
Why do many of those big-name celebrities who go to the United States for medical treatment never return? (a)

author:Mr. Zhang, a Chinese medicine practitioner

In recent years, there have been many celebrities who have gone to the United States for medical treatment, but many young celebrities have gone and never returned, which not only does not cause us to think deeply!

Why can't going to the United States to see a doctor save their lives? This sometimes does not mean that they are incurable, it has something to do with the bad Western medicine in the United States! It is related to the wrong treatment philosophy and thinking of Western medicine! Under the dominance of Western medicine thinking in the United States, Americans' own health is not guaranteed!

Reference News Network reported on July 30, 2022: More than half of young Americans have at least one chronic disease. According to a new study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly on the 29th, about 40 million young people between the ages of 18 and 34 in the United States have chronic health problems such as obesity, depression, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma and arthritis.

Why do many of those big-name celebrities who go to the United States for medical treatment never return? (a)

According to a study by a CDC research team, 2019 data shows that nearly 54% of young adults now have at least one chronic health condition and 22% have at least two chronic health conditions.

According to the report, unhealthy lifestyles often accompany patients with chronic diseases. The team found that young people with chronic medical conditions were more likely to drink heavily, smoke or lack physical activity than those without chronic conditions.

According to reports, the above data is based on a telephone survey conducted in 2019. The telephone survey involved more than 67,000 young people between the ages of 18 and 34 across the United States.

Many of the thinking and treatment methods of Western medicine are wrong, they like to use "violent" methods to perform surgery, excision, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, etc., which violates the law of harmonious growth and growth of the human body, so it is often that the more the disease is treated, the more the disease is treated, the more powerful the disease! As a result, there is a strange phenomenon that the more investment, the more patients, and the shorter the lifespan! The United States is a prominent representative in this regard! Let's take a look at the authoritative report of 2020-10-26 "CCTV News": high medical costs have not led to an increase in national life expectancy. The United States spends the most on health care per capita in the world. According to 2019 data from the OECD, the United States spends $11,072 per capita on health care (purchasing power parity), far ahead of the second-place Switzerland ($7,732), and far behind Germany ($6,646), the United Kingdom ($4,653), and Japan ($4,823). Not only that, but the United States' total annual medical spending is higher than that of Europe and Japan, and twice its military spending.

Why do many of those big-name celebrities who go to the United States for medical treatment never return? (a)

What is not commensurate with the huge medical investment of the United States is that the life expectancy of the population in the United States (78.9 years, according to the United Nations Development Programme in 2019) is lower than that of Western European countries, Japan, and South Korea, and is the lowest among developed countries. Former White House senior adviser Izzikiel Emmanuel noted that "the United States, which accounts for less than 5% of the world's population, pays 50% of the world's drug sales prices." According to the Kessel Family Foundation, a public health nonprofit in the United States, at least 19 million American adults have had to travel to countries such as Canada or Mexico to buy drugs because of the high price of drugs at home. 2022-10-28Southern Weekly also reported that the United States is a global leader in the field of medicine and is the "leader" of the Nobel Prize in Medicine and other fields. Currently, the United States spends about $3.6 trillion a year on health care, five times its military spending and more than its ally Britain's gross domestic product (GDP). The United States has long been criticized for its health care performance, spending more than 18% of gross domestic product (GDP) and having the second-lowest life expectancy among OECD countries. In fiscal 2020, it spent nearly $3.6 trillion on health care, or 17% of its gross national product (GNP). As a result, many Americans have questioned where the huge fiscal spending has gone.

According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, medical insurance spending is 2.1 trillion US dollars, accounting for 58% of total medical expenditure; Hospitals, doctors and assistants cost $800 billion, accounting for 22% of total health expenditure; The cost of drugs is $540 billion, accounting for 15% of total health expenditure. In addition, medical equipment costs accounted for 5% of total spending, at $160 billion. From the above, it can be seen that "the United States is a global leader in the field of medicine and is the leader of the Nobel Prize in Medicine and other fields", and Western medicine in the United States is quite developed. And the country's investment is also quite high, accounting for more than 18% of gross domestic product (GDP), equivalent to 5 times its military spending, but the average life expectancy is the penny! This is a very thought-provoking question!

Why do many of those big-name celebrities who go to the United States for medical treatment never return? (a)

Due to the limitations and unscientific nature of Western medicine, although they claim to be scientific, in the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine, they only look at the appearance of examination data, but do not deeply investigate the nature of the disease and the cause. Western medicine has its own limitations that cannot be shaken off. When antibiotics, scalpels, and hormones are exhausted, sometimes Western medicine is helpless. Taking gallstones as an example, a one-size-fits-all operation can cut out the diseased gallbladder, treating the symptoms but not the root cause, and treating them like cutting leeks. The gallbladder was removed by surgery, and the gallbladder will no longer have stones, and the organs and ducts that can be closely related to the gallbladder are still there, and the factors that form stones have not been eliminated. This is also one of the reasons why the greater the investment in Western medicine, the greater the error, the more diseases, and the shorter the lifespan!

Western medicine section, Chinese medicine comprehension; Dead and alive, two branches of medicine.

There are at least two levels of life, one is structure, the other is function, or one is matter, the other is energy, and it can be said that one layer is form and the other is qi.

The form is visible, but the qi is invisible. Western medicine only acknowledges what is visible, not what is invisible. Western medicine has put a lot of effort into seeing, using the naked eye, using a microscope, using an X-ray, using a B-ultrasound, and using an electron microscope. The development of Western medicine is visible, and it will develop wherever it is seen.

Why do many of those big-name celebrities who go to the United States for medical treatment never return? (a)

But there is a level in life that can never be seen, and that is that layer of qi. This is the blind spot of Western medicine, and it is also the place where Western medicine disdains. But qi is the most precious thing in life. The dead body is the same as the living in shape, but it is the same qi.

It is no wonder that Western medicine is medicine that developed from the dead. It was more than 2,000 years ago, there was a man named Galen in ancient Rome, who secretly dissected corpses and drew pictures, which was the first step taken by Western medicine, and also determined the direction of Western medicine: starting with the dissection of dead people.

It was also more than 2,000 years ago that in China, who couldn't tell who was not able to study the dead, only the living, but also focused on the invisible qi in the living, so Chinese medicine appeared.

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