Xiazhuzhuang Street is conscientiously engaged in grid work, and their little bit of care can eventually converge into a fire and warm thousands of households.

Zhou Zhenheng, Cangshang Village, Sicundian Town

Grid service is no trivial matter, and the subtleties are heartwarming

Zhou Zhenheng, male, member of the Communist Party of China, is currently the deputy secretary of the party branch and grid member of Cangshang Village, Sicundian Town. Zhou Zhenheng, 57 years old this year, has been working in the village committee for more than 20 years, and for more than 20 years, he has been conscientious and enthusiastic in serving the villagers, and has a good understanding of every household, witnessing the rapid development of the village. With the implementation of grid management, he became a second-level grid member in the village, visiting households, conducting safety investigations, and mediating conflicts...... The daily work schedule is full, and the villagers can see him busy almost every day.

The second quarter is out! 10 "Most Beautiful Grid Members"! Do you have one near you?

He was a waiter for the villagers

In Zhou Zhenheng's heart, he believes that only by keeping the masses in mind, thinking about what the masses think, and being anxious about what the masses are anxious about can he truly perform his duties as a grid member. Because there are more elderly people in the village, and the children are not around because they go out to work, Zhou Zhenheng will focus on the elderly every day, and the old people who usually go out suddenly do not go out today, he will immediately rush to the old people's homes to check the situation, and communicate with the elderly, and when communicating, he will carefully observe whether the old man's face and actions are normal, and tell the old man to take medicine on time. Last year, there was a lot of snowfall, and in order to prevent the elderly from going out in danger, he would bring tools to clean the road for the elderly to go out in time.

He is a propagandist for policies and regulations

In order to ensure the real implementation of various policies, so that the villagers can understand and support the policies that benefit the people and benefit the people, he incarnated as a propagandist, patiently explained to the villagers, publicized the policies to the households, and solved the doubts of the villagers little by little. In order to improve the awareness rate, so that the majority of villagers can reduce the burden of medical treatment, enjoy the medical insurance policy in a timely manner, and prevent the occurrence of the situation of returning to poverty due to illness, he went deep into the homes of the villagers, carefully inquired about the villagers' ideas, analyzed the benefits of insurance according to the actual situation, and gradually dispelled the concerns of the villagers.

He is a mediator for the villagers. Because of his rich work experience, he took the initiative to undertake the conflict mediation work in the village. As the saying goes, "it is difficult for a clean official to decide family affairs", various short things in the grid occur from time to time, contradictions and disputes are inevitable, and it is very tricky to solve, Zhou Zhenheng is not impatient or impatient, and sincerely helps the villagers solve problems. Recently, several villagers had conflicts due to the installation of photovoltaics, he actively coordinated, communicated with all parties, contacted the construction personnel to change the plan, and finally the problem was successfully solved, and the villagers also shook hands. Zhou Zhenheng often said that there is no trivial matter in people's livelihood, and these seemingly simple contradictions are related to the harmony and stability of the village, and only by solving these small problems can we ensure the great peace of the village.

Although the position of a grid clerk is ordinary, it is significant. Zhou Zhenheng regards every villager in the grid as his own family, serves with heart, cares with affection, treats every villager with patience, carefulness and sincerity, and practices the purpose of "serving the people" with practical actions.

Liu Shuhai, Dabaimagang Village, Caozili Town

Work hard to produce practical results, and get true feelings with love with heart

If the countryside is a key part of grassroots governance, those grid members who run between every household are the "nerve endings" of grassroots governance. This "net" is a net of many trivial things in the villagers' homes; These "grids" are used to record the needs and expectations of the villagers. Liu Shuhai, a grid member of the first grid of Dabaimagang Village, Caozili Town, used this small grid to "weave" a heart-warming picture.

The second quarter is out! 10 "Most Beautiful Grid Members"! Do you have one near you?

Relieve the worries of the people and be a "caring person" around the villagers

Liu Shuhai has served in the party branch of Dabaimagang Village for 39 years and is very familiar with the village situation. Over the years, he has always insisted on regular door-to-door visits to fully grasp the situation of the "four lost and five categories" of key personnel in the grid, such as subsistence allowance, low income, disability, and unemployment, and provide timely help when they need help. Villagers will inevitably encounter troubles in their daily life, and there will inevitably be small disputes between families and neighbors. For example, at the beginning of this year, there were two brothers in the village who had a conflict and dispute, and the grid staff needed to be present for mediation. He used "morality, reason, and emotion" to resolve the big and small contradictions in the village, ensuring that "small things do not leave the village, and big things do not leave the town", guarding the harmony and stability of Dabaimagang Village.

Work tirelessly to be a "pioneer" in serving the villagers

At work, Liu Shuhai always strictly demands himself with the standard of an excellent grid member, and is conscientious in ordinary positions, which is well received by the villagers. In order to improve the sanitation status in the grid and create a livable living environment, Liu Shuhai and the cleaning staff cleaned up the debris piled up in the alleys, regularly inspected the sanitation of the alleys and alleys, and persuaded the villagers with uncivilized behaviors such as littering and piling up debris, and guided everyone to consciously maintain the village environment. During the flood season in 2023, he carried out a dragnet survey in the village, and he was present in low-lying areas, old houses, dilapidated houses and other areas prone to flooding and slippery. In addition, he also carried out flood control inspections on the Longfeng River embankment to ensure the safety of villagers' lives and property. At the same time, the whole village is promoting the renovation and upgrading of the sewage pipe network, he is always not afraid of the scorching heat and high temperature, tirelessly, door-to-door negotiation of the location of the pipeline, with his efforts, the pipe network renovation project can be completed with high quality, efficiency and order.

Take the initiative to be a "communicator" of policy advocacy

Grid workers have the most contact with the villagers, and they are the "all-rounders" of grassroots work and the "intimate people" of the people. In his daily work, Liu Shuhai gave full play to the advantages of "being familiar with people, places, and situations" and went to villages and households to carry out propaganda activities such as popularizing the law, anti-fraud, transportation, anti-cult, and fire safety. He informed every villager in the grid of the policies and regulations in the first time in various forms such as household explanations, grid WeChat group pushes, small speaker publicity, and distribution of propaganda pages, and explained to the villagers in popular words, patiently answered the questions raised by the villagers, and truly opened up the "last meter" of policy and regulation publicity.

Do a practical thing and warm people's hearts. Liu Shuhai shuttled through the streets and alleys of Dabaimagang Village, Caozili Town, measuring every inch of land in the grid with his footsteps; He solves the "small" things around the villagers with his heart, and interprets the original intention of the people with his practical actions; He always extends the tentacles of serving the people to every corner of the grid, constantly contributes his "grid power", and effectively opens up the "last meter" of serving the villagers.

Jin Weijiang, Daxingzhuang Village, Xiawuqi Town

Small grids take on big responsibilities

Jin Weijiang is a grid member of the second grid of Daxingzhuang Village, Xiawuqi Town, since he served as a grid member, he has not forgotten his original intention, kept his mission in mind, and always established the concept of "petitioning the people's voice, knowing the people's feelings, and solving the people's worries", and has been down-to-earth, conscientious, and conscientious, and takes every villager in the village seriously. Over the years, he has insisted on uniting people's hearts with affection, starting from bit by bit, and always doing a good job in visiting households, hidden danger investigation, conflict mediation, etc., with full enthusiasm and full of energy, and extending the service "tentacles" to every corner of the grid.

The second quarter is out! 10 "Most Beautiful Grid Members"! Do you have one near you?

Love and dedication, do a good job as an "inspector" in the grid area

In his daily work, he earnestly undertakes the duties and tasks of the grid staff, more grids, frequent households, understand and grasp the basic information of the villagers, he through house-to-house visits, fill in the household survey form one by one, master all the information in the grid, understand all the needs of the villagers, and the problems reflected by the masses will be registered and solved at the first time.

Once, when two families in the grid had a conflict over the farmland boundary, the two sides had been at a stalemate, and in the face of an unmediated dispute, Jin Weijiang, a member of the grid, quickly intervened and invited one of the parties to the village committee for face-to-face communication. According to the distribution of the land involved in the dispute between the two parties, Jin Weijiang started from the law, reason and emotion, advocated that the parties on both sides should take the law as the standard, take reason as the key, take the emotion as the basis, and value harmony, and mediate from multiple perspectives such as laws and regulations.

Build bridges with love and be a good "waiter" around the masses

Small things do not go out of the grid, big things do not go out of the village, has always been the service tenet of his work. In the process of inspection, he will classify and record the hidden dangers or livelihood problems raised and reflected by the villagers, and deal with them on the spot if they can be dealt with, and they will definitely give the villagers an answer to the problems that cannot be dealt with on the spot.

During the spring plowing and preparation period, he often went to the field to inspect the control cabinet and water outlet, and arranged maintenance as soon as he found the problem to ensure the irrigation of the people's farmland. On weekdays, when there are problems with gas, tap water, electricity and other aspects in the people's homes, he always actively helps to solve them after knowing it, and coordinates with relevant departments to carry out inspection and maintenance, so that the masses can truly feel his enthusiasm and intimacy. In terms of safety inspections, he inspected the use of gas and liquefied gas cylinders from house to house, recorded the problems found in a timely manner, and informed the villagers how to use gas correctly to ensure the safety of gas use. At the same time, he continuously inspected all the businesses and warehouses in the village, mainly to see the use of electrical circuits, whether there are fire extinguishing devices in public places, etc., and carefully inspected each place to ensure the safety of the villagers' production and life.

He insisted on "knocking on the door" every day, "talking about my heart" every week, and "helping" every month, taking the initiative to pay electricity, gas, medical insurance and other matters, coordinating and solving matters such as taking medicine nearby, and helping the elderly solve their worries without leaving home. Grandma Zhang in the village usually has no children around, so he became Grandma Zhang's "errand agent". When the old man was not feeling well, he helped contact the village doctor to measure blood pressure and blood sugar, and checked his body frequently; When the electrical appliances at home failed, he immediately contacted the maintenance personnel to solve the problem; During the New Year's holidays, he will also send a WeChat message to Grandma Zhang's children to report safety. There are many more cases like Grandma Zhang in his grid. With his sincerity, he made the old people no longer feel lonely, and also made their children who went out to work feel more at ease.

Serve sincerely and be a good "guardian" of villagers' property

In order to effectively curb the occurrence of telecommunications network fraud, he turned into an anti-fraud expert, actively carried out household propaganda work, and distributed publicity materials such as "Notice on Preventing Telecommunication Network Fraud" and "A Letter" to the masses, and popularized the basic knowledge of preventing telecommunication network fraud. He emphatically reminded villagers to strengthen their awareness of self-prevention, be cautious in handling unfamiliar information, do not easily click on unfamiliar links or scan QR codes, and emphasize the protection of important information such as personal account passwords and verification codes. At the same time, in view of the typical cases of telecom fraud that have occurred recently, he will patiently and meticulously explain the usual methods and fraud methods of fraudsters to the masses, so as to improve the identification and prevention ability of villagers. At the same time, he regularly visits homes to remind the elderly of the safety of gas and electricity, and helps the elderly to do pension certification. The full love is passed on to the hands of the elderly, and the elderly are always moved beyond words.

There are thousands of things in the net, and you should be a good caring person for the masses. He once said, "Grid work is actually a very heartwarming job, and it warms myself while serving others." Although Jin Weijiang's deeds are ordinary, they are full of warmth and strength. He interpreted the responsibilities and responsibilities of grid members in the new era with practical actions, and wrote the most beautiful chapter with unknown dedication.

Wu Yijie, Camel Circle Village, Baigutun Town

Tighten the "small grid" to protect the beautiful countryside

Wu Yijie is the "shoulder picker" and grid leader of Camel Circle Village, Baigutun Town. In order to do a good job in rural work and serve the masses well, she carried out her work in strict accordance with the requirements of the higher-level departments, and at the same time explored new methods and new ways to solve problems in light of the actual situation. She cares about the special groups in the village, regularly inspects the infrastructure in the village, actively resolves conflicts and disputes, and opens up new ideas for the economic development of the village.

The second quarter is out! 10 "Most Beautiful Grid Members"! Do you have one near you?

The small grid supports the livelihood of special groups

There are 6 low-income households, 6 extremely poor people, 17 disabled people, and 8 abnormal people in Camel Circle Village, Baigutun Town. Wu Yijie, the head of the grid, insisted on visiting the "four lost and five categories" of people once a month to understand their living conditions, and once they found that they had difficulties in their basic life, they immediately reported to the town's civil affairs department to strive for relevant relief subsidies for the villagers. At the same time, she will also find out whether they have psychological problems through household visits, and contact the staff of the town psychological counseling room in time to help resolve them. In order to have a more comprehensive understanding of what all the people in the village think, think and expect, she asked the grid staff to visit the ordinary people in addition to regular visits to key personnel, and make a good record of the visits, summarize the problems in a timely manner, and lead the grid members to study and solve them together.

The small grid resolves the conflicts and disputes of the villagers

In daily work, we will always encounter many problems such as neighborhood conflicts, land disputes, and family disputes. Wu Yijie knows that resolving mass contradictions and disputes is the top priority of village stability, and only when disputes are handled well can families be harmonious and villages be peaceful and stable. In the face of the contradictions and disputes reflected by the masses, she always takes it to heart, and arranges the package grid staff to have an in-depth understanding of the specific situation, analyze the reasons, and consult the lawyer if necessary, explore ways to solve the problem, and deal with the problem in the bud in a timely manner.

The small grid adheres to the safety environment of the masses

Safety is the foundation of rural development, and Wu Yijie always cares about protecting the lives and property of villagers. Before the arrival of the flood season every year, she will always lead the second-level grid staff to investigate and visit the houses of the "four lost and five categories" and the houses of C and D grades, and help repair 3 houses; Clean up 2 important water accumulation points and 4 ditches in the village in advance to avoid rainwater backflow during the flood season. In order to avoid the increase of mosquitoes in the village in summer, she led the grid staff and volunteers to clean up the weeds on both sides of the main road in the village and the garbage around the village. She also led the food safety officer to conduct food safety inspections on two small shops and one restaurant in the village every month, and urged the timely disposal of expired and stale food. She also took the lead in volunteering at two important traffic points at the east and west entrances of the village, reminding villagers to pay attention to traffic safety and wear helmets when riding electric vehicles. She asked the grid staff to always remind the public to pay attention to the safety of gas, electrical circuits and houses when visiting homes every month.

In the loudspeaker in the village, you can always hear the voice of Wu Yijie, the head of the grid, who is always reminding the villagers of various precautions, protecting the villagers and guarding the village. In her work, she is meticulous, conscientious and responsible, and at the same time she is strict with herself while managing the grid staff, and does the grid work deeply and carefully; When communicating with the masses, she is gentle and kind, pays attention to the needs of the masses, solves the problems of the masses, and does the work of the masses well. As the head of the grid, she always weaves the "small grid" of the village to protect the safety and stability of the village.

Dou Shujuan, Fourth Street Village, Huanghuadian Town

Dedicated to the small grid, happiness to thousands of families

Although the grid is small, it needs to be measured step by step; The grid is not large, but it covers all kinds of social situations. Dou Shujuan is a grid worker in Sijie Village, Huanghuadian Town, and is also the women's director of Sijie Village. In her ordinary post, she has always maintained her original intention, practiced her job responsibilities, became a "caring person" for the people, and built a "heart-to-heart bridge" with the villagers. The elders and villagers in the village affectionately call her Xiao Dou. Every time I see her, I am always full of vitality, visiting every household, like a "little swallow", "flying" to thousands of households without stopping, listening to the worries of the masses and solving the worries of the masses.

The second quarter is out! 10 "Most Beautiful Grid Members"! Do you have one near you?

Love your job and be responsible, and keep in mind that you will serve the people

If there is something to find "Xiao Dou", this mantra has spread all over the mouths of every ordinary person in Sijie Village, solving problems for the masses and becoming Dou Shujuan's long-term work goal and original motivation. Adhering to the concept of serving the people, she always adheres to the needs of the masses as the center and conscientiously sticks to the grid post. Working at the desk, going door-to-door, and feeling for hidden dangers are her daily work. She went from house to house to find out the safety of gas use in the grid, and put forward rectification suggestions for problems in a timely manner. In the registration of summer corn subsidies and the registration and distribution of coal-to-electricity subsidies, she actively cooperated with other grid workers to complete the computer entry work. Dou Shujuan has always been concerned about the masses, fulfilled her duties, and held a small diary book of people's feelings, recording the trivial matters of hundreds of families.

Be fearless in the face of danger and shoulder the responsibility on your shoulders

During the flood control period in 2023, she rushed to the front line of flood relief and did not flinch in the face of the risk of flooding. Late at night, Dou Shujuan and other grid members visited again and again to check whether all the villagers had been transferred, patiently explaining to the people who were unwilling to leave, and eliminating the concerns of the masses; found that the lonely and widowed elderly people in the village were inconvenient and unattended, Dou Shujuan reported to the grid chief in time and arranged for a special person to be transferred to a safe point to ensure that no household or person was missed. After the disaster, Dou Shujuan cooperated with the work arrangements of her superiors to do a good job in the registration of the property losses of the affected people. She said: "The registration of property losses must be done well, and nothing involving the masses can be sloppy. Although she was bitter and tired, she never regretted it and did her best.

Publicize culture and give play to the functions of women's federations

As the director of the village women's federation, she actively cooperated with the work of the women's federation at the higher level, opened the channels of contact between women's organizations and the masses of women, gave full play to the functions of the women's federation, and continuously improved the pertinence and effectiveness of the work of women at the grassroots level. At the same time, Dou Shujuan is also a member of the "Mother Care Team" in Sijie Village, she actively participates in various love actions organized by the "Mother Care Team", sends condolences and warmth to the "four lost and five categories" personnel every festival, organizes women comrades to carry out special activities such as making zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival and cooking rice balls during the Lantern Festival, and helps the low-income households in the village to clean the courtyard and clear the snow. In terms of children's schooling, she actively promotes the school-age children in the village to go to kindergarten for the benefit of women and children. Comrade Dou Shujuan has always insisted on vigorously carrying out propaganda and education activities, strengthening the self-building of the women's federation, focusing on improving the overall quality of rural women, comprehensively developing women's human resources, and taking the improvement of women's quality as an important task in women's work.

The work of grid staff is complex and changeable, and it is necessary to strengthen the belief that "there will be a time when the wind and waves will be long", the determination to maintain "perseverance after thousands of blows", and the ability to "open the clouds and see the moon". As a grassroots grid member, Dou Shujuan and countless grid members are rooted in the grassroots together, interpreting responsibility and responsibility in ordinary positions.

Chen Tsui Town, Ai Puzhuang Three Villages, Xu Xinxin

Grid shimmer illuminates thousands of homes

Xu Xinxin is a party worker and second-level grid member in Aipuzhuang No. 3 Village, Chenzui Township. In the eyes of her colleagues, she always treats her work with full enthusiasm, tracks the progress of various grid affairs in real time, and conscientiously implements the daily work in the grid. In the eyes of the residents of the district, she is a warm-hearted Xiao Xu, and she shuttles through the streets and alleys of the village with the criterion of "although the grid is small, the responsibility is big, and the people's livelihood is no trivial matter".

The second quarter is out! 10 "Most Beautiful Grid Members"! Do you have one near you?

As the grid member of the third grid, Xu Xinxin actively cooperates with the grid chief and other grid members to complete basic work such as household visits, safety publicity, hidden danger investigation, and food safety supervision, and updates the basic data of the platform in a timely manner in combination with daily household inspections. There are 75 households in her grid, with a population of 342 people, including 13 households with difficult party members, five-guarantee households, and low-income households. She insisted on regular monthly visits to solve the living difficulties of the villagers and provide mental health counseling, solve problems for the people and form a record of the visits. She logs on to the "Jinzhitong" and "Integrated Management Website" every month to update the population changes in the village, and lays a solid foundation for better grid management in her jurisdiction.

As the grid liaison, she is mainly responsible for cooperating with the grid chief to coordinate the grid work of the village, accurately and timely convey the work deployment of the superior to the grid members in the village, and actively cooperate with other grid members to complete the work, follow up the progress of the five grids in Aisan Village in real time, and report the pending matters fed back by the grid members to the grid center of Chenzui Town in a timely manner, and cooperate with the solution.

Grid work is many and complicated, and it is necessary to have firm confidence and enough patience to fulfill the responsibilities of grid members. Xu Xin said, "In the process of inspection, it is only the first step for grid staff to see and communicate, and more importantly, it is more important to try to ensure that grassroots things are handled and done immediately." Therefore, she always "rushes ahead" in grid work, in addition to daily inspections and visits, she also actively carries out safety hazard investigation and review, and the safety of gas and electricity consumption of villagers is a major concern for her. She found problems in her work and coordinated with relevant departments to rectify them in a timely manner, and at the same time explained fraud warning cases to residents in detail and distributed anti-fraud publicity materials to further improve the anti-fraud awareness of the people in the jurisdiction. On the road, she saw that the villagers did not wear helmets correctly to ride, she always worried to the villagers and said: "Be sure to wear a helmet, although it is in the village, but the traffic flow is not small, to ensure their own safety is a big thing", for this reason, Xu Xinxin in the support of the two village committees set up a youth volunteer team of Aisan Village, regularly carry out security patrols in the village and persuade and command the traffic, her enthusiastic service has also won the unanimous affirmation of the villagers.

As a grid member, he has the most contact with the masses, and at the same time deals with the trivial matters of the villagers. In order to effectively safeguard the interests of the masses and achieve harmony in the jurisdiction, Xu Xinxin, as a second-level grid member, has given full play to his own advantages, become a bridge for communication between the two sides of the contradiction, and contribute his personal strength to the harmonious development of the jurisdiction by mediating the contradictions of the masses. Although it is a trivial matter of the villagers' daily life, it is a major matter in the eyes of the residents. Resolving problems with sincerity, solving problems with actions, controlling contradictions within the grid, resolving them at the front line at the grassroots level, maintaining friendly neighborhoods and protecting the harmony of rural neighbors is the biggest motivation for Xu Xinxin's long-term work.

In order to enrich the cultural life of the villagers in the grid, Xu Xinxin often carries out cultural activities and publicity activities of "party building + grid + volunteering", and organizes villagers to carry out garbage classification, publicity of good family style symposiums, handicraft activities for the elderly, free health clinics, etc., which greatly enhances the spiritual and cultural life of the villagers and the enthusiasm of participating in the collective activities of the village, and has won a lot of praise.

There are many, many grid members like Comrade Xu Xinxin, they uphold the tenet of "grid connection, attentive service", and play a "small" energy in daily work and life, build a solid bridge between the masses and the government, and also add more brilliance and strength to the masses on the road of creating a better and happy life, and strive to create a higher level of peace and security in Wuqing.

The selection of "The Most Beautiful Grid Member" aims to further set a benchmark and establish a model, and comprehensively show the good image and spiritual outlook of grid members at all levels in the region who are good at serving and having the courage to take responsibility in the construction of "Beijing-Tianjin Pearl and Happy Wuqing". In this selection, the district grid center obtained the results through the recommendation of the town and street and the comprehensive quantitative assessment score.