
Why should we remember history and not forget the Japanese army that invaded China? You first look at what evil they have done

author:Literature speaks of history

Why should we remember history, why can't we forget the Japanese army that invaded China? Look at what evil they've done!

Whenever I mention the words "remember history", I always have an indescribable emotion in my heart, which makes people both angry and sad!

History is a mirror that reflects where we came from and how we got to where we are today. And those chapters of aggression and counter-aggression are the inscriptions of history, deeply imprinted in the hearts of every peace-loving person.

We must not forget those days, those days when we were shrouded in gloom. When the invading Japanese army set foot on Chinese soil, how many innocent lives trembled under their iron hooves. Those once prosperous cities and villages have become purgatory on earth in an instant. The elderly, women, and children were all spared the atrocities of the Japanese army. Their crimes are too numerous to mention, and every stroke is a testimony of blood and tears.

Why should we remember history and not forget the Japanese army that invaded China? You first look at what evil they have done

How can we forget the 300,000 innocent souls in the Nanjing Massacre? They were subjected to inhuman torture and humiliation in the shortest possible time, and were brutally murdered in the end. That's not just the accumulation of numbers, it's every living life! And those Chinese who were used as experiments by the Japanese army, whose bodies endured more pain than they could have imagined, and all this only to satisfy militaristic ambitions.

The atrocities of the Japanese army were not confined to the battlefield. They practiced a policy of enslavement in the occupied territories and treated the Chinese as slaves. They deprive the Chinese of their dignity and freedom and leave them to live in fear and despair. In those dark days, the Chinese people endured endless humiliation and suffering, leaving wounds in their hearts that cannot be healed.

Why should we remember history and not forget the Japanese army that invaded China? You first look at what evil they have done

However, there are always two sides to history. It is in the midst of such suffering that the Chinese people have shown tenacious perseverance and indomitable spirit. Instead of succumbing to the coercion of the Japanese army, they chose to stick to their faith and dignity. Countless people with lofty ideals rose up to resist and composed magnificent patriotic movements with blood and lives. Their heroic deeds and noble spirit have become a powerful driving force for future generations.

So, why should we remember these histories? Is it just a desire for revenge? Far from it. We remember history in order to better value peace and to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. History tells us that war is cruel and merciless, and it can bring deep suffering and suffering to mankind. Therefore, we should doubly cherish the hard-won peaceful environment and strive to avoid the outbreak of war.

At the same time, we must not forget those foreign invaders who brought great suffering to the Chinese people, including the Japanese army that invaded China. Their crimes should not be forgotten, much less glorified or covered up. We must face history squarely, bear in mind the lessons of history, and draw strength from it to move forward. Only in this way can we ensure that we do not repeat the mistakes of the past and move towards a better future.

Why should we remember history and not forget the Japanese army that invaded China? You first look at what evil they have done

Of course, there are also those who will say that remembering history can lead us to a quagmire of hatred and revenge. But in fact, the real warrior is the one who understands the truth of history, puts aside hatred, bravely faces reality, and actively creates a more harmonious world. We remember history, not to perpetuate hatred, but to draw strength and better safeguard world peace and human justice.

In today's era of peace and development, we should all the more play a positive role in history and promote friendly exchanges and cooperation among countries. By learning about each other's cultures and histories, we can build a better world together.

Why should we remember history and not forget the Japanese army that invaded China? You first look at what evil they have done

In short, "remember history, never forget the past" is not an empty slogan, but a profound responsibility and mission. We should always remember the deeds and spirit of those heroes who fought for national liberation and human progress, and carry forward their fine traditions. Only in this way can we live up to the expectations and trust placed on us by history and contribute our strength to the prosperity and progress of mankind.

Conclusion: Thirty or forty million innocent Chinese compatriots lost their precious lives because of the Japanese invasion of China! What is the concept of thirty or forty million? 1/10 of the Chinese population that year! Why should such a major and tragic historical event be forgotten? No matter what others think, I don't have a good impression of many Japanese people anyway! Except for a few anti-war and kind Japanese during the War of Aggression against China, the other Japanese troops who invaded China were a group of heinous villains of the century!

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