
In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

author:Jiazi unwinded
In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it


"How did I forget it! With it, we won't be afraid of Japanese devils! ”

In order to increase the combat effectiveness of the Japanese invaders to invade China, it can be said that they did all kinds of evil, and even came up with the idea of using people as bait to train wolf dogs to bite ability, just when everyone was tortured and miserable, a dog expert suddenly thought of a solution, who is this person, and what kind of idea did he come up with?

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

1. Changxindian training base

In 1939, on the street of Changxindian in Beijing, several Chinese were walking forward with their hands tied and their faces like dead ashes. Behind them were a few Japanese soldiers who were laughing and laughing, and from time to time they pushed and shoved the Chinese in front of them, urging them to go faster.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

When they were far away, the residents next to them dared to come out and take a look, "Alas, what a sin, this Japanese, they were arrested to die, these hateful Japanese devils will do these immoral things!" The local people are used to seeing this situation, and they can only curse a few words behind their backs, in addition to anger and helplessness, more fear.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

The captured people were taken to a training base, which was established by the Japanese, and it was not ordinary people, but a pack of ferocious wolf dogs. It turned out that in order to better deal with the PLA soldiers, the Japanese devils came up with another bad idea in addition to bacteriological warfare, that is, the wolf dog troops.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

These wolf dogs are extremely ferocious, mainly wolf green dogs, these specially domesticated Japanese dogs, even more cruel than the Japanese soldiers, their super fast running speed and extremely powerful biting ability, once made the mainland's anti-Japanese forces very headache. In order to better train them, the hateful Japanese devils captured innocent people, treated them as training objects, and let wolf dogs chase and bite them, and their fate can be imagined.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

In the face of the wailing of the people, the Japanese devils felt extremely excited instead of feeling guilty, and even regarded it as a kind of entertainment, watching the people being chased by wolf dogs, they stood aside and laughed, which was simply unconscionable.

Second, the ferocious wolf green police dog

According to Ma Zhenshan, a Chinese chef who was captured by the Japanese, the Japanese army trained these wolf dogs very well. They will be classified according to different sizes of dogs, the dog's food is eggs and milk, every day is delicious and delicious to serve, under such conditions, the dog grows quickly and strongly.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

When they are a little older, they begin to train the dog's obedience and bite detection ability, and after these are learned, they begin to experiment with living people.

In order to force out the blood of these wolf dogs to a greater extent, the Japanese army will deliberately not give them food for several days, and the wolf dogs who are accustomed to eating big fish and meat are already hungry after a few days of starvation, at this time they will catch a group of Chinese people, put them in a deep pool, and then put all the wolf dogs into it, and the hungry wolf dogs seem to see a rare delicacy when they see these living people.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

With the Japanese army's order, dozens or even hundreds of wolf dogs swarmed up, frantically gnawing and biting the people, and the wails came one after another, spreading throughout the entire training base, and the Japanese army showed great satisfaction and recognition in the face of these tragic conditions, and they thought that their training had finally achieved results.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

A group of well-trained wolfdogs will follow the Japanese devils on missions or go to the village to mop up. After entering the village, as long as they see people resisting or unpleasant, they will instruct the wolf dog to come forward and bite it, sometimes seeing the frightened eyes of the people, they will suddenly have a bad taste, deliberately let the wolf dog come forward to scare them, everyone is watching some anti-Japanese dramas, and you can often see Japanese devils or traitors holding a group of wolf dogs in their hands, which is how they came.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

When the anti-Japanese guerrillas were fighting against the Japanese devils, they originally relied on their familiarity with the terrain to turn the enemy around. But since these wolfdogs were trained, they have always been able to spot guerrillas in ambush in a short period of time, and their battle plans have been disrupted, and our fighters are at risk of being caught. Sometimes they escaped and hid in their hometowns, and the Japanese army would lead people to carry out carpet searches, and many times the hidden soldiers had not been discovered by the Japanese army, but the wolf dogs had already begun to bark, and the soldiers were exposed.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

In order to better attack the Chinese soldiers, the Japanese army will let people wear Chinese military uniforms during training, the wolf dogs will pounce on and bite when they see the clothes, they are very agile on the battlefield, the attack speed is also very fast, it is difficult for the soldiers to hit them with a gun, once they are close to it is like a piece of kraft candy that cannot be shaken off, the more they struggle, the tighter they bite, the physical pain is not enough to affect the soldiers, the Japanese army takes the opportunity to attack is the most unexpected, the Japanese devils launched this set of "people and dogs in one" tactics, As a result, our army suffered numerous casualties, and the organization was also very troubled by this.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

3. Dong Hanliang, an expert in dog breeding

Just when everyone was having a headache about this, Dong Hanliang, who had been associated with dogs since childhood, appeared.

Dong Hanliang was born in 1887 in a peasant family in Dongjiatian, Chentang Village, Changxing County. His mother died when he was very young, his father farmed every day, worked part-time in a small paper cutting business, and usually had no time to take care of him, the lack of maternal love and his father's indifference made Dong Hanliang alone since he was a child, and the only thing that could accompany him was the little yellow dog at home.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

He named it Rhubarb, and the two began to be inseparable, whether it was eating and sleeping or working in the field, Rhubarb followed behind Dong Hanliang, and Dong Hanliang, who wanted to think of his mother at night, hid in the quilt and cried, it was Rhubarb who shrank in his arms to give him companionship and warmth, and he would choose to tell Rhubarb when he had any troubles, Rhubarb listened silently, rubbing his trouser leg with his body from time to time, Dong Hanliang's love for dogs became deeper and deeper in the company of Rhubarb.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

In order to study dogs, he not only observed his usual moves, but even learned to bark, trying to communicate with dogs in this way, and even in his dreams, a group of puppies surrounded him, calling rhubarb's name when he talked in his dreams.

After a long time, he really studied and became famous, not only the dogs in the family, but even the dogs of other people in the village also listened to him, and he was very close, every time he went out to say hello, he could call a lot of dogs in the village, and the appearance of the front and back echoes made the people in the village surprised and strange, looking at him like this, everyone also gave him a nickname, calling him "Dog Champion" and "Dog Commander" Dong Hanliang also felt very proud when he heard these titles.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

In a blink of an eye, he reached the age of going to school, Dong Hanliang also entered a private school, from the first day of school, he showed a great desire for knowledge, smart and studious, he has always been among the best in the class, especially proficient in painting, painting dogs to lifelike, he graduated from primary school and had already been admitted to junior high school, but an accident, his father died of illness, the family suddenly had no financial resources, and his sister who had been married was not worried about him alone, but at that time, he could not often come back to see him, Dong Hanliang, who dropped out of school at home, I can only continue to be with the dogs and seek some comfort in them.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

My sister finally had the opportunity to come back to see him, but as soon as I entered the house, I saw that the sun was on the third pole, and my brother was still lying on the bed and sleeping, and there were still a few dogs lying beside him, and I couldn't bear to see my brother like this, so I stepped forward to wake him up and said, "Hanliang, the temporary difficulties are not terrible, and it will be fine after a long time, but you, do you plan to be with these dogs for the rest of your life?" ”

He was still in a downturn, but he was woken up by his sister's words, so he said goodbye to his beloved dogs, stepped into the campus again with the sponsorship of his brother-in-law, and was admitted to Shanghai Art College after successfully completing Huzhou No. 3 Middle School.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

In 1912, his elementary school teacher wrote to him that he knew that he liked dogs and had found a relationship with him, so he could go to the police canine department of the Beijing Higher Police Academy to study.

It turns out that liking can also become a subject! Dong Hanliang, who knew the news, was very excited, and his childhood wish came true when he grew up, and he was finally able to be with his favorite dog without affecting his studies. As a child, he knew more about dogs than the average person, and the learning process at school was smooth. After graduation, he was sent to the Japan Police Dog College to continue his studies as an outstanding graduate.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

However, at that time, Japan was still in the development stage, although there was this major in the school, but there were not many professors and students, so the Japanese side again transferred him to Germany to specialize in police dog science, originally thinking of cultivating talents for his country, Dong Hanliang graduated from the Japanese school is also trying to retain, hoping that he can stay in school to teach, but Dong Hanliang has always remembered that he is Chinese, so he refused the high-salary offer and returned to China.

Fourth, return to China after learning to train police dogs

Dong Hanliang, who had just returned to China, was full of enthusiasm and wanted to serve the motherland, but as a result, China at that time had not yet realized the role of police dogs, and only focused on armed attacks.

After a long time, the villagers also began to sneer at him, "Running so far, it's Japan and Germany, and the result is useless, it's really a toss-up" "That's right, you say it's not good to learn, I prefer to learn a dog, do you want me to say that you still need to learn, can't we train ourselves at home?" "That's it, I think the old Dong family is going to lose to this kid!"

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

Dong Hanliang listened to these words, but he didn't take them to heart, he believed that one day there would be a place for him. The hard work paid off, and he finally waited for a turning point in his life.

After the Northern Expedition, the army finally began to pay attention to the power of police dogs, and Dong Hanliang had the opportunity to serve as a police dog instructor at Zhejiang Police College. In 1936, because of his outstanding ability, he was recommended to the position of technical director of the police dog department.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

Fifth, there are clever ways to deal with wolf dogs

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, because the Japanese wolf dog troops were really powerful and lost a large number of troops of our army, Dong Hanliang, who was an expert in police dogs, was also invited out of the mountain to study the methods of attacking the enemy.

He just received the assignment because he studied in Japan, and he also had a certain understanding of the wolf green dog, but it was really difficult to think of a way to crack him for a while. Once, when we got together to chat, when talking about the wolf-dog troops, someone said, "This dog is big and fierce, but it's really not easy to do, it seems that you can only find something bigger than it, but where can you find it?" Another person answered, "Whoever says big must be powerful, haven't you heard of an ant so small, can you still bite an elephant to its knees and beg for mercy?"

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

Small? Hearing this, Dong Hanliang suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, patted his thigh and said excitedly, "Oops, why did I forget it!" ”

He has always focused on dogs that are the same size as the wolf green dog or surpass, and have attack power. But he forgot that in his hometown, there is a small dog called "bench dog", although it looks short and bulky, but this kind of dog has a fierce temperament, good at fighting, and very flexible, and often chases those big dogs are round.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

Thinking of this, Dong Hanliang immediately set off, returned to his hometown to search for a lot of bench dogs, and also incorporated them into the bench dog unit, and according to the difference between its size and the wolf green dog, formulated the "throat bite" As long as the wolf green dog's throat is bitten, our soldiers are not disturbed by it, and it is much more convenient to fight.

After training, the first batch of about 200 bench dogs was put into the battlefield to deal with the Japanese wolfdog troops. The first confrontation between the two dogs can be said to be a battlefield without gunsmoke, and the results achieved are also unexpectedly good. After several battles, the wolf-dog units of the Japanese army no longer had the prestige of the past, and suffered heavy casualties.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

After several encounters, the Japanese army also learned to be smart, they hung an iron neck guard on the neck of the wolf green, thinking that there was no way to do it, but they didn't know that the magic was one foot high and one foot high, Dong Hanliang immediately changed his tactics after discovering this situation, and once again took advantage of the difference in size, and put the target on the soft belly, attacking the lower plate, the Japanese army had no way, and they couldn't put iron armor on the dog, and the weight of the body would also affect the speed of the attack. No longer use them in battle.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it

The victory of the anti-Japanese resistance was won, the wolf green dog was improved, and some disobedient people were also formed by the common people to fight the dog team, and they were taught a hard lesson, and the bench dog that participated in the battle was later named the Chinese pastoral dog, in order to commemorate the sacrificed dogs, thank them for defending our Chinese nation, guarding our pastoral hometown.

In 39, the wolf dog unit of the Japanese army was unstoppable, and a dog expert had an idea: how to forget it


People often say that playthings are demoralized, but Dong Hanliang was able to develop his hobby into a career and contribute to the mainland's War of Resistance Against Japan, and future generations will always remember this great "dog champion"!