
The mother-in-law came to the city to see a doctor, and after staying at her son's house, the daughter-in-law deliberately went on a business trip, and the daughter-in-law was moved when she came back from a business trip

author:Late life

Granny Li gently put her heavy bags on the ground, looking at her son Li Ming's spacious and bright new home, with both expectation and a little uneasiness in her heart. From the small town to this bustling city, everything seems so strange. Her arrival seems to have brought some subtle changes to this home.

"Mom, you can stay in this room and see what else you need to add, just tell me." Li Ming enthusiastically helped his mother pack her luggage, while carefully observing her expression.

Granny Li smiled and waved her hand, "Don't bother, I've brought all the things." There was a rustic and loving nature in her voice.

At this moment, the door "clicked" open, and a woman wearing professional clothes with a slightly cold expression walked in, she was Li Ming's wife Zhang Wei. Zhang Wei's gaze swept over Granny Li, and she said politely but without losing distance: "Mother-in-law, you are welcome." I just received an urgent notice from the company that I need to travel for a few days, and I have to worry about your family affairs. ”

The mother-in-law came to the city to see a doctor, and after staying at her son's house, the daughter-in-law deliberately went on a business trip, and the daughter-in-law was moved when she came back from a business trip

Li Ming smiled awkwardly, trying to ease the atmosphere, "Mom, don't mind, Weiwei is busy with work, and she has always been like this." ”

Granny Li nodded, but she was thinking in her heart that this family didn't seem to be so easy to integrate. She sighed softly, still smiling gently, but her heart felt like something was being tugged at her.

Granny Li sat alone on the sofa in the living room, her needlework in her hands looking very lonely in the afternoon sun. Since Zhang Wei went on a business trip, the atmosphere at home has become quieter. Li Ming goes out early and returns late every day, and his busy work makes him have little time to spend with his mother. Granny Li began to feel a sense of emptiness and loneliness that she had never felt before.

She tries to find things to do on her own, such as tidying up the house or taking a walk around the neighborhood. But the hustle and bustle of the city contrasted sharply with her state of mind, and the hurried pedestrians and indifferent faces made her feel out of place.

One afternoon, Granny Li was busy preparing dinner in the kitchen, wanting to surprise her son. However, when she heard Li Ming call and said that she would have to work overtime at night, the loss in her heart was like a flame that was extinguished by cold water. She sat quietly at the table, the hearty dishes in front of her losing their color.

That night, Granny Li lay in bed tossing and turning, full of thoughts. She began to wonder if her trip to the city had been a mistake. Is he just a superfluous existence in his son's life?

Late at night, Granny Li got up and walked to the window, looking at the bright starry sky outside the window, and an indescribable feeling welled up in her heart. She remembered her distant hometown, with her familiar fields and gracious neighbors. At this moment, how she wishes to be able to return to that place full of warmth and memories.

The mother-in-law came to the city to see a doctor, and after staying at her son's house, the daughter-in-law deliberately went on a business trip, and the daughter-in-law was moved when she came back from a business trip

The early morning sun shone through the gaps in the curtains and sprinkled on Granny Li's face. She rubbed her sleepy eyes, picked up her mobile phone and saw a missed call, which was the number of Aunt Wang, an old sister far away from her hometown. A warm current welled up in her heart, and she couldn't wait to dial back.

Aunt Wang's concerned voice came from the other end of the phone: "Sister Li, I heard that you went to your son's house in the city, how are you doing, are you adapting well?" ”

Granny Li sighed lightly: "Hey, life in the city is not what I imagined, I feel like an outsider." ”

Aunt Wang comforted: "There will always be some discomfort at first, you have to give yourself some time." But don't forget to take care of your body. ”

After hanging up the phone, Granny Li's mood did not improve much. She decided not to sit idly by anymore and to take the initiative to find her own little world. So, she put on her simple clothes, put on her hat and decided to go to the nearby market.

The market is full of people, and all kinds of cries come and go. Attracted by a stall selling fresh vegetables, Granny Li stepped forward to pick them up. Just then, a young woman accidentally bumped into her, and the vegetable basket in her hand fell to the ground.

The mother-in-law came to the city to see a doctor, and after staying at her son's house, the daughter-in-law deliberately went on a business trip, and the daughter-in-law was moved when she came back from a business trip

"Oops, I'm so sorry!" The woman hurriedly apologized and squatted down to help Granny Li pick up the scattered vegetables.

Granny Li smiled slightly: "It's okay, this little thing is nothing." ”

The woman raised her head, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes: "You are... Granny Lee, right? I am your son's colleague, my name is Zhao Jing. ”

In this way, two people who have never met before start a new exchange in the noisy market. Zhao Jing's warmth and friendliness made Granny Li feel a little warm, perhaps, the city is not so cold and unforgiving.

Zhao Jing's enthusiasm warmed Granny Li's heart like the warm sun in spring. After they finished shopping the market together, Zhao Jing insisted on sending Granny Li home. On the way, the two chatted about family life, and Zhao Jing's words were full of love for life and passion for work.

"Granny Li, in fact, I also come from a small town, and I was very uncomfortable when I first arrived in a big city." Zhao Jing said, with a hint of resonance in her eyes.

"Really? So how did you get used to it? Granny Li asked curiously.

Zhao Jing smiled: "I joined a community volunteer group, and by helping others, I found my own value and sense of belonging. ”

The mother-in-law came to the city to see a doctor, and after staying at her son's house, the daughter-in-law deliberately went on a business trip, and the daughter-in-law was moved when she came back from a business trip

These words are like a seed, quietly taking root in Granny Li's heart. She suddenly realized that maybe she could find a way to find her own piece of the sky in this strange city.

After returning home, Granny Li did not enter the house immediately, but stood at the door and pondered for a long time. She thought of her youthful hobby of crafts, and that those skills of weaving and embroidery might come to play in this place.

The next day, Granny Li plucked up the courage to go to the community center and asked if there were any related handicraft activities. The staff enthusiastically told her that there happened to be a craft group in the community and welcomed her to join.

When Granny Li walked into the activity room of the handicraft group, she saw a group of women of similar age sitting around, some knitting sweaters and some embroidering. When they saw the new face of Granny Li, they all smiled enthusiastically.

"Hello, we are members of the craft team, welcome to join us!" A kind old lady held out her hand.

Granny Li held her hand, and her heart swelled with warmth and excitement that she had not seen for a long time. She knew that this could be the first home she had found in the city.

Zhang Wei ended a week-long business trip and dragged her tired body back home. She found the home unusually tidy, with a faint fragrance wafting through the air, and a few delicate side dishes and a note on the table: "Welcome home, I've prepared dinner, I hope you'll enjoy it." - Mom"

The mother-in-law came to the city to see a doctor, and after staying at her son's house, the daughter-in-law deliberately went on a business trip, and the daughter-in-law was moved when she came back from a business trip

Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but have a trace of doubt in her heart. In her impression, Granny Li has always been a traditional and conservative old man, who always seems to be a little uncomfortable with modern life. However, everything in front of me seems to be silently telling of some kind of change.

She gently pushed open the door of Granny Li's room and saw that the old man was intently embroidering a delicate pattern. Granny Li raised her head and greeted with a smile: "Weiwei, you're back, it's hard work." ”

Zhang Wei responded embarrassedly: "Well, I'm back." Then he hurried back to his room, but his heart was fluctuating. She began to reflect on whether her previous attitude was too cold, even a little rude. But her heart still struggled to fully accept this sudden family member.

One evening a few days later, Zhang Wei went home early and saw Granny Li chatting downstairs with several neighbors from a distance, their laughter harmonious and warm. Zhang Wei's pace slowed down involuntarily, and she hid behind a big tree, secretly observing this scene.

She saw Granny Li holding a beautiful handicraft in her hand, as if she was teaching her neighbors how to make it. The neighbors surrounded Granny Li, their faces filled with admiration and joy. Zhang Wei's heart suddenly surged with an inexplicable emotion, was it moved? Is it guilt? Or something else?

At that moment, Zhang Wei realized that she might have misunderstood Granny Li. She is not here to disturb their lives, but to silently add warmth to this home in her own way. Zhang Wei took a deep breath and decided to put aside her prejudices and get to know the elder again.

The mother-in-law came to the city to see a doctor, and after staying at her son's house, the daughter-in-law deliberately went on a business trip, and the daughter-in-law was moved when she came back from a business trip

As time went on, Zhang Wei began to notice some subtle changes in her home. Every day when I come home from work, I can always see Granny Li busy, either cleaning or preparing dinner. The atmosphere at home has also become warm because of these small changes.

One night, Zhang Wei returned from overtime and found that the light in the living room was still on. She gently pushed open the door and saw Granny Li sitting on the sofa, holding an old photo album in her hand, and her eyes revealed deep nostalgia.

"Mom, haven't you rested so late?" Zhang Wei asked softly.

Granny Li raised her head and smiled, "Oh, Weiwei, you're back." I'm looking at some old photos and reminiscing about the past. ”

Zhang Wei walked over and sat next to Granny Li, looking at the photo album curiously. Granny Li pointed to a photo and said, "This is a photo of me and your dad when we were young, when we were just married. ”

The conversation began, and Granny Li recounted many past events, including her dreams when she was young, the hardships of life, and her hopes for the future. Zhang Wei listened, and her eyes couldn't help but moisten. She never imagined that this seemingly ordinary old man on weekdays would have such a colorful life experience.

The mother-in-law came to the city to see a doctor, and after staying at her son's house, the daughter-in-law deliberately went on a business trip, and the daughter-in-law was moved when she came back from a business trip

That night, Zhang Wei had a new understanding of Granny Li. She began to understand Granny Li's loneliness and longing for family, and also realized her previous indifference and misunderstanding. From that day on, Zhang Wei decided to care more about and respect this elder, and to understand and accept her with her heart.

As time passed, the relationship between the two gradually became harmonious. Zhang Wei began to take the initiative to invite Granny Li to participate in family activities, cook together, and watch movies together. The warmth of home grows quietly in these shared times.

As the seasons changed, Granny Li's day at her son's house became fuller. Her handicrafts not only won the love of the community, but also allowed her to find the joy of belonging to the city. Whenever something new is done, she can't wait to share it with her family.

Li Ming looked at the changes in his mother, and his heart was full of relief. He noticed that his wife Zhang Wei's attitude towards her mother had also changed 180 degrees, and the interaction between the two became more and more natural and intimate. The home was full of laughter, which was the family atmosphere that Li Ming dreamed of.

The mother-in-law came to the city to see a doctor, and after staying at her son's house, the daughter-in-law deliberately went on a business trip, and the daughter-in-law was moved when she came back from a business trip

One evening, as the whole family sat around the living room, Granny Li took out an elaborate embroidery work to show to everyone. "This is something I specially designed for our home, with each of our names embroidered on it." There was a hint of pride in her voice.

Zhang Wei took the embroidery work, carefully studied every detail, and couldn't help but admire: "Mom, your craftsmanship is really amazing, I will treasure this work." ”

Li Ming also added with a smile: "Yes, Mom, you are now the baby of our family." ”

A happy smile bloomed on Granny Lee's face, and she knew that she had found her place in the city. She is no longer the lonely old man, but an indispensable part of this warm family.

Since then, whether it is a family gathering or a holiday celebration, Granny Li will decorate the atmosphere with her own handicrafts and add more color and warmth to the home. And Zhang Wei has also learned how to cherish and be grateful, and she is grateful to Granny Li for all the good things she has brought to their family.