
"The Story of Rose" swiped the whole network: 8 love truths you must read

author:Writing Senior Sister Yuyu
"The Story of Rose" swiped the whole network: 8 love truths you must read

Recently, the whole network has been dominated by "The Story of Rose".

The finale was screened in advance, so that the audience had no regrets.

In the ending, Rose lets go freely and rides a motorcycle to chase freedom, which is very addictive.

But I have to say that the plot is too cliché and lacks a deep core.

The heroine in the novel is a typical Yishu beauty, beautiful as a flower, sober and rational, and the love in her pen is real and cruel.

"The Story of Rose" swiped the whole network: 8 love truths you must read

And the heroine in the play, although Liu Yifei, the sister of the fairy, has restored her beauty, the overall plot has been changed by magic, and the fairy has become a common girl.

Some people call this drama a textbook for women's mate selection.

Rose has experienced four loves, representing four regrets, none of which are the end of fate.

After experiencing different feelings, tasting all kinds of life, and completing the only way for self-growth.

Next, let's take a look at the 8 love truths that roses pass on to women, the sooner you see it, the better.

"The Story of Rose" swiped the whole network: 8 love truths you must read


Beauty is nothing but a layer of skin

Huang Yimei is the darling of heaven and has an almost perfect original family.

His parents were university professors and his older brother was an architect.

The family is pampered, beautiful as a flower, and versatile.

Graduated from CAFA, he is smart and beautiful, which is what most girls dream of.

"The Story of Rose" swiped the whole network: 8 love truths you must read

In Yishu's pen, the appearance of the rose is vividly described:

"With rose-colored skin, round eyes, long legs, and a very lively and cheerful person, people often sigh what kind of woman in the world can grow like this."

In the play, Huang Yimei's brother once said:

"That face, if you swing there, it's a big killer, you don't need to use tricks."

It's easy to see how remarkable the roses are.

But beauty is synonymous with roses, but it is not a plus for her love, and beauties can't escape the ordinary.

After the end of her first love, she met Puxin's man Xiewen, gave birth to a daughter, and lived the life of an ordinary family.

Tired by family relationships, quarreling over firewood, rice, oil, salt, and trivial things.

Beauty is just a good-looking and empty skin, and it is by no means a pass to love.

"The Story of Rose" swiped the whole network: 8 love truths you must read


To love someone who can make you better

The author of "The Story of the Rose" repeatedly mentions a sentence in the book:

"People love some people, and they marry and have children with others."

Once upon a time, Rose wore simple skates and could captivate everyone with a flick of her hair.

After 7 years of marriage between her and Fang Xiewen, she gained more than 30 pounds, wore 7 yuan of jeans, and couldn't make up 50 yuan in her favorite painting wallet.

Before marriage, Fang Xiewen was frugal and spent a lot of money to rent a house for Rose.

After marriage, the mother-in-law made it difficult in every possible way, and gave birth to a child in pain, but she was not allowed to beat without pain.

"The Story of Rose" swiped the whole network: 8 love truths you must read

At the instigation of his mother-in-law, Fang Xiewen after marriage was sensitive and suspicious, with a small belly, showing an almost perverted desire to control. Even in the name of buying a house and starting a business, squeezed out all the savings of roses.

I think that at the beginning, roses were properly white and beautiful!

On the other hand, Tina, Rose's boss, got vision, connections and love from her elderly husband Lao Gu.

Although the two places were separated and loved each other, they couldn't let go of their careers, and finally divorced.

But when the two divorced, they were still grateful and had no regrets.

Tina voluntarily gave up her shares and property, believing that what she received from her husband was something that could not be measured by wealth.

"The Story of Rose" swiped the whole network: 8 love truths you must read

Her speech was sober and wise:

"A lot of men bring side effects, and very few people bring additional benefits. So, while this man is still a little useful, grab him, he is both your boyfriend and your resource. ”

And the rose, centered on Fang Xiewen, has no aura after marriage and has empty eyes.

The contrast between Rose before and after marriage is heart-wrenching.

It is often said that:

"A good love should be two people working side by side to fight the trials of life, rather than making you lose your faith and love for life."

People who have lived for a long time are like a mirror for you, close to Zhu and black.

If you love the right person, there will be more smiles than tears, and more joy than pain.

True love is to meet that better self, not to lose yourself.

"The Story of Rose" swiped the whole network: 8 love truths you must read


Men being nice to you are the lowest-cost disguise

At the age of 20, Rose met a vigorous first love, but she was scarred.

The two developed rapidly, had a relationship under the influence of hormones, and fulfilled each other's physiological needs.

After Zhuang Guodong got the opportunity to go to France, Rose began to feel insecure, and the two quarreled many times about it.

Because of Zhuang Guodong's words, Rose gave up an important project and flew to France. But Zhuang Guodong was busy with work, so he only gave Rose hasty companionship.

"The Story of Rose" swiped the whole network: 8 love truths you must read

He accompanied Rose to see the art exhibition, but he only cared about working with his head down; Rose wanted to eat authentic French food, but Zhuang Guodong said that there was not enough time to order a sandwich.

Finally, the two had time to get along, and Zhuang Guodong took Rose to the party again, only caring about talking and laughing throughout the whole process, and let Rose sit alone.

Rose's need for safety and respect has once again taken a huge hit.

It was this trip to France that accelerated the breakup.

After returning to China, Rose's original project was taken by others.

At this time, the appearance of Fang Xiewen greatly filled the gap in Rose's heart.

"The Story of Rose" swiped the whole network: 8 love truths you must read

The original Fang Xiewen's kindness to roses was pure.

The first impression is steady, full of responsibility, and meticulous care, as if to make up for the characteristics that Zhuang Guodong did not have.

Rose finds a sense of belonging in him, bewildered by sweet words and "good to her" behavior, even if the other party has nothing, she fights for herself and moths to the fire.

can be called a model of twenty-four filial piety good boyfriends, and the "good" Fang Xiewen you can think of is reflected before marriage.

The depth of friendship is different, and the sincerity is unpredictable.

Everything turned out to be just a disguise for Fang Xiewen to pursue a girl, and it was exposed after marriage.

"The Story of Rose" swiped the whole network: 8 love truths you must read

Camouflage is all short-shelf-life, and once the purpose is achieved, the "good" disappears.

Disguise is a flaw hidden under the personality, wanting to use the gentleness and thoughtfulness of the lowest cost, trying to hide from the world.

To look at a man's lowest point, not to see how caring and considerate he is when he is happy, but to see his personality shortcomings when conflicts occur.

When the disguise is exposed, as long as you know that you can't accept the reality, you should leave early without looking back.

In real love, you need to keep your eyes open and use wisdom and insight to distinguish the true from the false.


Self-sacrifice is to make a wedding dress for others

Some people say:

"He's better than everyone else, and I'm willing to give up everything for him."

Those who give up themselves for love often end up with no good results.

Like Rose, under the persuasion of her parents and brother, she still insisted on marrying Fang Xiewen.

Blinded by love, he can only see the good of the other party, and he doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back.

It wasn't until the head broke that I realized that pinning my hopes on others was an extremely risky investment.

"The Story of Rose" swiped the whole network: 8 love truths you must read

Fang Xiewen accused Rose of having a low sense of work value, no room for development, and not as much as earning herself.

Rose obeyed her husband's arrangement, resigned to take care of the baby, gave up her career, and devoted herself to the family for 7 years.

After giving her all her heart, instead of getting the respect she deserves, Rose blindly compromises and compromises, her mother-in-law speaks ill of each other, and her husband mentally controls her.

In his eyes, girls should have husbands and children after marriage, and it is unethical to dress well when they go out after marriage, and their sense of value can be measured by money.

The once proud girl of the sky stooped to a small rented attic, but now she is not even allowed to wear nails, and the once big brands have been replaced with fake gold earrings.

"The Story of Rose" swiped the whole network: 8 love truths you must read

Yishu once said:

"When a woman loses herself, she loses everything."

After Rose got married, she was constantly compromising, ostensibly just giving up her job, but in fact she was losing herself step by step.

It is said that career is the best catalyst for a woman and the most reliable hole card.

A woman who is independent by her career can be financially independent, have a straight soul, and live freely.

A woman can suffer a blow to her career, but she must never give up.

Otherwise, there is no value without a career, and you will be out of touch with society, and you will eventually be trapped in the besieged city of life.


In the end, you are a human being

Mr. Yang Jiang once said:

"The greatest sorrow of a woman is that she has never figured out a simple truth in her life. That is, this world is you alone all your life, and after you get married, you will have no home, you are a guest in your mother's house, and you are an outsider in your in-law's house, and it turns out that you are your own home. My husband just lives under the same roof and raises children together, and it turns out that you are still living alone. ”

After Rose got married, she thought that she was one with her husband's family and that her husband was his warm support.

put all the treasure on the man, and as the child grew up, the original love gradually disappeared.

In the days when she was in love with Zhuang Guodong, she cried, made trouble, went crazy, and did all the efforts to save her feelings.

In the end, defeat was given to reality, and the two broke up.

"The Story of Rose" swiped the whole network: 8 love truths you must read

And Zhuang Guodong was not affected at all, and his career was still wonderful.

Women should keep time for themselves, to maintain health, to study, to grow, you yourself are strong enough, is the greatest wealth in life.

You are the strongest backing of the one.

Only you are and will never fail you.


Don't marry, you can't save his family

Huang Yimei was born with a halo, she has never worried about money since she was a child, everything is a top match.

The privileged family environment has cultivated her simplicity and kindness, and she is easily moved by different things.

Fang Xiewen, born in a small border town in the north, has a simple and honest appearance, giving people a rustic impression.

He grew up in a single-parent family, his mother raised him alone, and the children of the poor were in charge of the family at an early age, and he completed his education on a scholarship.

People from two worlds have met.

A spark of love was sparked.

Fang Xiewen is extremely purposeful, and with low self-esteem, he aims at roses that bloom like the sun.

"The Story of Rose" swiped the whole network: 8 love truths you must read

Despite the persuasion of her family, Rose married a poor boy without hesitation.

should have been pampered and cared for, but after marriage, he tasted all the hardships that his original family had not suffered.

She wanted to swallow her anger and her mother-in-law and husband would get better, but it didn't work out as she wished.

Different classes, different cognitions, and different ways of doing things.

In healthy love, some gaps can be allowed in the family, but the personality must be equal.

The two parties are psychologically unbalanced, the family is categorically unable to integrate, and the marriage cannot be happy for a long time.

"The Story of Rose" swiped the whole network: 8 love truths you must read


It's not terrible to make mistakes, but I'm afraid of making mistakes again and again

Rose has experienced 4 ups and downs in the past 40 years, and each of them has invested in true love.

Even if she later got married and had children, when she felt unhappy and no longer loved, she could still choose to put an end to it.

It's not terrible to choose the wrong person, but if you choose the wrong person, you choose the wrong person, don't regret it over and over again.

Some people make the wrong choice, always thinking "how good I should be" at the beginning, and fall into the vortex of self-blame.

Time does not go back, it is not terrible to make mistakes, and anyone has the opportunity to choose again.

People must have the courage to make decisions, and they must also have the courage to accept failure.

On the basis of the wrong decision, accept it bravely, find out where the problem is, and avoid the mistake next time after summarizing.

"The Story of Rose" swiped the whole network: 8 love truths you must read

When love comes, not everyone can treat it rationally, and people are not emotionless machines.

The 20-year-old rose is passionate and unrestrained, and she is indomitable for love.

The 30-year-old rose put away her edge and devoted herself to the family.

The 40-year-old rose, re-blooming, restarts for the dream.

At every stage, she is something to be proud of.

Steve Jobs once said, "To never make mistakes means to never really live." ”

The mistake itself is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that the mistake is worthless, and the terrible thing is that it will collapse in the future.

"The Story of Rose" swiped the whole network: 8 love truths you must read

In life, who can be without fault?

Love itself is full of uncertainty and complexity, and the person who is good at disguise only has time to peel back his shell.

The higher the fault tolerance rate, the higher your discernment, and the less anxiety you will have in the future.

In the midst of constant mistakes, we should examine ourselves and avoid the recurrence of similar problems in history.

There is no road in vain in life, right and wrong count.

Stop your losses in time and start all over again.


There is no shame in being amorous, but it is shameful to be indiscriminate

Girls are naturally more sentimental than boys, and it is the nature of girls to be emotional.

You can be amorous, but don't be abusive.

There is no shame in being gentle and affectionate.

Rose is very dedicated to emotions, she is fond of it, and does not give others any chance.

Every relationship, she treats it with great enthusiasm.

Longing to love and be loved is life's call to her.

Writer Mu Xin once said:

"Indiscriminate affection is not affection, nor is it affection; Indiscriminate affection is ruthless, and indiscriminate affection is filled. Frivolous, love as you go, is called abusive. It is exaggerated, showing off tricks, and it is called indiscriminate. ”

If you love, you love well, and if you don't love, let go, this is the attitude that should be in love.

"The Story of Rose" swiped the whole network: 8 love truths you must read

Write at the end

Love, this eternal topic, is always yearning and daunting.

True love is not a fairy tale with smooth sailing, but a journey full of challenges and growth.

The power of love, it can not only make people's hearts fascinated, but also make people heartbroken.

But it is these ups and downs that shape our more resilient hearts and keep us moving forward on the journey of love.

Yishu once said: "The love that truly belongs to you will not make you miserable, and the person who loves you will not let you suffer from gains and losses." True love makes you happy, and if you feel pain, something must have gone wrong, and you need to end it in time and start all over again. ”

May more girls find "mutual nourishment" love and produce positive changes.

May the story of the rose become an inextinguishable beacon in your heart, illuminating your way forward, no matter the wind or rain, no matter the clear sky.

May everyone find their own home in loving and being loved.

Author|Caviar, the laughing sunflower
