
The mother-in-law went to her son's house to take the baby for 4 years, and the daughter-in-law was still dissatisfied with the money and efforts, and the mother-in-law returned to her hometown in a fit of anger

author:Late life

The summer breeze blows through the town, and the afterglow of the setting sun casts on the ancient stone pavement, the golden glow contrasts with the bluestone slabs. In this quiet town, Granny Zhang walked slowly, her face full of vicissitudes and stories, her eyes flashing with determination, and her face full of confident smiles.

Four years ago, Granny Zhang embarked on a journey from her hometown to her son's house with deep concern for her grandson Xiaobao. She remembers that day, as the train slowly pulled out of the platform, her heart filled with anticipation and joy, imagining the family fun that was coming.

When she arrived at her son's house, Granny Zhang immediately integrated into this busy little family. She is always the first to wake up every morning to prepare a hearty breakfast for the whole family. The kitchen was filled with the smell of food, the taste of love that she cooked with heart. Xiaobao's laughter became her greatest comfort, and whenever she saw her grandson eating with relish, her tiredness disappeared in an instant.

In addition to taking care of Xiaobao's diet and daily life, Granny Zhang is also responsible for the cleaning and laundry of the house. Her hands are always soaked in water, but she never complains, just does it silently, hoping to bring more warmth and comfort to this home.

The mother-in-law went to her son's house to take the baby for 4 years, and the daughter-in-law was still dissatisfied with the money and efforts, and the mother-in-law returned to her hometown in a fit of anger

However, Granny Zhang's contribution does not seem to be understood by her daughter-in-law Li Juan. Li Juan often had disputes with her mother-in-law over some trivial matters, and her words revealed her dissatisfaction with her mother-in-law. Granny Zhang felt a little aggrieved in her heart, but she always chose to be silent because she didn't want to affect the harmony of the family.

Despite this, Granny Zhang still insisted on her own way and silently dedicated, believing that one day, her daughter-in-law would understand her hard work. Under the sunset, Granny Zhang's figure looked particularly lonely, but her heart was full of love and perseverance for her family.

As time passed, the contradictions between Granny Zhang and her daughter-in-law Li Juan gradually surfaced. One day at dinner, Li Juan found that Xiaobao's rice bowl was braised pork that she didn't like, so she couldn't help complaining: "Mom, you always make these greasy things, Xiaobao is tired of eating them." ”

Granny Zhang was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect her kindness to be misunderstood like this, but she still patiently explained: "Braised pork is Xiaobao's father's favorite dish when he was a child, and I want the children to try it too." ”

The mother-in-law went to her son's house to take the baby for 4 years, and the daughter-in-law was still dissatisfied with the money and efforts, and the mother-in-law returned to her hometown in a fit of anger

"But times have changed, and today's kids need a healthier diet." There was a hint of impatience in Li Juan's voice.

Granny Zhang felt a sense of loss, she silently cleaned up the table, but she was thinking in her heart, has her efforts over the years been denied like this?

That night, Granny Zhang lay in bed tossing and turning, and she began to reflect on her behavior, is it really a little outdated? She decided to try a change, and the next day she went to the supermarket to buy fresh vegetables and fruits, wanting to make some light dishes for her grandson.

However, things did not go as smoothly as Granny Zhang imagined. Despite her efforts to change her cooking style, Li Juan's attitude towards her has not improved significantly. On the contrary, Li Juan seems to be picky about every move of Granny Zhang, whether it is Xiaobao's clothes are not clean enough, or the location of the furnishings in the house is not to her liking.

The mother-in-law went to her son's house to take the baby for 4 years, and the daughter-in-law was still dissatisfied with the money and efforts, and the mother-in-law returned to her hometown in a fit of anger

Granny Zhang felt increasingly frustrated, and she couldn't understand why her efforts were always not recognized. She began to wonder if she had no place in her son's house. Whenever night falls, the stars twinkle, and the bright moonlight sprinkles all over the earth, Granny Zhang will always sit alone by the window, looking at the night sky and pondering, with an inexplicable excitement in her heart, as if something important is about to happen. She didn't know how long she would last, and she didn't know if there was still a place for her in this home.

The atmosphere at home is becoming more and more tense, and the relationship between Granny Zhang and her daughter-in-law Li Juan is like a taut string that could break at any moment. One night, Xiaobao accidentally fell while playing and scraped skin on his knee. Li Juan hurried over when she heard the cry, and when she saw the child injured, her emotions suddenly lost control.

"Mom, what do you think of the kid? How did he get hurt? Li Juan's voice was full of reproach.

Granny Zhang's heart tightened, she knew that it was an accident, but she couldn't justify it: "I... I just went back to my room and got something, and I didn't notice..."

"You're always like this, double minded! What if Xiaobao has three long and two short? Li Juan's emotions became more and more excited.

Granny Zhang felt extremely aggrieved, she had paid so much for this family, but she only got such accusations. There was a determined glint in her eyes, and although her face was full of a confident smile, her heart was turbulent.

The mother-in-law went to her son's house to take the baby for 4 years, and the daughter-in-law was still dissatisfied with the money and efforts, and the mother-in-law returned to her hometown in a fit of anger

"Juanzi, I also have my difficulties, I tried my best." Granny Zhang tried to calm the situation.

"Did you do your best? I think you're absent-minded! Li Juan's words were like a sharp knife, piercing Granny Zhang's heart.

That night, Granny Zhang lay in bed for a long time and couldn't sleep. She leaped and landed lightly on the opposite roof, as agile as an ape. She stood on the rooftop, staring at the stars in the night sky, her heart full of confusion and helplessness. There is an aura of mystery in the air that makes one feel awe-inspiring. She didn't know how long she could stay in this home, and she didn't know how long she would continue to live like this.

In the end, Granny Zhang made a difficult decision - to leave. She doesn't want to let her efforts be a reason for quarrels anymore, and she doesn't want to see her family become discordant because of herself. She began to pack her luggage, and every piece of clothing carried her memories and reluctance.

When the first rays of sunlight in the morning shone into the room, Granny Zhang had already decided to end this unhappy life. She left a letter telling her son and daughter-in-law that she would return to her hometown, hoping that they would understand and respect each other and take good care of Xiaobao. Then, carrying her luggage, she quietly left the home that was once full of laughter.

The mother-in-law went to her son's house to take the baby for 4 years, and the daughter-in-law was still dissatisfied with the money and efforts, and the mother-in-law returned to her hometown in a fit of anger

The town is shrouded in a layer of mist in the early morning, and the sun shines through the mist on the stone pavement, bringing new hope and beginnings. Granny Zhang carried heavy luggage and walked to the station step by step, her heart full of complicated emotions. Her ears still seemed to echo with the reproach of her daughter-in-law last night, and those words pierced her heart like needles.

The station is not far, but for Granny Zhang, the road is unusually long. Her mood was as chaotic as this morning mist, both the ease of relief and the reluctance to part. She recalls her longing to be here four years ago, and now it ends in such a way, which is embarrassing.

Boarding the train home, Granny Zhang found her seat, and the scenery outside the window gradually receded as the train started. She closed her eyes, and the innocent smile of her grandson Xiaobao and the focused look of her son at work came to mind. She knew that her departure might bring a lot of shock to the family.

The train was jolting forward, and Granny Zhang's heart was also fluctuating. Was it too impulsive, she asked herself? Should we give each other some more time? But whenever she thought of her daughter-in-law's indifferent face, she strengthened her determination. She needs a clean environment to calm her emotions, and maybe the distance can calm everyone down and re-examine their relationship.

The mother-in-law went to her son's house to take the baby for 4 years, and the daughter-in-law was still dissatisfied with the money and efforts, and the mother-in-law returned to her hometown in a fit of anger

When the train finally arrived, Granny Zhang dragged her luggage and walked off the train, taking a deep breath of the air of her hometown. There are streets she is familiar with, and there are memories of her youth. She decided to return to her old house and start living on her own again. Although the future is full of unknowns, Granny Zhang's eyes shone with determination, and her face was filled with a confident smile. She believes that no matter how tortuous the road ahead may be, she has the courage to face it.

After Granny Zhang returned to her hometown, her life was calm and monotonous, and she began to readjust to the rhythm of life alone. Every morning, she is busy in her little well-tended garden, watering, pruning, and fertilizing, and the flowers seem to feel her love, and they bloom and exude bursts of fragrance.

The mother-in-law went to her son's house to take the baby for 4 years, and the daughter-in-law was still dissatisfied with the money and efforts, and the mother-in-law returned to her hometown in a fit of anger

At this moment, his son Wang Qiang took Xiaobao to visit suddenly. Their arrival broke Granny Zhang's peaceful life and complicated her feelings. Wang Qiang's face was full of guilt and worry: "Mom, I'm sorry, we know it's wrong." Without you at home, everything becomes a mess. ”

Xiaobao hugged Granny Zhang's legs tightly, and said with red eyes: "Grandma, I miss you." ”

Granny Zhang looked at her son and grandson in front of her, and the hard shell in her heart slowly melted. She squatted down and gently stroked Xiaobao's hair: "Grandma misses you too." ”

The mother-in-law went to her son's house to take the baby for 4 years, and the daughter-in-law was still dissatisfied with the money and efforts, and the mother-in-law returned to her hometown in a fit of anger

Wang Qiang confessed to Granny Zhang about the chaos at home during this time, and Li Juan also realized her mistake, and she apologized to her mother-in-law over the phone: "Mom, I'm sorry, I used to be too willful. ”

Hearing her daughter-in-law's apology, Granny Zhang's heart completely softened. She knows the importance of family and understands that everyone has emotional swings. She decided to let go of the unpleasantness of the past and give her daughter-in-law a chance to make amends.

A few days later, Granny Zhang followed her son back to the city. When she stepped into the familiar door again, Li Juan had already prepared a sumptuous meal, and the house was cleaned. The family sat around in a warm and harmonious atmosphere.

Since then, there have been no major disputes in the family. Li Juan began to learn how to be a better wife and mother, while Granny Zhang used her own experience to assist her. Gradually, their relationship has gradually regained harmony and is even closer than before.

The sun was once again shining on the stone roads of the town, and Granny Zhang walked with her family, her heart full of gratitude and satisfaction. She knows that every ordeal in life is an opportunity for growth, and that the support and understanding of her family is the most valuable asset.