
She's not the kind of person who gets subjugated by men. He's doing it again, isn't it?

author:Zhizhi excerpt
She's not the kind of person who gets subjugated by men. He's doing it again, isn't it?

The picture comes from the Internet

Fan Xingyun was carrying a basket of fruits and a large bouquet of roses, it was obvious that this flower was not for the old man.

When he walked into the ward, Wu Youyou turned around and went into the bathroom on the pretext of washing fruits.

Fan Xingyun was about to put down his things, but found that the table was full, and he thought that someone had come to see the old man today.

At a glance, there are still a few boxes of sea cucumbers of the same style as his company.

He put things on the ground and followed Wu Youyou, who was a little more mature and quieter than she had been three years ago.

"If you're busy, there's no need to come here in person, someone has been here for you anyway."

When the old man saw him, he thought of Jiang Meiqi's bewitching appearance, and a nameless anger rose in his heart.

It was because of these two people that he hung up Xiao Niannian's video twice.

Looking back, if the little guy is to blame, the old man doesn't know how much pension he has to put in.

"Grandpa, I'm not busy."

Fan Xingyun's attention was on Wu Youyou, and he didn't notice the thorns in the old man's words at all.

The old man angrily lay back on the bed and pulled the quilt over his head.

Fan Xingyun turned around and hurriedly pulled the quilt, "Grandpa, you are..."

This will not only be stuffy, but this white quilt covering the head will not look auspicious.

The old man turned to the side and ignored him.

Fan Xingyun didn't know what he was angry with, Yoyo was back, he should be happy.

Could it be that Yoyo made the old man unhappy?

He pulled the chair aside and sat down, pulling the quilt for the old man, and then Wu Youyou came up with a plate of washed Qingti.

He pointed at the old man and asked with his lips, "Grandpa, what's wrong today?" ”

Wu Youyou looked at the old man's back and knew what medicine was in the other party's gourd.

He must have wanted to take Van Xingyun away in this way, and then take the opportunity to pick up his mobile phone and video with his little baby.

Since Nian Nian left, the two have hardly stopped, the old man still grimaced at the mobile phone, learned nursery rhymes with Nian Nian, and made rock-paper-scissors in the air, whoever loses, who is a puppy.

Wu Youyou listened to the sound of "dog barking", and his ears were about to become calloused.

"It's okay, it's none of your business."

"Why is it none of his business?"

The old man sat up with a straight face, and looked at Fan Xingyun with resentful eyes, "Say, what is the relationship between you and Jiang Meiqi?" ”

Fan Xingyun was asked inexplicably, he thought it was when he was on the phone this morning, Wu Youyou heard Jiang Meiqi's voice, and then said something to his grandfather.

She loved to sue when she was a child.

More than ten years ago, he and Jiang Meiqi dated and sent love tokens to each other, which was also the case of this little girl.

As a result, he was severely taught a lesson by his parents and cut off his pocket money.

Later, when he went on a date with Jiang Meiqi, he couldn't even afford a meal, and when he went home, Wu Youyou took the taxi money from her coin purse.

Because of this, Jiang Meiqi was reluctant to drag a little boy like him who didn't have much money on hand for too long.

Of course, part of the reason is because every time I go on a date, Fan Xingyun takes Wu Youyou's light bulb.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even be able to get out.

He looked at Wu Youyou and tried his best to explain, "Youyou, Jiang Meiqi and I are not what you think. ”

Wu Youyou replied nonchalantly, "What do you explain to me, it's not that I misunderstood you, besides, do you have anything to do with Jiang Meiqi, what does it have to do with me?" ”

Her indifferent and indifferent attitude completely infuriated Fan Xingyun.

He stood up, his tall and majestic body, and slowly approached her, completely blocking the sunlight outside the window.

Van Xingyun grabbed her wrist with a gloomy expression.

"It seems that there is a big misunderstanding between us, and it's time to communicate well."

The surrounding air pressure is low, and the pressure makes people breathless.

This reminded her of the picture of Van Xingyun forcibly stripping off her dress against her will three years ago.

That time, there was no joy, only pain and indignation.

That time, she almost lost her little baby.

At this time, Fan Xingyun was facing away from the old man, completely blocking Wu Youyou's slender body.

The old man couldn't see what they were doing from behind, but the atmosphere gave him a sense of foreboding.

Wu Youyou didn't want to argue with him in front of the old man, so she poked her head out and said to the old man with a smile, "Grandpa, let's go out for a while." ”

"Go and get back."

After all, the affairs of young people must be solved by themselves.

Fan Xingyun nodded politely at the old man, then took her hand and walked to a stairwell.

Wu Youyou broke free of his hand and looked up at him, with the same stubborn expression as when he refused to take medicine when he was a child.

Fan Xingyun turned his face away, pursed his lips and laughed silently.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Didn't laugh."

Wu Youyou took a step to the side and confronted him face to face, "Are you still quibbling?" ”

Fan Xingyun raised his hands helplessly, "I was wrong..."

The speed and attitude of admitting his mistakes were exactly the same as when he was young, which made her heart suddenly surge with a hot current.

Three years ago, if they hadn't gotten married, her friendship with Fan Xingyun would have been a brother and sister with a different surname that countless people would envy in this world.

Perhaps, she had already done it wrong in the first place.

"Fan Xingyun, let's get a divorce, what we didn't finish three years ago, we will do it tomorrow, from now on the bridge will return to the bridge, the road will return to the road, whether you like to find Jiang Meiqi, Jiang Qiqi, I have no opinion, I just hope you don't disturb my life in the future."

The two places have been separated for three years, and this reason for divorce should always be established.

Wu Youyou lowered his voice, "Don't worry, I won't divide any property with you, I'll leave the house, just as soon as possible." ”


Van Xingyun leaned against the wall, looking tired.

He thought that when Wu Youyou returned to China, he would mention divorce, but when he heard it with his own ears today, he still found it difficult to accept it.

"Do you have to have a reason?"

Fan Xingyun opened her scarlet eyes, and looked at her without saying a word.

He was afraid to say any reason from Wu Youyou's mouth that he couldn't bear.

He rubbed his eyes, gasping for air inadvertently, crushing the strength he pretended.

"Is it because of Maggie Jiang? You don't like her, you don't think I'm innocent with her? Wu Youyou, what kind of person am I in your eyes? ”

Wu Youyou sneered, three years ago, it was indeed the case.

Three years later, she no longer cares who he is having an affair with.

In the past three years, she has been in a foreign land and raising their daughter alone, and she has survived the most difficult days of a woman's life.

There's no reason to go back.

"Van Xingyun, listen to the truth"

"Once, you have always been the person I want to marry all my life, but the life after marriage is not what I want, you make me feel unprecedented indifference, you make me afraid of marriage."

"Three years ago, I may have thought that because of the existence of Jiang Meiqi, our marriage came to an end. Three years later, I realized that if you don't have me in your heart, even without Jiang Meiqi, we won't be able to go to the end. ”

"Not really!"

Fan Xingyun shook his head and denied it, although he was not good at words, he also knew that his heart was hers.

In the past three years, when he returned to their marriage room alone, he would always think of her escape that night.

He felt guilty, repented, and even wept.

He kept an eye on her life in California, but he didn't dare to disturb her, he had been to her school, and he saw her kneeling quietly under a tree from afar, with nuts in her hands and feeding the little squirrels.

He secretly took a picture of her and kept it on his phone for two years.

But what he didn't know was that at that time, not long after Wu Youyou gave birth to a child, she was weak and had to go back to school.

Therefore, Xiao Niannian was sent to an early education center at a very young age.

Thankfully, her grandfather gave her enough money to let her study and support her children without any pressure at all.

Of course, Fan Xingyun also gave her a bank card, but she kept it at home and never touched it.

"Yoyo, three years ago, it was me who was a bastard, it was me who was always entangled in the point where we got married, it was I who didn't see my heart clearly, it was my mistake to always treat you as a little girl, I... Let's start over, and this time, I will definitely live up to you. ”

Wu Youyou shook her head, she took out a bank card and stuffed it into his hand.

"Fan Xingyun, maybe the two of us are not suitable, I have no talent, and I am not good at dealing with people, I can't be your virtuous helper, I am rude and willful, I am still ......"

Fan Xingyun finally couldn't bear it anymore, he held her face with both hands, blocking her chattering lips.

This kiss was extremely aggressive, kissing out his thoughts and regrets in the past three years.

Tears also slipped down the moment he closed his eyes.

Wu Youyou struggled desperately, and at the moment when she broke free, Fan Xingyun leaned on her with her whole body paralyzed, and her head was tilted around her neck.

He was so tired that he didn't sleep for more than thirty hours, and just now, he drank a lot of wine in order to get rid of the alcohol on his body.

He took a shower, changed his clothes, and lit incense in his study, which he smoked for half an hour.

Wu Youyou wanted to push him away, but heard him mutter, "Let me sleep." ”

The sun shone in through the window, and Fan Xingyun blocked his eyes with his hand, and turned over at will, but he didn't expect it to fall to the ground.

The moment his head hit the ground, there was a dull sound.

He touched his head with his hand, trying to get up and go back to sleep, but there was a floor-to-ceiling window.

There is also a rising sun.

In the quiet environment, there was even the sound of snoring.

At this time, Sun Xiaobing was lying on his office chair, with his legs crossed on his desk, and there was no problem with his mouth open and stuffed into a fist.

It seems that Sun Xiaobing carried him back last night.

He walked over and kicked on the chair, "It's an earthquake!" ”

Sun Xiaobing sat up in a hurry, "It's an earthquake, it's an earthquake!" ”

His hometown, at the junction of two tectonic plates, has dozens of earthquakes a year.

An earthquake when he was a child made him lose many relatives, and when he grew up, he was not afraid of the earth, but he was afraid of the earthquake.

Sun Xiaobing was about to pick up his mobile phone and run out, but saw Fan Xingyun looking at him with his hands on his hips.

Immediately it became clear what was going on.

He sat down on the ground dejectedly, and raised his hand to wipe the beads of sweat from the nervousness on his face.

"Mr. Fan, you..."

If you scold someone, you really can't scold in front of your boss, there's no way, who let this be his own boss.

This boss still has the grace of knowing him.

Six years ago, as a liberal arts graduate, he repeatedly hit a wall in his job search.

In desperation, he applied for a job at Guanren Real Estate and became an ordinary real estate salesperson.

Although it is very different from his grandiose career, he still takes his work seriously.

At the company's annual meeting, everyone was eating and drinking, but Sun Xiaobing was the only one holding paper and pen and taking notes around the sand table model.

Fan Xingyun walked over and stretched out his hand to ask him for the notebook in his hand.

Sun Xiaobing hesitated for a while before handing it over to him.

Fan Xingyun casually flipped through it and found that the notes he made were not only detailed and comprehensive, but also had a unique perspective on the problem.

In recent years, there are really not many boys like him.

The next day, Sun Xiaobing was transferred to the president's office.

Fan Xingyun said that he happened to lack an assistant, and he was given a two-month probationary period, and he did a good job and could be turned into a regular in advance.

Sun Xiaobing is bold and careful, he has handled everything thoroughly, and in the past six years, Fan Xingyun has treated him as a right-hand man.

Of course, his income has also risen, and now, he has a house and a car.

Fan Xingyun crouched down in front of him, "Yoyo's call to you?" ”


Sun Xiaobing was still a little ignorant, Miss Wu really didn't call him today.

After saying that, he realized that Fan Xingyun was asking about last night.

"Oh, hit, Miss Wu said, you're drunk, let me pick you up."

"I, I didn't do anything bad, did I?"

He flickered, and he remembered that he had forcibly kissed Wu Youyou last night, although he was afraid that what happened last time would be repeated.

But recalling the soft touch, he did not regret his actions.

That's his daughter-in-law, and he can kiss him if he wants.

Sun Xiaobing grabbed his head and thought about it, "Holding Miss Wu and not letting go, rubbing snot and tears on her, grabbing her hand and sticking it to his face, and kissing the back of his palm, do these count?" ”

That scene, even if he saw it with his own eyes, Sun Xiaobing doubted that his cold Mr. Fan was taken away.

Fan Xingyun frowned, he had no impression of what Sun Xiaobing said.

He even suspected that it was Sun Xiaobing's foolishness.

How could the president of his dignified and benevolent real estate do such a humiliating thing?


"If you don't believe me, I'll call Miss Wu now, and you can ask her personally."

Sun Xiaobing pressed the screen of his mobile phone and made a gesture to call.

Fan Xingyun hurriedly stopped him, "Don't, don't fight!" ”

This kind of humiliating thing, it is enough for him to hear it once.

Sun Xiaobing proudly put away his mobile phone, he finally has something to do with you.

"And what else did she say?"

For example, tell him not to drink again in the future, and to pay attention to rest.

As long as you don't mention divorce, you can say anything.

Sun Xiaobing sold Guanzi, "Yes! ”

Fan Xingyun grabbed his collar, urgent and nervous, "What did she say?" ”

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Sun Xiaobing stroked his chest with one hand, coughed a few dry coughs with an exaggerated expression, and his white eyes were about to turn over the heavenly spirit cover.

Frightened, Fan Xingyun quickly took his hand away and flattened his collar.

"Miss Wu said that the sea cucumber is on fire, so don't arrange for someone to send it over in the future, besides, their family can't afford it."

Sun Xiaobing snapped and slapped a bank card on the ground.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Fan also had times when he couldn't spend his money.

It didn't take long for everyone to come to work one after another.

Jiang Meiqi was carrying a bag of breakfast, and she was late, so she didn't knock on the door, and walked straight into Fan Xingyun's office.

"Xingyun, I deliberately went to Yongzhou for half of Yongzhou to buy you breakfast, or the one you took me to when we were young, you said, you like the soy milk of this house the most, not only thick, but also tastes good, unlike other people's white sugar."

Sun Xiaobing glanced at it, there were exactly two copies, and it was obvious that the other one was her own.

Jiang Meiqi put down her breakfast, pulled over another chair, and sat face to face with Fan Xingyun.

Sun Xiaobing walked away with interest, but was called back by Fan Xingyun, the two of them had already eaten breakfast this morning, but they ate at six o'clock.

Now it's past ten o'clock, and Jiang Meiqi has come over.

Fan Xingyun pushed the bag open, and his tone was indifferent, "Sun Xiaobing, the employee is late for no reason, how should he be punished?" ”

He was unexpectedly serious, so that Jiang Meiqi and Sun Xiaobing couldn't figure out what he meant.

Sun Xiaobing turned around and saw his unusually determined eyes, he knew that Mr. Fan had really come.

Jiang Meiqi's daily lateness is something that the whole company knows, and sometimes, people don't show up in the company until the afternoon.

Everyone thinks that she is close to Mr. Fan, and she has privileges in this company.

So, no one ever pointed out that she wasn't.

Mr. Fan has never asked the reason, and he has never punished anyone for being late.

"The first warning, the second deduction of points, the third fine of fifty, more than ten times, no year-end bonus."

If you really want to implement it like this, let alone the year-end bonus, Jiang Meiqi's salary will probably be deducted by half.

Jiang Meiqi was frightened by his low air pressure, but she still explained calmly, "Xingyun, I'm not feeling well, so I got up late, and I didn't mean to be late. ”

Fan Xingyun's face was gloomy, and his eyes were full of anger and dissatisfaction, which made him look more majestic and unapproachable.

"During working hours, you and I have a relationship between my superiors and subordinates, please call me Mr. Fan, and if you are not feeling well, you can ask for leave, and during the sick leave, the salary will be paid on the same day."

Jiang Meiqi didn't understand why Fan Xingyun wanted to refute her face in front of Sun Xiaobing today.

Hasn't she always thought it was like this? Except for the time when I first came to Guanren Real Estate.

It's not the first time that Fan's Nebula has known.

Sun Xiaobing stood at his desk, the first time he saw this kind of scene, he didn't leave, he didn't stay.

Fan Xingyun tapped a finger on the table, "Sun Xiaobing." ”


Sun Xiaobing stood up straight, like a soldier waiting for a mission.

"How to deal with the behavior of taking the company's property without approval?"

Sun Xiaobing glanced at the person next to him, "Don't ask yourself, it's an act of stealing, and the corresponding punishment will be judged according to the value of the property, and if it is serious, it will be reported to the public security organ." ”

Fan Xingyun stood up without changing his face, "Report to the police." ”

Jiang Meiqi was inexplicable when she heard it, and her intuition told her that the person Fan Xingyun meant was her, and she didn't know when she stole something from the company?

Confidential documents?

That's obviously not, all these years, she has always regarded herself as the future president of Guanren Real Estate's wife.

Everything in the company, such as tea, sea cucumbers, tobacco and alcohol, etc., she takes them at will.

If it weren't for the fact that Fanxing Xingyun didn't open her mind, she would be able to give birth to a string of children.

Jiang Meiqi thought that she had not committed any theft, and she looked at Fan Xingyun with confidence.

"Mr. Fan, if I do something wrong, you say, I can change it, but if you want to say that I have stolen, I don't accept it, I, Jiang Meiqi, sit upright, I never do those dirty things, please don't frame people at will before you have evidence."

"What's the deal with the six boxes of sea cucumbers?"

"Sea cucumbers?"

Looking at the neatly arranged sea cucumber gift boxes in the corner of the wall, Jiang Meiqi suddenly realized, no wonder Fan Xingyun was threatening her early in the morning, it turned out to be Wu Youyou's villain's complaint.

It seems that you really can't underestimate her, let alone her status in Fan Xingyun's heart.

"Xingyun, yesterday because I spoke out rashly, I didn't expect that it would cause a misunderstanding in Youyou, in order to clear the misunderstanding, I took the sea cucumber to apologize, and by the way, I went to visit my sick grandfather, after all, my grandfather and I are also old acquaintances."

Who knows, that old thing didn't appreciate it, and even asked her if she was Fan Xingyun's aunt or aunt.

made her angry enough, she really couldn't get up this morning, because of this, she was on fire in her heart, and she couldn't sleep for a long time last night.


"Then why don't you pay for it yourself, doesn't that make you more sincere?"

What Fan Xingyun cares about is not the six boxes of sea cucumbers, what he cares about is why Jiang Meiqi carried him to the hospital on his back and what did he say in the hospital?

Why did the old man say as soon as he opened his mouth that someone had come for him, and asked him what the relationship was with Jiang Meiqi?

If Yoyo told the old man, it would basically be a real hammer in the old man.

"I..."Jiang Meiqi's face was extremely ugly, "If Mr. Fan cares about these six boxes of sea cucumbers, I can pay out of my own pocket to make up for this money." ”


Fan Xingyun pointed at Sun Xiaobing, "Recorded in the account, the punishment that should be punished in the front, and the announcement that should be posted." ”

The old man was discharged from the hospital.

Su Jingyi also took advantage of this time to go back to visit her parents.

In the airport hall, Xiao Niannian hugged her neck and refused to let go.

Su Jingyi repeatedly assured her that she would come back again, and after she returned, they could still make video calls.

It wasn't until Su Jingyi turned around and entered the station that the little guy threw himself into Wu Youyou's arms and cried loudly.

The cry attracted the attention of everyone, and of course Jiang Meiqi was among them.

Isn't this the woman I met in the hospital two days ago, and the baby, who met Wu Youyou?

Look at that affection, it's not as simple as knowing each other, and then look at the baby, who is only two years old, and that appearance is exactly the same as Wu Youyou.

Could it be her child?

Wu Youyou has a child?

She went abroad to study for three years and had a two-year-old child?

What about the child's father......

No wonder before going abroad, instead of getting a divorce, it turned out that there was a spare tire.

Returning home this time, won't it be dumped by a man, come back to gnaw the old, and prepare to eat back grass, right?

God help me.

Jiang Meiqi smiled gloomily, she raised her mobile phone, and clicked to take a few photos.

"Sister, sister, what are you doing, I didn't respond to you for so long."

Jiang Qiqi put his hands in his pockets, holding a toothpick in his mouth, and looked like a hanger.

Regarding Jiang Meiqi's neglect of him, he was very unhappy in his heart.

Since he was a child, no matter at any time, he has always been to Jiang Meiqi, coming and going as soon as he calls.

If she neglected the slightest, her parents beat and scolded her.

So much so that he never learned to respect this only sister who was left behind by his parents.

Because in the eyes of him and his parents, his sister is just a blood sac left by them, raised and raised to return blood to the family.

Jiang Meiqi turned her head and glared at him, "What is it called, what is it called, it is called a soul!" ”

If Wu Youyou finds out that she is secretly filming, it will be much more troublesome for her to check this child in the future.

Jiang Qiqi was yelled at by her, and immediately shrunk her neck, her sister has been a lot tougher in recent years, and even her parents dared to contradict her.

Naturally, he dared to scold his younger brother.

Jiang Meiqi led her brother back to the apartment.

Looking at this exquisitely decorated small duplex, Jiang Qiqi said "wow", and then went upstairs and downstairs.

The small is a little smaller, but there are more than forty square meters, upstairs a bedroom, a bathroom.

Downstairs there is a kitchen, toilet, and a bright and spacious living room.

In a place like Yongzhou, where every inch of land is valuable, the rent of this room can be four or five thousand.

His sister is really willing.

He had no intention of going to school since he was a child, and after graduating from secondary school, he ate and drank with his parents for a few years, and then he was forced by his parents to have no choice before he came out to find a job.

When asked, the salary is three or two thousand, even if you enter the factory to make screws, the overtime work is only five or six thousand every day.

After deducting the rent, it is not enough to even eat.

But he couldn't stand the crowding of the collective dormitory, and he couldn't get used to eating the big pot of rice in the factory.

Thinking that he also had a sister who mixed well in the big city, he came to him.

"Sister, where should I sleep tonight?"

Jiang Qiqi leaned back on the sofa and asked with a lazy expression.

Jiang Meiqi threw a blanket on his head, "Sofa!" I'll rent you a room when you get a job. ”

Jiang Qiqi glanced down, the three of them were in a straight row, and it seemed that they could still unfold into a bed, but they were not wronged by him.

"Sister, why don't you find me something to do in your company, I've been looking for a job for the past two years, and I need connections for better jobs."

"No talk!"

Jiang Meiqi went straight upstairs and refused him without looking back.

It's ridiculous, how could she let such a person into her company.

Not to mention that he has no education and no skills, with the virtues of her parents and younger brother, Jiang Meiqi doesn't dare to let him know which company she works in.

Sending him away as soon as possible is the most important thing at hand.

In the past few years, in order to fight for a breath in front of her parents, she has been bragging in front of her parents when she goes back for the New Year.

Parents love face, and they will also boast about their daughter's ability in the village.

Even if he leaves his ex-husband who is not in the climate, even if he doesn't rely on men, he still mixes well in first-tier cities.

"Sister, please, I will do a good job, and I will never disgrace you."

Jiang Meiqi turned off the light, "I believe you again, I am a pig!" ”

Wu Youyou had just put down the child and was about to wash up and sleep, when a message came from his mobile phone.

"Wu, how are you, long time no see, the mooncakes you recommended that day, my parents like them very much, Chinese often say, when you eat mooncakes, it is the time of family reunion, I hope that the next time I eat mooncakes, I can be with you and the baby, tell her that I miss her very much."

Looking at the little man on the bed, with a quiet sleeping face, she couldn't help but take a photo and send it to Ryan.

"Your little cutie has fallen asleep, and when she wakes up tomorrow, I will definitely convey it to her, thank you for your affection for her."

Ryan received the photo and smiled and browled his eyebrows.

"Baby, you haven't woken up yet, don't you have to go to the early education center today?"

When Wu Youyou saw this message, he suddenly remembered that Ryan was in the United States, she was in China, and there was a time difference of twelve hours between the two countries.

So, she told Ryan that they had returned to China, and that he was welcome to come to China, and that she would treat him hospitablely.

When she remembered, Ryan had Chinese blood in his veins.

He also said that welcome back to China, as a mother's family, we warmly welcome you back to your homeland again.

Ryan was deeply moved, China had always been distant and mysterious to him.

He also thought about returning to his homeland one day.

But he was afraid, returning to a place that had abandoned him.

Because on the Internet, the news about China is feudal and barren, and many children are abandoned, especially the disabled.

So, there are also many children who have been adopted abroad.

Wu Youyou soaked in the bathtub, holding his mobile phone to swipe the circle of friends.

When she saw Hu Youwei posting a message.

It was about the day of his wife's death, and he was ashamed of his wife because he didn't find his son.

He assured his wife that he would not give up.

He would keep looking, and the day he found his son, he would bring him over and show her.

Wu Youyou sat up suddenly, how could she forget about this?

She asked Ryan, how old was he?

Ryan was deeply surprised, but still answered her truthfully, he was twenty-eight this year, and he didn't know what his birthday was.

Maybe you won't know it for the rest of your life.

Ryan seemed a little lost, so far, he doesn't love birthdays, and his parents set his birthday as the day they adopted him.

Could Lane be Hu Youwei's son, Hu Jingyuan?

At least the age is right.

More than 20 years ago, most of the natives in Yongzhou could not speak Mandarin.

That's why when Ryan disappeared, he couldn't accurately tell the address of his home, as well as the information of his parents.

More than 20 years ago, Yongzhou was in a stage of rapid development, full of factories, and people came from all over the world to support their families.

The population is highly mobile, and various law and order problems have emerged.

"Ryan, I'd like to see a picture of you when you were a kid."


Ryan walked up the stairs, where there were pictures of the family on the wall, as well as pictures of him as a child.

His adoptive parents loved him very much and left him with a lot of photos over the years.

He took one of them, and it was taken when he graduated from kindergarten.

Wu Youyou carefully compared Hu Jingyuan's photos, it can't be said to be like it, it's exactly the same.

But out of prudence, he still sent the photo to Hu Youwei, others can admit their mistakes, and fathers will never admit their mistakes.

After waiting for a long time and not seeing Hu Youwei reply to the message, Wu Youyou thought to himself, probably sleeping, after all, it was so late.

"You were so cute when you were a kid!"

After a perfunctory reply, she put away her phone and prepared to sleep beautifully.

In the past few days, she has left the child and stayed in the hospital to accompany her, she has not slept a restful night, her back hurts, and she is uncomfortable.

Not long after I fell asleep, my phone received countless messages, and the bedside table rang non-stop.

Wu Youyou guessed that it should be Hu Youwei.

"Miss Wu, hello, where did you get this photo?"

"Do you know the owner of the photo?"

"Where is he now, is he okay?"

"Can you introduce me to him, he really looks like my son, Hu Jingyuan."

"If you let us meet, whether the other party is my son or not, I am willing to give you a high reward."


Through the screen, Wu Youyou could feel the urgency of the other party.

She replied to Hu Youwei, who is from California, USA, he is very good and an excellent pediatrician.

Of course she was willing to introduce him, but she had to ask the other party, and if the other party was willing, she was willing to assist the two of them.

The point is, she doesn't want any pay.

Hu Youwei was holding his mobile phone, excited, not only his hands but also his lips were trembling.

Tears blurred his vision, "It's Jing Yuan, this is really my Yuan." ”

Then he put his phone to his chest and cried loudly.

He stood in front of the memorial tablets of his wife and parents and showed them the photographs.

"This time, it should be true, our Jing Yuan, we are going home, father, mother, wife, you are in the spirit of the sky, you must bless us A-Yuan, come to me completely, no matter where he chooses to live in the future, as long as he lives well, we should all support him."

Wu Youyou sat down at the computer desk.

She sorted out the information she had collected about Hu Jingyuan three years ago, and then sent a message to ask Ryan if he had ever thought about looking for his parents in China.

Ryan hesitated for a moment before replying to her.

When I was a child, I thought about it, but when I grew up, this thought was not so strong.

He believes that it is shameful and unforgivable for parents to abandon their children.

He doesn't want to whitewash his irresponsible parents.

If he easily forgives and recognizes his biological parents, then it may be a betrayal for his adoptive parents.

As a child, he was abandoned by his parents, who took him to the United States from an orphanage.

If you return to your biological parents when you grow up, this will undoubtedly encourage this unhealthy trend.

As soon as Ryan passed the output, it just showed that he was uneasy in his heart, and he cared about his biological parents.

"Have you ever thought that you may not have been abandoned by your biological parents, who have been looking for you and waiting for you for more than 20 years."

Wu Youyou's words made Ryan fall into extreme entanglement, and he silently put away his phone and buried his face in the palm of his hand.

Sobbing softly.

When he was a child, even though his parents gave him a rich material life, he was still pointed at and scolded by some racist people.

And let him go back to his country.

When he grew up, he excelled in his studies and became an excellent pediatrician.

But when he occasionally walks on the street, he becomes the target of street gangsters and robbers.

Because he's Asian, because he looks like a rich Asian.

So much so that he once asked his parents why he was not like his parents, with white skin and blond hair and blue eyes.

He even hated his own bloodline, because it caused him a lot of trouble growing up.

couldn't wait for Ryan's information, but Wu Youyou refused to give up, she sent all Hu Jingyuan's information.

and told him about his acquaintance with Hu Youwei and Hu Youwei's persistence.

The next day, Wu Youyou woke up and habitually reached out to the other side of the bed.


She sat up from the bed in shock, and dreamed last night that Fan Xingyun led a group of people to the house and snatched the child with her.

No matter how she struggled and cried, Fan Xingyun never relented, and left a sentence before leaving.

She said that she has no job, no sound family, and only an eighty-year-old grandfather who still needs to be taken care of, and cannot shoulder the responsibilities of a mother.

When she woke up, she had palpitations.

At this time, the door opened from the outside, "Mommy~"

The little guy poked his head out of the crack in the door and shouted in a small voice.

When she found that Wu Youyou had woken up, she shouted again in surprise, "Mommy! ”

Aunt Luo's footsteps came, "Ouch, my little ancestor, I can't make Mommy sleep more, Grandma Luo will give our little baby a little tug." ”

The little one was taken away, and she whispered outside the door, "Wake up, Grandma, Mommy wake up." ”

"Let Mommy sleep more, Mommy is tired."

Wu Youyou picked up the mobile phone at the bedside, it was already past ten o'clock, and there were still unread messages from Ryan on the phone.

Roughly speaking, he discussed it with his family, and his adoptive parents approved of him going back to China to find relatives, saying that it was his roots.

He has already bought a plane ticket and believes that it will not be long before they meet again.

Wu Youyou was pleasantly surprised as he held his mobile phone.

At breakfast, the little one gathered around the table and patted her little belly, "Mommy, baby is full." ”

After a while, he shook the bottle again, "Mommy, baby has drunk grandma." ”

After a while, he raised his feet again, "Mommy, baby's stinky feet." ”

The little things that were not as high as the table were chattering non-stop on the side, amusing the old man on the side.

"A two-year-old person has a lot of vocabulary, look, it's still our Wu family's genes, you can say that when you were a child."

Wu Youyou believes that the little guy's early wisdom may be cultivated in an early education center.

Therefore, after returning to China, she still wants to send her children to early education centers or kindergartens.

After all, she can't be a rent collector at home, as her grandfather said.

Whether it's to keep herself out of society or to set an example for her children, she wants to have a job.

But before she worked, she was going to divorce Fan Xingyun and find a kindergarten for Niannian.

After the two things are dealt with, she can devote herself to her work without distractions.

"Grandpa, I want to take Niannian to the kindergarten in two days."

The old man turned his face away.

"The two-year-old baby can't quit diapers, what kindergarten to go, and it's not that no one takes it at home, so it's a big deal to recruit two more sisters-in-law.

Besides, do you have to worry about letting such a small baby out of your sight, you won't sue the teacher if you are bullied. ”

He was reluctant to leave his little baby, went to kindergarten, sent at 8 o'clock in the morning, and picked up at 5 o'clock in the evening.

For a whole day, I couldn't see, I couldn't touch, and no one knew when I cried.

He's so old, and he can still spend a few days with his children.

"Grandpa, you don't have to worry about it, Niannian grew up in an early education center, don't underestimate her, you forgot, she is a hero baby."

"Didn't you have no choice before, you still have the face to say, let my little baby go through such a dangerous thing, if it weren't for the sake of seeing her come back safely, I wouldn't have spared you!"

The old man said with a red face and a thick neck.

The little guy thought that the two had quarreled, so he hurriedly ran over and reached out to cover the old man's mouth.


Hearing this, the grandfather and grandson looked at each other and smiled.

Wu Youyou called Fan Xingyun and asked him when he was free, and the two went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the divorce procedures.

"I'm always available."

Unexpectedly, he agreed so happily, Wu Youyou was overjoyed, "Then at two o'clock in the afternoon, the Civil Affairs Bureau will meet?" ”

"See you or leave!"

Fan Xingyun hung up the phone, he could no longer pretend to be calm, he casually threw the phone on the sofa, and Sun Xiaobing was startled when he passed by.

But I still walked in.

He closed the door casually, for fear that Fan Xingyun would not be able to control his temper for a while, and he would be looked at by the employees of the company.

As an assistant, you also need to maintain the dignity and image of your boss.

"Mr. Fan, this is today's itinerary......"

"Push it off!"

Fan Xingyun crossed his hands on his hips, and his breath was uneven.

"Mr. Sheng is going to leave Yongzhou in two days......"

"Didn't you hear me say push it off?"

Fan Xingyun turned around and glared angrily at Sun Xiaobing.

Sun Xiaobing knew that he couldn't change it, so he had to put down what he was doing and stand quietly aside.

It seems that Miss Wu must have provoked this big Buddha again.

There is no way, except for her, no one can make them have such a big mood swing.

When he lost hundreds of millions of dollars in business, he frowned.

Wu Youyou was in a good mood, and when she received Su Jingyi's call, there was a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Woman, you are so happy without me."

"Heaven and earth can be learned, there is absolutely nothing, I am happy because Ryan is coming to China to find relatives, I am happy to help others."

What's even happier for her is that she is about to divorce Fan Xingyun, this bad relationship should have ended three years ago, and it's not too late.

But Su Jingyi didn't know about Fan Xingyun, she acquiesced in her heart that Wu Youyou must have met an irresponsible scumbag.

Therefore, what she didn't want to mention, Su Jingyi didn't want to reveal people's scars.

"Seriously, he wouldn't be here for you, would he? Anyone with a discerning eye can see that kid is interested in you. ”

“呸呸呸。 ”

Wu Youyou stretched out a slap and made a gesture to slap her.

"You peach blossom idiot, look at everyone is affectionate, let me tell you, Ryan is our daughter's benefactor, you are not allowed to make fun of him, if you fall in love with him, normal marriage and love, I fully support it, if you dare to scum him, I will not spare you first."

"Okay, okay, in the future, he will have your vajra body, I can't afford to mess with him!"

Fan Xingyun arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau in advance, and saw Wu Youyou's car parked on the side of the road from a distance.

He told Sun Xiaobing to stop and go back first, and then approached the car.

Through the glass, I heard Wu Youyou chatting happily with people, and there was no sadness about divorce.

It's not like him, and he's sad about it.

He was so angry that he knocked on the car window a little harder.

Wu Youyou thought that she had met a road rage patient, she hadn't taken off her ear thread yet, and through a gap, she saw Fan Xingyun's angry face.

Unexpectedly, he was quite punctual, and it seems that he doesn't want to get divorced.

She hurriedly said to the person on the phone, "Hang up first, I'll call you when I'm free." ”

chatting happily, Su Jingyi was unrelenting, "So anxious, do you have Kaizi outside?" If you don't make it clear, I won't spare it! ”

"No, no, you're my only Kaizi, okay."

Wu Youyou's coaxing tone, Kaizi said, and Fan Xingyun's face suddenly darkened into a pig's liver color.

Does his little wife have Kaizi?

So the divorce at both ends in the past three days is to conclude a good relationship with a new love?

Before Wu Youyou could stand firm, Fan Xingyun grabbed her wrist and pulled her aside, "You'd better explain, who is your Kaizi?" Otherwise......"

The meaning of the threat is very strong, but who is Wu Youyou, from childhood to adulthood, only she threatens others, and there is no such thing as others threatening her.

She tried hard to shake off the confinement of Van Xingyun, and then sometimes her efforts were useless.

The hand was grabbed tighter by the other party, and the enlarged handsome face, even the tiny pores were spewing flames at her.

"How else?"

Wu You raised his chin, a provocative smile on the corner of his mouth, and his proud little appearance was seductive and soul-stirring.

This kind of threat, three years ago, she also said to Fan Xingyun.

However, the other party didn't take it seriously.

Today, it is her turn to treat others in her own way.

The heart is very dark.

"Don't push me."

Fan Xingyun pushed her against the wall and circled her with his body, who knew that as soon as he touched her delicate body, the pores of his whole body immediately became excited.

He was trying to restrain himself, and his ears burned to a soldering iron.

If Wu Youyou continues to be so provocative, it is difficult for him to guarantee that he will not do anything.

For three years, he didn't bother her, thinking that he could forget about her.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she came back, his three-year persistence was crushed.

She awakened his primal beastly desires, and he had an insatiable lust for her.


Wu Youyou raised his hand in surrender, "Then you get out of the way, don't delay the business, the matter is done, I promise to be a qualified ex-wife, in this life and this life, old and dead will not get along, and I will definitely not block you and the current one." ”

Looking at her pink little mouth, he realized today that she could be so cute when she broke her mouth.

But as soon as she thought that she had such a cute side and had been shown in front of others, Fan Xingyun couldn't wait to crush her chin.

"I didn't promise a divorce."

"And what are you doing here?"

Isn't that a pure waste of her time?

Originally, before she went out, the little guy was still holding her thigh and yelling to come out, but the old man rolled around a few times before coaxing her back.

Thinking about it now, Wu Youyou feels a little sorry for the old man's waist.

"On a date with you, didn't you take the initiative to ask me out?"

Fan Xingyun squinted his eyes, stared at her lips tightly, and couldn't help but caress his hand to her face.

was cleverly dodged by her.

The strong kiss at the staircase of the hospital was like a dose of strong acid, making her limbs limp.

Again, maybe she'll be on her knees.

She's not the kind of person who gets subjugated by men.

Otherwise, in the United States for three years, with her popularity, the dew lovers will be lined up from San Francisco to Disneyland.

"Fan Xingyun, you give me a serious point, otherwise I will sue you for indecency."

"Tell me, why did I insult you? But...... Anyway, the other day, I came across a little thing in the hospital, and she called me to look very similar to you, which successfully aroused my desire to have a child with you. ”

When he spoke, his eyes were so unscrupulous that he swept over her, and the crazy look made the run with their tails between their legs when they saw it.

However, Wu Youyou's attention was all on his sentence: I came across a small thing in the hospital.

That little thing, could it be their daughter's thoughts?

So, has Van Xingyun seen Niannian?

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and her body couldn't help but shudder.

When he raised his eyes and looked at the person in front of him, he looked pitiful.

Van Xingyun grabbed her hand and got into the car and drove in the direction of the company.

When she came back to her senses, the car had already driven far away, just the scenery on the road, strange and modern.

"Van Xingyun, where are you taking me?"

She didn't know that in the three years since she left, the suburbs of Yongzhou have changed so much.

High-rise buildings rise from the ground, the roads are not only wide, but the green belt is also a charming scenery.

The speed of urban construction is unimaginable abroad.

"You'll find out in a moment."

The car slowly drove into a small city, and saw a huge wall, hanging photos of Hu Jingyuan when he was a child, as well as a panoramic view of Hu Youwei's old commissary.

Wu Youyou only reacted to this, this area was actually the old city where Hu Youwei's commissary was located three years ago.

The house is basically finished, and there are some finishing touches left.

There are dozens of residential buildings, hospitals, large shopping malls, office buildings, and pedestrian streets hidden in the city, just like a miniature small city.

It's also so refreshing.

In the future, if this small city becomes active, it will be a new image of Yongzhou City.

She knew that Fan Xingyun's work efficiency was high, but she didn't expect it to be so high, how much energy, manpower and financial resources had to be invested.

She picked up her phone, took a few photos, and sent them to Ryan casually, "I hope that when you come back, the ads on this wall can be replaced with other ones." ”

For her reaction, Fan Xingyun was very satisfied, and the title of this desperate Saburo finally paid off.

"A few days ago, I heard Sun Xiaobing say, this is your idea, about the reward, go back, I will double it for you."

"How to make it up? The 100,000 that was given to Sun Xiaobing three years ago, let him spit it out? You're too inauthentic as a boss, aren't you? ”

Fan Xingyun was choked by her and was speechless.

The 100,000 yuan three years ago had already entered Jiang Meiqi's pocket, and it was impossible for her to spit it out.

I also hated myself for being confused back then.

"I'm not short of the 100,000 yuan."

Wu Youyou turned his head and looked him up and down, "Then what do you mean, I sent you the 100,000 yuan?" ”

Her family background, although not as rich as today's Fanjia.

But as a native of Yongzhou, the most important thing her family lacks is a house and land, which are all real tickets.

Every year, the village also pays dividends.

This is how many people, who can't get the wealth that they can't get for a lifetime, who is rare with his 100,000 yuan.

Realizing that he had said the wrong thing, Fan Xingyun hurriedly denied it, "No, you and I are husband and wife, and what is mine is yours!" ”

"No kidding, who's one with you!"


Continued from the next part:

Is Sandu so rampant now? Dare to threaten the original match? If she doesn't get divorced, she is not even as good as a concubine

If it is invaded and deleted